Mārtiņš Počs

Mārtiņš Počs

출생 : 1985-08-30,

프로필 사진

Mārtiņš Počs
Mārtiņš Počs

참여 작품

Escaping Riga
young Eisenstein #2
The film is based on true events, it tells the stories of two outstanding personalities of the 20th century – Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin, who were both born and spent their childhood in Riga but soon had to leave the city. The film follows the lives of the two characters during the turbulent first half of the 20th century, telling how one of them becomes “the greatest film director of his generation” in the totalitarian Soviet Union, and the other “the greatest thinker of his generation” in liberal Great Britain.
Rookie Cop (uncredited)
베를린에 상주하는 국정원 요원 정진수는 불법무기거래장소를 감찰하던 중 국적불명, 지문마저 감지되지 않는 비밀요원 표종성의 존재를 알게 된다. 그의 정체를 밝혀내기 위해 뒤를 쫓던 정진수는 배후에 숨겨진 국제적 음모를 알게 된다. 한편 표종성을 제거하고 베를린을 장악하기 위해 파견된 동명수는 그의 아내 연정희를 반역자로 몰아가며 이를 빌미로 숨통을 조이고, 표종성의 모든 것에 위협을 가한다. 표종성은 동명수의 협박 속에서 연정희의 무죄를 증명하기 위해서 그녀를 미행하게 되지만, 예상치 못한 아내의 비밀을 알게 되면서 혼란에 휩싸이게 되는데...
Dream Team 1935
Visvaldis Melderis
Geneva, Switzerland 1935. The first European Basketball Championship is about to take place. Basketball is still an unknown sport in Europe, and the national teams are meeting for the first time. Each wants the honour of being the first champion. Meanwhile in Latvia, coach Baumanis is convinced that he can assemble a team and take it to Geneva. He quickly learns however, that triumph and defeat are also part of the game. Coach Baumanis faces many difficulties, as well as unexpected help from those closest to him.