An elderly woman enters a Manhattan subway station only to find herself sitting on a bench beside an elderly man of roughly the same age. As they sit and wait for their train in silence, two complete strangers on a bench, what the audience soon learns that they themselves don't know, is that they once shared the happiest day of their lives, playing together as children. Yet it's now too far back for them to remember anymore, too far back for them to recognize each other anymore. The story then shifts back and forth between the breathtaking landscape of their unconscious', as Isabel Lucas and Oliver Ackland play more youthful representations of how they see themselves inside, and search for the memory they once shared.
Mrs. Gattei
A 19 year old Brooklyn boy who is torn between two worlds when his photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU. He must figure out how to balance his Italian neighborhood roots with the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River. Based on Tim McLoughlin's novel "Heart of the Old Country".
Mrs. Frankel
미국 뉴욕을 배경으로 한 유태인 청년이 자신의 뿌리와 신념 사이에서 도덕적 혼란을 겪으며 자신의 삶에 있어 유대교의 의미를 이해하게 되는 성장과정을 그린 이야기.
After a long absence, artist Margaret Church returns to her aging parent's home to finish a portrait of them, only to to discover that her parents have decided to sell their home.
Ricky's Wife
알렉스는 뉴욕대 문학과 교수로 지적인 그는 학생들로부터 존경을 받는다. 하지만 그에게는 치명적인 약점이 있는데 그것은 바로 도박에 빠져 있다는 것. 결국 그는 교수 월급으로도 해결되지 않을 빚더미에 앉게 된다. 도박으로 모든 돈을 잃어버리자 여자 친구 빌리에게서 돈을 빌린다. 그래도 계속 돈을 잃어, 어머니와 할아버지에게도 손을 내밀고, 급기야 불량스러운 사람들에게까지 돈을 빌리게 되는데...
An unscrupulous agent is able to sell a story by an unknown authoress to a Hollywood studio chief for big money. But he has to conceal the fact that the writer is only nine years old.