Silla Bettini

출생 : 1923-02-28,

사망 : 2003-05-15

참여 작품

The Adventures of Pinocchio
Assistant Director
Mastro Geppetto is a poor carpenter with no wife and no children. The man is very lonely, and when trading a piece of wood with his colleague Mastro Ciliegia, he decides to build himself a puppet to make him company.
바람둥이 알프레도
First Assistant Director
알프레도는 소심하고 젊은 이탈리아 남자다. 얌전하고 성실한 은행원으로 근무하고 있는 그는 아름다운 마리아 로사(스테파니아 산드렐리)를 따라다니고 구애한다. 그러나 결국 그녀와 결혼하고 지내게 되면서 인생이란 것이 그렇게 상상했던 것만큼 기쁜 것이 아니라는 것을 알게 된다. 이후 매력적인 여자 캐롤리나(칼라 그라비나)와 관계를 맺게 되지만, 피곤하고 귀찮은 그의 부인과 이혼할 수는 없다는 사실을 알게 된다.
The Scopone Game
First Assistant Director
An aging American millionairess journeys to Rome each year with her chauffeur George to play the card game scopone with destitute Peppino and his wife Antonia.
Love Me Strangely
Assistant Director
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
A Pocketful of Chestnuts
First Assistant Director
A TV producer cultivates a somewhat reserved and protective young woman after interviewing her for one of his programs.
A Pocketful of Chestnuts
A TV producer cultivates a somewhat reserved and protective young woman after interviewing her for one of his programs.
Without Knowing Anything About Her
First Assistant Director
Tells a dark story about a young lawyer that falls in love with a strange girl with an unknown past.
Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence
First Assistant Director
Through the childhood and the adolescence of Giacomo Casanova (from his memoirs), this is a description of how people live in the Venice of the 18th century: customs, habits, medicine, religion and most of all - the omnipresence of hypocrisy. Written by Yepok
First Assistant Director
Serafino, a young and innocent shepherd, inherits a huge fortune. He immediately starts spending the entire sum on presents for his friends, causing the envy of his family.
Italian Secret Service
Second Assistant Director
A war hero turned unemployed is hired by a British man whose life he saved during the war, for a secret mission: to kill a neo-nazi.
The Climax
First Assistant Director
A violin player is going to be father of a sixth child by his second mistress, Marisa. Quite nervous about that, he does not leave the clinic... except to drive Giulia, his legitimate wife, along with his legitimate kids to the station as they leave for a vacation at the seaside.
천사의 시
Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.
Five for Revenge
Jim Latimore's ranch is a thorn in the side of the ruthless Gonzales brothers and his marriage to their cousin Rosaria rankles even more. Bandit chief El Matanza is hired to rid them of Latimore and his baby son is taken to be raised as a Gonzales. Three years later five of Latimore's friends arrive to reclaim the boy, replace Rosaria in her home and avenge their murdered compadre.
돈 까밀로 러시아 가다
마을의 시장이자 공산당원인 뻬뽀네와 공산당을 반대하는 돈 까밀로 신부. 그는 뻬뽀네의 약점을 잡아 자매결연을 맺으러 떠나는 사절단에 합류하여 러시아로 떠나는데….
Italian Engagement
In this romance, a middle-aged playboy finds himself running his father's fur business after his father's death. He continues to allow his papa's mistress to run the business. The playboy's fiancee gets pregnant and he refuses to marry her. She dumps him in favor of his best friend. Soon the selfish man finds himself deserted by all his friends. He winds up involved with his father's patiently waiting lover.
Via Veneto
The Maniacs
Undertaker (segment 'L'elaborazione)
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
The Changing of the Guard
Italian fascist soldier (uncredited)
During WW2, it's not wise to be a mayor chosen by the fascists with the Americans' impending arrival.
Getting Away with It the Italian Way
Orazio Menicotti is a night policeman in Rome. One night he is present at a quarrel between husband and wife and he volunteers to take the wife to the Police Station. While he goes around Rome with the blonde and beautiful woman, a bank is robbed.
A Day for Lionhearts
September the 8th 1943, Rome, day of the armistice. Danilo escapes the fascist enlist, while Michele succeeded to leave his administration moving from Rome. On the way to come back Rome the two meets Gino and all together will try to pass trough the Gothic Line.
Pigeon Shoot
Young man Marco Laudato, after the '8/9/1943's WW2 armistice, enlists in the Italian Social Republic army, attending the last days of the old regime in decay.
Little Girls and High Finance
A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.
Everybody Go Home!
When Italy surrenders to the Allies, part of the Italian army is dispersed and soldiers begin to return to their homes.
It Happened in '43
Undocumented man
1943. The affair between Anna, unhappily married to wheelchair-bound Pino, and deserter Franco unfolds in foggy Ferrara, intertwining with the power struggle taking place within local Fascist ranks that culminates in a massacre of civilians, including Franco's father – Pino sees it all from his window, but will he tell anyone?
Run with the Devil
Stefano is a talented painter, devoted to his art but not interested in promoting himself, while many of his fellow artists are far more adept at selling their persona than creating art.
Il brigadiere Oreste
비 오는 오후, 로마 시내의 어느 오래된 고급 아파트에 도둑이 든다. 기동 경찰대의 인그라발로 반장(피에트로 제르미)은 이 강도 사건의 범인을 수색하기 위해 조사를 시작하지만, 정작 피해자는 성직자로서 지나친 사치를 하고 있는 것이 세상에 알려질까 봐 사건을 숨기려 한다. 이 사건의 범인으로 지목되었던 지오메데(니노 카스텔누오보)는 이웃집 하녀 아순티나(클라우디아 카르디날)의 약혼자로 미국인 여성과 함께 있었다는 알리바이가 성립되어 풀려나고, 결국 범인을 찾지 못한 채 미수 사건에 그칠 지경에 이르게 된다. 그러나 일주일 뒤, 강도 사건이 발생했던 바로 옆집에서 젊고 매력 있는 안주인인 릴리아나 반두치(엘리오노라 로씨 드라고)가 흉기에 찔려 살해당하는 사건이 발생한다. 경찰은 같은 아파트에서 연 이어 발생한 두 차례의 사건을 동일 인물 소행일 것이라고 의심하게 된다. 강도 사건부터 다시 수사하기 시작한 반장은 강도 미수 사건에 그쳤던 릴리아나의 옆집에서 열쇠하나가 발견되었다는 사실을 알게 되지만 대수롭지 않게 생각하고 넘기고, 살해 피해자인 릴리아나와 가장 가까운 사람들, 릴리아나의 유산과 관계된 사람들부터 조사하기 시작한다. 먼저 릴리아나가 정기적으로 돈을 보태주고 있던 직업이 의사인 사촌 그리고 무엇인가를 감추고 조사를 피하기만 하려는 남편을 수사선 상에 올린다. 이런 와중에 반장에게 한통의 쪽지가 도착되는데 살인자는 릴리아나의 남편이니 시간낭비 하지 말라는 내용이었다. 이에 반장은 릴리아나의 남편을 집중적으로 조사하게 된다. 그러나 남편은 릴리아나의 예전 하녀였던 버지니아의 유혹에 그녀와 불륜을 갖게 되어 그녀를 피하고 있었지만 알고 보니 버지니아는 릴리아나의 사촌과 남편 모두에게 불륜의 관계를 가지고 있었다. 결국 이들의 살인 혐의는 풀려나고, 사건은 다시 원점으로 돌아가게 되지만, 이 순간 반장에게 떠오른 강도 사건시에 발견된 열쇠로 아순티나의 약혼자인 지오메데가 범인임을 알아낸다.