Conor O'Farrell

Conor O'Farrell

출생 : 1956-01-13, Riverside County, California, USA


Conor O'Farrell is an actor.

프로필 사진

Conor O'Farrell
Conor O'Farrell
Conor O'Farrell

참여 작품

Beauty Mark
A door-to door cosmetics saleswoman in 1986 finds a new customer.
씨 유 인 발할라
Woody Burwood
After the bizarre death of her brother, Johana Burwood must return home after four years, to face her strange siblings, her out of touch father and her very touchy past.
Angel's Perch
Angel’s Perch is the story of Jack, a successful architect living in Pittsburgh, who must make the trip to his tiny hometown when his grandmother Polly, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, is found wandering outside her house one morning. But what was intended to be a two day, under the radar trip to town becomes more complicated when Jack is unable to move Polly into an assisted living facility. Torn between the career opportunity of a lifetime, caring for his last living relative and running from his own painful memories, Jack’s carefully constructed life begins to unravel.
링컨 차를 타는 변호사
Judge Orton Powell
LA 뒷골목 범죄자들을 변호하는 변호사 ‘미키 할러(매튜 맥커너히)’. 돈이 되는 의뢰인을 만나려고 운전기사가 딸린 링컨 차를 타는 속물이지만, 한편으로는 죄 없는 의뢰인을 감옥으로 보낼까 봐 늘 두려워한다. 어느 날, 할리우드의 거대 부동산 재벌 ‘루이스 룰레(라이언 필립)’가 강간미수 폭행사건으로 찾아온다. 돈 냄새는 물론 결백의 냄새를 풍기는 루이스는 사실, 할러가 의뢰인을 유죄라고 단정해 평생 감옥에서 썩게 만든 사건의 진범이었던 것! 모든 사실을 알게 된 그는 의뢰 받은 폭행사건은 변호하는 동시에 루이스가 살인사건의 범인임을 증명하려 하는데… 모든 것을 바로 잡기 위한 그의 반격이 바로 지금 시작된다!
스터 오브 에코
Harry Damon
톰 위츠키는 아내 매기 그리고 다섯 살 난 아들 제이크와 시카고에 살고 있는 평범한 가장이다. 그러나 이들의 평안한 일상은 톰이 단 한번의 최면에 걸리면서 깨어지고 만다. 이웃집 파티에서 톰의 처제 리사는 그에게 최면을 걸고 톰은 보통사람은 볼 수 없는 또 다른 세계에 눈을 뜬다. 톰은 무시무시한 환영을 경험하게 되고 초자연의 미스테리한 세계에서 허우적거리게 된다. 한 여자아이의 환영으로 괴로워하던 톰은 어느날 아들 제이크가 초자연적인 존재와 교통하고 있다는 사실을 알게 되고. 톰은 지금까지의 평온한 일상을 버리고 자신과 아들에게 보이는 환영의 실체를 파악하기 위해 고심한다. 그리고 톰은 그 초자연적인 존재가 자신에게 무언가를 말하려 하는 것을 깨닫고 다시 한번 최면에 빠져들기로 결심한다. 다시 최면에 빠져든 상태에서 톰은 '땅을 파라'는 지시를 받게 되고. 지하실 바닥을 허물던 그는 무너져 내리는 벽돌 더미 속에서 마침내 그 초자연적인 존재의 실체와 만나게 되는데.
Abduction of Innocence
John Loomis
Teenager, Clare Steves, is kidnapped by an old boyfriend, Eddie Spencer, who demands $250,000. The ransom is paid and Clare is released, but when the kidnapers are caught, they claim that the whole scheme was Clare's idea as a way to punish her father. She denies it and is put on trial.
Eye of the Stalker
Officer Lane
A judge finds that the law is no help when her daughter becomes the object of a college professor's dangerous and terrifying obsession. Inspired by actual events.
Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie
Frank Kerns
When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?
Murder or Memory: A Moment of Truth Movie
Det. John Avery
A mother fights to prove her 14-year-old son is innocent of a murder he confessed to under hypnosis.
Moment of Truth: A Child Too Many
Patty Nowakowski already has three children, but decides to be a surrogate mother. Fully confident of being able to give up her baby, she is nonetheless stunned when she discovers that she is expecting twins, and the couple for whom she is pregnant will only accept one child, provided it is female.
Mother of the Bride
A mother's plans for her daughter's wedding are complicated when her ex-husband, who abandoned the family more than 20 years earlier, shows up.
Back to the Streets of San Francisco
David O'Connor
Mike Stone's back and his old partner, Steve Keller, is missing. So Mike heads up an investigation. At the same time, he is investigating another brutal murder. And he is trying to decide which of two inspectors shall he recommend for the position of Lieutenant; a woman who has a "Dirty Harry" tendency or a man who reminds him of Steve Keller.
Baby of the Bride
Soon after returning from their honeymoon, John and Margaret Hix receive the surprise of their life - at 53, Margaret is pregnant! Against her husband's wishes, Margaret decides to keep the baby... but she isn't the only one in the family who is expecting. Margaret's daughter, Mary, who has just left the convent, is due just a few months before her mother.
Death Dreams
Bennett Massell
Despite her husband's doubts, a woman reaches out to her dead daughter with a psychiatrist's help.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
Paul Torrence
David Katz is a world famous magician and he comes to Denver with his group to perform for a charity gala for disabled children. Also there is Perry and Della as all three are supporters of the charity. Kate Ford, an assistant with an arrogant attitude, tells David that she is, from now on, going to do an illusion in which an assistant is raised in a glass coffin only to disappear when the coffin is opened up in the air (while the assistant climbs out before the coffin is raised.) After a one night stand with David, Kate is pregnant and she blackmails David with this. David and his wife Judy can't have children so that comes as a double blow to them. However Kate, with her attitude, creates much hatred at her from the rest of the group. At the gala, the glass coffin is raised but when it opens Kate's dead body falls to the ground - strangled.
Hell Hath No Fury
A woman is simultaneously framed for the murder of her husband and terrorized by the deranged woman who actually killed him.
Children of the Bride
A middle-aged woman tries to get married to her younger finance but is hindered by her four grown children who come bearing grudges.
The Revenge of Al Capone
Sgt. Callahan
After Al Capone is imprisoned, he still continues to run his empire, and plots to assassinate the mayor of Chicago.