Ronnie Khalil

참여 작품

With A Kiss I Die
When Juliet Capulet (of Shakespearean fame) is plucked from death and turned into a vampire, she is forced to live all eternity without her sweet Romeo. Now, 800 years later, Juliet meets a young woman who captures her heart again and teaches her that love and loss are all a part of life, and that a life without love is no life at all.
With A Kiss I Die
When Juliet Capulet (of Shakespearean fame) is plucked from death and turned into a vampire, she is forced to live all eternity without her sweet Romeo. Now, 800 years later, Juliet meets a young woman who captures her heart again and teaches her that love and loss are all a part of life, and that a life without love is no life at all.
아부다비에서 베이루트까지
2011년, 오마르는 5년 전 세상을 떠난 친구 하디의 죽음으로 여전히 죄책감에 시달리고 있다. 출산이 임박한 만삭의 아내를 뒤로 하고 하디와 함께 가려 했던 여행을 떠나기로 결심하는 오마르. 그는 하디의 죽음 이후 소원해진 친구 제이와 라미에게 연락해 하디를 기억하는 자동차 여행을 떠나자고 제안한다. DJ가 꿈인 플레이보이 제이와 737명의 팔로워를 거느린 트위터리안(#activist) 라미는 처음엔 망설이지만, 결국 함께 여행을 떠나기로 한다. 세 친구는 아부다비에서 출발해 사우디아라비아, 요르단, 시리아를 거쳐 베이루트에 이르는 계획을 세운다. 차가 고장 나고, 길을 잘못 들기도 하며, 수상한 정비공과 낙타를 만나는 등 그들의 여정은 예상치 못한 상황들로 가득하다. 험난한 이 여행은 아마도 그들을 미치게 만들거나 혹은 그들의 우정을 더욱 돈독하게 할 것이다.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.