Hui Fan

Hui Fan

프로필 사진

Hui Fan

참여 작품

Kung Fu Master Is My Grandma!
A juvenile delinquent is sent to live with her grandmother after being paroled from the Girls' Penitentiary, only to find that the frail old woman could be her only hope for survival after getting mixed up in some seriously shady business. When Gucci (Isabel Chan) was tossed into lock-up, her father had already been dead for years. Gucci always thought that her mother would live forever, but upon getting out of prison she discovers that her mother, too, has passed away. Now Gucci's sole guardian is Wong Fei Hung (Helena Law), an old fashioned woman who isn't accustomed to change. At first aghast at the prospect of living with the crusty old woman, Gucci soon finds her life changed for the better thanks to grandma's wisdom and compassion. Later, when Gucci lands in trouble once again, grandma Wong Fei Hung leaps into action.
Two absolute strangers both desperately struggling to find themselves make a hilariously funny partnership for money. Their plan - a bank robbery! Meet Ah Lee, a well-educated middle-class professional who is deep in debt because of a so-called friend. Then there's PaPa, an inexperienced and very outdated crook who is heartbroken by the recent break-up with his girlfriend. When PaPa decides to teach Ah Lee the art of robbing a bank, the two men discover more than just a thing or two about themselves!
차이니즈 박스
Godfather's wife
1997년, 15년째 특파원으로 홍콩에 살고 있는 영국인 환자 존. 그가 사랑하는 중국 여인 비비안, 그녀는 대부호 창의 애첩으로 결혼을 앞두고 있지만 존에 대한 미련에 갈팡질팡한다. 홍콩의 남아있는 나날들을 기록하던 존의 카메라에 잡힌 자포자기한 거리의 여자 진. 존은 진의 가슴아픈 사연을 통해 자신의 상처를 발견하게 되고, 돌아온 비비안의 품에서 최후를 맞이한다.죽음의 그림자와 함께 다가오는 홍콩반환의 소용돌이. 세사람을 통해 무슨 이야기를 하려는지는 충분히 알겠는데 웨인 왕다운 세련됨이 부족하다. 너무 오래 떠나 있었던 고향 이야기를 펼치는 탓인지 와닿는 것이 별로 없이 겉도는 느낌. 그러나 웨인 왕의 다른 작품에 비해서 실망이라는 소리지 작품 자체의 완성도는 있는 편이고, 동서양의 연기조화도 비교적 잘 이뤄진 편이다. 단 장만옥과 공리의 역할만 바꾸어 보았더라면….
음양로 2 - 아재니좌우
Anita's mom
The second chapter of the "Troublesome Night" series, this movie consists of three stories. The first story is about a girl that called a radio show for advice and comfort after her boyfriend died tragically. One of the station DJs unconsciously suggested that she should commit suicide if she wants to be reunited with her beau. Unfortunately, the girl takes the suggestion and the DJ becomes racked with guilt as the girl's ghost returns to haunt him. The second story is about a group of friends voyage to the sea. During the trip, they encountered mysterious events after they rescued an eerie woman from a boat wreckage. The third story is about another DJ that quit his job after the untimely deaths of his co-workers. To escape the pain, he becomes a street racer. But, his thrill rides were hindered when he stumbled upon a sinister spirit by the roadside
Walk In
Chicken's mother
The "walk in" of the title refers to one person allowing another's soul to take possession of his body at the time of death.
Antique shop boss
불운한 택시 운전기사 아발은 빚에 쪼들려 아내와 아들을 데리고 값싼 아파트로 이사온다. 그들이 이사 온 집은 귀신이 사는 집으로 매우 음산하다. 밤마다 들려오는 이상한 소리에 잠을 설치다 지친 아발은 재산의 반을 지전으로 주겠다는 약속을 한다. 그날 이후 아발은 운수가 대통해 경마, 복권 등에 계속 당첨된다. 그러나 약속을 지키지 않아 아들이 원인을 알 수 없는 병에 걸리자 아발은 이제 자신이 가진 모든 것의 반을 나누겠다고 사정한다. 귀신은 그 말에 아발의 재산 뿐만 아니라 그의 가족과 생명까지도 반을 나누려고 하는데..
The Umbrella Story
Determined to hold onto the past, the owner of a handmade-umbrella factory struggles to keep the business running.
Wind Beneath the Wings
Valerie Chow plays Ling, an attractive young lass studying to be a stewardess. Ling struggles to maintain her studies while being harried by her rich, lecherous classmates and a powerful old man who is hell-bent on having her marry his geeky son (Yu Rongguang). Of course, she eventually meets hunky flight steward Chan Kai-ming (Moses Chan Ho) and true love blooms in the friendly skies.
Remember M, Remember E
Chu (Mickey Chu Kin-Kwan) is a young fellow who's made it big in the business world, and makes headlines when he offers a large reward for a special $1000 bill with a personal inscription on it. The bill is a memento of his adolescent friendship with Ching (Athena Chu) and Ricky (Nicky Wu), who were once the best of friends. The three have since gone their separate ways, but Chu holds onto the bittersweet memories of their youth, when the three were inseparable, and saw only bright futures ahead of them. But misplaced emotions and the painful trials of youth split them apart, and now that Chu has finally made it big, he wants nothing more than to see the three reunited. Will the two respond to his impassioned plea to find them once again?
One of the Lucky Ones
This is apparently a true story about Ching Man Fei, played by the very pretty Alice Lau, who has been blind since six months old and lives with her family in Canton, China. She is about 17 in the role, though Ms. Lau looks older. Ching wants to study, to learn, but her family does not really want that. Throughout the first part of this film, people say to and about her that she is a burden, that she had to do something evil in a past life etc. The family maid Wo becomes the one person who truly believes in her, taking her around the city and answering her questions about everything and eventually being instrumental in her being able to study. The scenes together of Ching and Wo are terrific, you feel the love and trust between them. There are people who pass by in Ching's life, a blind beggar street girl named Jade and a radio actor, who helps her, but their characters are underdeveloped, as if they really were blips in this person's life (perhaps they were).
Tears and Triumph
Sai Ming Jun (Anita Yuen) is a single mother who works as an office administrator. But when the company gets taken over, her road suddenly becomes an uphill one. The controlling family's son (Sean Lau Ching Wan) takes an immediate shine to her, and begins to woo her, but she resists. Things get worse when his half-brother (Frankie Lam) shows up. He happens to have a controlling interest in the company - and is the father of Ming Jun's child! Will Ming Jun be able to make it through this twisted maze of family politics and hidden agendas? And will she be able to find a true, honorable love?
I Will Wait for You!
A Hong Kong version of the 1978 American film Same Time, Next Year, I Will Wait For You stars the winning screen pair of Anita Yuen and Tony Leung Ka Fai. So Yau Shing (Tony Leung Ka Fai) is a married salesman who meets the spirited and lovely Cheung Wai Sum (Anita Yuen) two weeks before she's due to be married. But love can't be denied, no matter the circumstance. The two fall passionately into bed, but the reality of their lives won't allow for everlasting happiness. They agree to meet at the same place and at the same time every year to consummate their love...but can they - and their initially unaware spouses - handle the long term love affair?
It's a Wonderful Life
Chung's mother
This 1994 Chinese New Year offering takes place over a period of time between one Christmas and Chinese New Year's eve. As It's a Wonderful Life's Chinese title specifies, its focus is on a "Big Rich Family". We are introduced to thirteen people, learn of their particular dispositions and dilemmas, are witness to the former either getting changed or developed and see the latter (re)solved. Teresa Mo as the daughter just returned from studying in France; Leslie Cheung as the friend who came in tow; Tony Leung Kar Fai as the cartoonist son who can only speak normally when he is anxious; Anita Yuen as the woman who Tony Leung's character falls in love with; Carol "Do Do" Cheng as her flat-chested, disciplinary-cum-art teacher sister; Raymond Wong as the eldest son who cannot handle alcohol well; Petrina Fung Bo Bo as his estranged wife; Sean Lau as the marriage-minded cousin; and Kwan Tak Hing as the eccentric-but-definitely-not-senile grandfather.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Too
Auntie Nan
A large family decide that they must find a bigger place because their current flat is too cramped and triads are threatening to burn them down to pass a message on to somebody down the corridor. So after being mucked around by an agent selling a house in the country, they move into a dilapidated house. They then discover that it is going to be torn down and a huge shopping centre erected.
The Magic Touch
Kay's Mom
Hui Wai-kuk (Michael Hui) tells people's fortunes by feeling their bones. In reality though, he is a scam artist who gathers information on his clients in advance and uses it to milk them for money. When the wife of Commissioner David Ho (Philip Chan) of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) comes to see him, he reveals that her husband is cheating on her. After facing the wrath of his wife, Ho decides to get revenge and sends junior assessor Yau Ho-kei (Leon Lai) to investigate Hui's income. During the investigation, Hui sustains a brain injury and slips into a coma. After he wakes up, he suddenly discovers that he has gained the real ability to see people's futures.
Tau-Pi's mom
강력계 반장인 팀과 형사 밍, 두피, 봉, 화는 두터운 우정과 형제보다도 더한 정을 나누면서 범죄조직을 하나하나 소탕한다. 마약범 진관태와 라열이 마약 밀매한다는 소식을 입수한 다섯 형사는 그들의 밀매 장소를 덮친다. 총격전 와중에 화는 총상을 입고 팀은 처남인 당진엽을 발견. 그가 밀수 조직 두목 진관태의 오른팔이라는 사실을 알지만 할 수 없이 당을 도망가게 하고 나머지 밀수범들을 체포한다. 현장에서 미화 500만불을 습득하게 되나 밍과 두피는 이사실을 보고하지 않는다. 화의 병원에서 만난 그들은 팀 반장에게 그 돈을 다섯명이 나누어 갖자고 제안하나 봉은 이를 반대한다. 마침내 봉을 제외한 나머지 4명은 그 돈을 나누어 갖는다. 처남인 당진엽도 이 사실을 알고 대신 그의 두목 진관태를 석방하라고 팀과 그의 동료들에게 협박한다. 봉은 처음엔 반대하지만 동료를 위해서 법정에서 거짓 진술을 하여 진관태를 석방케 한다. 협박에 견디다 못한 두피와 밍은 당진엽을 체포하려다 두피는 당진엽의 총에 맞아 죽는다. 형사 감사반은 당진엽으로부터 정보를 입수하여 팀,밍,화를 파면한다. 부하를 위해 팀반장은 자살을 하고 밍,화,봉은 복수를 결심한다. 당진엽은 형사 감사반에세 형사계로 이송되는 순간 탈출하고 세 명의 형사는 그의 뒤를 쫓는다. 추격전 속에서 화는 죽고 밍은 마침내 당진엽을 사살한다. 모든 책임이 자신에게 있다는 걸 안 밍은 당진엽을 사살하자말자 그 자신도 자살한다. 한 순간의 실수로 사랑하는 동료를 잃은 봉은 밍의 죽음을 지켜보며 눈물만 흘리는데...
뜨거운 차 한잔
Ben Loy's Mother
1940년대 후반 드디어 중국계 여성의 이민이 허용되자, 미국 뉴욕의 차이나타운은 생기를 띤다. 수십년동안, 중국 본토의 가족과 생이별했던 남자들도 이민 2세대인 자식들만은 중국 여성과 결혼시키기로 마음먹는다. 이때 중년의 와게이는 친구 리송과 약속한다. 자신의 아들 벤 로이와 중국에 사는 리송의 딸 메이오이를 결혼시키기로. 그런데 벤 로이는 이민 1세대인 부모들과는 달리, 이미 서구적인 교육을 받은 청년. 태평양 전쟁에서 미군에 입대하여 이제 막 제대한 입장이다. 어쨌든 중국 땅을 밟게 된 벤 로이는 순수하고 풋풋한 메이오이가 마음에 들어 결혼을 한다. 뉴욕 차이나타운에서 새살림을 차린 이들은 그러나 어서 손자를 낳으라는 부모 세대의 닦달에 스트레스를 느낀다. 그 때문에 발기에 문제가 생긴 벤 로이는 일 중심으로 살아가고, 남편에게 불만이 쌓이는 메이오이는 급기야 외도에 이른다. 그리고 메이오이는 임신 소식을 알려 사람들을 기쁘게 하지만, 곧이어 그녀의 외도가 소문나면서 문제가 심각해진다. 와게이는 며느리를 유혹한 중국계 신문기자 아송에게 복수한다. 하지만 더 이상 뉴욕에서 살 수는 없다. 체면을 중시하는 공동체 문화 때문이다. 마침내 이들은 쿠바, 플로리다를 전전하며 뿔뿔이 흩어진다. 벤 로이와 메이오이는 서로를 이해하고 재결합하는데, 기다리던 손자를 보게 되자, 와게이와 리송을 초대하여 오붓하게 정원에서 파티를 연다.
I Am Sorry
Carole and Mandy have just become neighbors in a luxury apartment complex. Mandy is a successful career woman, educated and independent. Carole is a kept woman, dreaming of the day when her businessman lover will divorce his wife to marry her. Through Mandy, Carole meets Edgar, a neurotic headwaiter. She breaks off her affair with the businessman, but Edgar is still masochistically involved with his old girlfriend Alice. Carole realizes that she still has a lot to learn about life. And nothing is going to stop her from learning it.
Sai's Mother-in-Law (uncredited)
대만에 살고 있는 아화는 홍콩에 있는 병원에 진찰을 받기 위해 소화의 집에 며칠 묵게 된다. 의형제를 맺은 동생 창파에게 빚을 지고 갚지 않는 일을 해결한 소화는 자신과 상의없이 낙태 수술을 한 애인 마벨과 다투고 헤어져 우울해한다. 한편 창파는 동생 하서가 당구내기에서 돈을 잃자 그들과 내기를 두다가 행패를 부리고 쫓기다 두들겨맞는다. 아화는 소화와 영화를 보러가려다 피를 흘리고 온 창파를 보고 소화가 범죄 조직에 있음을 알게 된다. 소화는 창파의 보복을 하고 그 역시 상처를 입고 집에 돌아오는데 두 사람은 서로 사랑하게 되지만 아화는 편지를 남기고 란타우 섬으로 돌아간다. 또다른 동생인 화서의 결혼식 피로연이 돈이 없어 너무나 초라해 화를 내는 아서의 장인과 다툰 창파는 우울해한다.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World II
TV Boy's mom
After losing their lottery winnings during the bank's closure, the Biu family's luck changes again as Bill's job promotion and daughters' education and work careers sent them and the entire family to lead their new lives in Canada, where new misadventures await.