Hermann Böttcher

Hermann Böttcher

출생 : 1866-11-21,

사망 : 1935-05-27

프로필 사진

Hermann Böttcher

참여 작품

Barbarina, the King's Dancer
Hans in Every Street
Tattoo on the Rhine
General von Rastenfeld, Oskars Onkel
Musical comedy set in the scenic Rhine country, in which dashing officers and enlisted men pursue various kinds of women.
Marriage in Name Only
a movie by Heinz Paul
Napoleon at St. Helena
Napoleon at Saint Helena (German: Napoleon auf Sankt Helena) is a 1929 German silent historical film directed by Lupu Pick and starring Werner Krauss, Hanna Ralph and Albert Bassermann. The film depicts the final years of Napoleon between 1815 and 1821 during his period of exile on the British Atlantic island of Saint Helena following his defeat at Waterloo.
Art of Love
The Old Fritz
Minister Brenckenhof
Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.
Das Mädel von Pontecuculi
Madame Golvery
Ulička hříchu a lásky
Death Cheat
An adaptation of Homer's epic Greek poem THE ODYSSEY, this was one of a series of 1920s adventure films starring Luciano Albertini and directed by Max Obal. Albertini goes through a series of acrobatic and life-threatening adventures as he is pursued across city streets while pursuing the love of the woman he loves.
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 2. Lüge und Wahrheit
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 1. Fliehende Schatten
여자를 둘러싼 넷
Florence's Father
해리 유켐은 그의 사랑하는 아내에게 가짜와 장물을 거래하는 지하 세계의 중간거래상들이 있는 곳에서 보석을 산다. 그러던 중 우연하게 과거에 그의 아내와 바람을 피웠던 한 남자를 발견한다.
Das Geheimnis von Bombay
Gabriela Farnese, a famous singer, visits Bombay to find her mysterious doppelganger, the dancer Concha.
The Great Light
Prof. Marquard
Lorenz Ferleitner has worked his way up from a poor but gifted farm boy to a recognized master builder. When a new cathedral is to be built, he is given the honor of carrying out the task. He would like to commission the unknown young painter Fritz Rasmussen to decorate the dome. The director of the art academy, Professor Marquardt, however, wants to employ his untalented nephew for the painting work. A bitter conflict unfolds.
Das Schwabenmädel