3년전 안락사가 합법화되고 안락사를 도와주는 도우미들이 직업으로 일을 하게 된다. 안락사 도우미로 처음 일을 맡은 맬리슨은 사람을 죽이는일에 갈등을 하게 된다. 그러던 중 자신이 속한 회사에서 의뢰가 들어오게 되고 높은 금액의 의뢰비를 지급하겠다고 한다. 담당자는 맬리슨에게 베테랑 안락사 도우미 올리비아와 함께 가서 일을 처리하라고 한다. 숲속 어느 저택에 도착한 맬리슨과 올리비아는 안락사의 조건을 듣게 되고 경악을 한다. 자신의 시체를 맹금류에게 먹히게 해달라는것. 올리비아는 이런일을 하지 못하겠다며 그만두려하지만 맬리슨은 뭔가에 홀린듯 잔인하고 위험한 의뢰를 강행하는데...
Lake is in a straight relationship with Desiree but finds himself becoming attracted to men at the pool. When he cannot control his desires any longer, he starts working at an adult home and begins a relationship with a much, much older man.
100 Musicians is a sensual and intimate film. It is a hazy summer night in Kensignton market. Sydney and June are in bed, in the afterglow of making love. The tender moment slowly culminates into a social/political quarrel over what they hear on the radio. The Mayor is going to hire 100 Musicians, or is it Police Officers?
An intense relationship drama that takes the form of a mystery, The Event centers around a series of unexplained deaths that occur among the gay community in New York's fashionable Chelsea district. Nick, a district attorney investigating the most recent case, a suspicious apparent suicide, and her interviews with friends and family of the deceased trigger extensive and intricately interwoven flashbacks that reveal surprising facts about the man's life and death.
Set in nineteenth-century New Orleans, the story depicts the gens de couleur libre, or the Free People of Colour, a dazzling yet damned class caught between the world of white privilege and black oppression.