Rockne Tarkington

출생 : 1931-07-15, Junction City, Kansas, USA

사망 : 2015-04-05

참여 작품

The Desperate Trail
Amiable con man Jack Cooper is on a westbound stagecoach, headed for the next batch of suckers who will mistake him for an easy mark. Fiery Sarah O'Rourke rides the same coach, handcuffed to lawman Bill Speakes and headed for the hangman. In a few hours, all should reach their destinations. But the trail they travel takes an unexpected turn: Cooper and O'Rourke are soon off the stage and running for their lives. The law ends and the chase begins in a very alive tale of wanted-dead-or-alive fugitives (Linda Fiorentino and Craig Sheffer) pursued by a marshal (Sam Elliott) who's a law unto himself.
와이어트 어프
Stable Hand
애리조나 툼스톤의 OK 목장과 다지시티에서 펼쳐지는 와이어트 어프는 사랑과 모험 그리고 용기를 담은 스릴 만점의 서부활극.
Fists Of Steel
Today's street violence is the result of a permissive market for drugs. Affluent criminal societies paralyze! This is the story of one man who stands up...who believes he is responsible for the quality of the world he lives in. Internationally organized terrorists murder his father and pour into the country; Carlos burns with inner rage. Like many Americans, he perfected his commando skills in Asian jungles, but now the war has been brought home, and this family man hides his child, cleans his weapons, and takes care of business. Searching and destroying the psychopaths who brutally assault our society, this is a man that you can understand...a man you will cheer!!
Under the Gun
A St. Louis cop, Mike Braxton (Sam Jones), receives an urgent call for help from his brother Tony (Nick Cassavetes), a small time thief in Los Angeles. Mike rushes to LA and finds that his brother has been murdered and his brother Tony's girlfriend gunned down right in front of him. Mike quickly learns Tony was a courier for an arms smuggler, Simon Stone (John Russell). When Mike meets Stone's lawyer, Samantha Richardson (Vanessa Williams), the two team up to bring down Stone's arms smuggling empire. However, Mike's infatuation with Samantha keeps putting them in greater danger.
자말의 외교관과 그의 가족이 어느날 테러리스트 집단에 의해 무참히 살해된다. 그 암살자들 중에는 가장 악랄하기로 평판이 나있는 마우드(케이시 워커 분)와 가브릴(무하마드 바크리 분)이 있다. 그들은 자말정부를 파괴하려는 반역 집단에서 일하고 있는데, 외교관 살인 후 그들의 우두머리인 아브지하드(록큰 타킹톤 분)를 그들의 캠프에서 만나게 된다. 아브지하드는 국제적 분쟁을 지속시키기 위해 재정과 무기를 원조하고 살인까지 서슴지 않는 악명높은 테러리스트다. 캠프에는 엘리(조안나 파큘라 분)라는 보도사진 기자가 자리를 함께 하는데 그녀는 적과 아군을 가리지 않고 사건이 있는 곳이면 뛰어가는 맹렬 여성이다. 한편, 미군 특공대 본부의 할로란 대령(브라이언 키스 분)이 자말의 방위초소 책임자로 임명되어 해군 특공대장 잭 번스(프레드 드라이어 분)와 함께 미대사관으로 온다. 자말에서 공식적인 해군 보안의 임무를 맡게 된 번스는 곧 자신이 자말의 테러리스트 폭력사태에 휘말려 있다는 사실을 발견한다. 어느날, 무기트럭 호송을 지휘하던 번스는 트럭을 강탈하려는 게릴라들에게 습격을 당한다. 번스와 반역자들 사이에서 총격전이 벌어지고 번스는 그들을 추적한다. 그 와중에 게릴라들은 달아나고, 마침 그 자리에 있던 엘리는 총격전의 전말을 카메라에 담는다. 엘리가 찍은 사진들이 언론에 공개되자 수치심으로 번스는 분개하게 되고, 할로란 대령과 그의 부원 라미레즈가 납치되는 사건이 발생한다. 할로란과 라미레즈는 심한 고문을 받게 되고 라미레즈는 진정한 미 해군으로서의 죽음을 택함으로써 그들에게 처참하게 살해된다. 복수에 불타는 번스와 그의 부대는 도시를 사수라하는 명령도 어기고 병기고를 털어 게릴라들의 캠프로 향한다. 그러나 그 틈을 이용해 게릴라중 한명이 폭탄 트럭을 몰고 미대사관으로 질주해 오고 끔찍한 폭발이 일어나 수 많은 인명이 살상당한다. 테러리스트들은 안전하게 산속의 요새에 주둔하고, 번스와 대원들은 마지막 전투를 위해 요새를 향해 간다.
후커와 스캐그
1916년의 텍사스, 건달이지만 성격은 선량한 후커와 스캐그는 텍사스에 사건의 회오리를 일으키고 말썽속에 요절복통의 행각을 계속한다. 은행가를 만나고 당시의 신문명의 상징이었던 자동차 세일즈맨과 일을 벌이며 프로 갬블러에게 속아 빈털털이가 되기도 하는데...
Handsome Harry's
American TV-Comedy
우주 해적선
행성 간의 우주 대전쟁이 끝나자 은하계는 물이 동이나 버려 물이 가장 값진 물건이었다. 그 무렵 은하계는 미브라(Mitbra) 행성 출신 악의 기사단(Evil Templars)이 생명 자원을 몽땅 지배하고 있었다. 몇몇 해적들이 그들의 대선단에서 얼음을 훔쳐냈을 뿐, 누구도 기사단의 절대 권력에 도전하지 못하고 있는 형편이었다
Women of San Quentin
Big William
A young female prison guard finds out that her first assignment is to San Quentin, one of the toughest prisons in the country.
National Lampoon's Movie Madness
Black Cop ("Municipalians")
A parody of film genres composed of three shorts, spoofing personal growth films, glossy soap operas, and police stories.
Showdown at Eagle Gap
A malevolent land mogul has threatened an honest group of Texas homesteaders, and when the innocent suffer justice must be served in director William Witney's action-packed, post-Civil War western. In a time when life was cheap and bullets were plentiful, Quell (Madison Mason) was a man to whom justice meant everything. A greedy land mogul whose mistreatment of the poor frontiersmen has raised the ire of Quell and his justice seeking band of followers, Kirk (Skip Homeler) thinks that he can bankroll respect and buy his way into power. That's not the way things work when in old Texas though, and when Kirk faces off against Quell and his crew, bullets are sure to fly.
The Intruder Within
When drillers on an offshore oil rig dredge up several prehistoric eggs, one man is attacked by what appears to be an unidentified deep-sea creature protecting them. Soon, strange symptoms and behaviors become apparent among the crew and one of the creatures grows to adult-size.
Lenny Booker
Ida McBride decides to drill for oil on her ranch, against her son Tom's wishes. A contentious crew of wildcatters arrives, including a stalwart drilling magnate, his tool-pusher and a young roughneck associate, who endeavor to save the ranching empire by trying to bring in a methane gas well.
The Baltimore Bullet
A tale of two hustlers trying to set up a big game.
Disaster on the Coastliner
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
The Ordeal of Patty Hearst
Death Row
The story of the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by members of a radical guerrilla organization, as seen by the FBI agent in charge of her case.
Rev. Duchamp
Stella Farrell is a southern belle in 1860's Charleston, South Carolina who is determined to hang onto her aristocratic family's mansion following the Civil War.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
1978 movie starring Morgan Freeman. This movie is the shortened version that was released from the original 3 part mini series back in 1978.
The Great Gundown
Mario, weary of killing for pay, leaves his gang to return home to his wife and son who assumed him long dead. Now he is hunted by both sides of the law and shunned by his wife.
Zebra Force
Earl Lovington
In this post Vietnam War actioner, a group of veterans, former members of a crack guerrilla team, decide to reteam and use their specialized skills to fight organized crime.
Black Starlet
Girl leaves Gary, Indiana, to become a star in Hollywood.
Black Samson
Noble nightclub owner Samson does his best to keep his neighborhood clean of crime and drugs. When vicious mobster Johnny Nappa tries to muscle in on Samson's territory, Samson takes a brave stand against Nappa and his flunkies.
The No Mercy Man
A decorated Vietnam Vet returns to his father's ranch in Arizona just as criminally minded carnies begin to cause trouble.
A slick, smooth-talking, womanizing young black DJ falls hard for an enigmatic woman he's just met. Things take a turn for the worse, though, when she is found dead in his apartment. It turns out that she was killed by the local mob, which is trying to frame him for the crime. With the police after him, he calls on some of his old acquaintances to help clear his name and avenge the woman's death.
블롭의 아들
Deputy Williams
1958년작 의 후속편에 해당하는 영화로 전편의 연장선상에 있으면서 70년대 호러스타일의 공식을 그대로 따른 작품이다.
Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...
메이저 던디
Jefferson (uncredited)
남북 전쟁이 끝나갈 즈음 뉴 멕시코의 한 요새에 고립된 던디 소령. 남군 포로들과 죄수들 관리가 주업무인 던디 소령에게 큰 시련이 닥친다. 아파치 인디언들이 기병대를 몰살한 뒤 여자와 아이들을 멕시코로 데려 가는 것이다. 부대의 인원으로는 추적은 물론 전투도 불가능한 상태. 마침내 죄수와 포로들은 자유를 조건으로 던디 소령과 함께 아파치에 대항하여 장렬한 전투를 치르게 되는데...
Soldier in the Rain
William Booth
Maxwell Slaughter is a kind, heavyset guy who has reached the rank of master sergeant in the army. Admired by handsome young Sgt. Eustis Clay, Slaughter forms a close bond with his peer. Clay hopes to convince Slaughter to join him in a business venture outside of the service, but, in the meantime, he introduces the older officer to the beautiful young Bobby Jo Pepperdine, inadvertently creating trouble for both men.