Nikolay Velichkov

참여 작품

코난: 암흑의 시대
용맹한 키메르의 전사 ‘코린(론 펄먼)’의 아들로 혼돈스러운 전쟁터에서 태어난 ‘코난(제이슨 모모아)’은 어릴적부터 아버지를 통해 검술과 싸움을 익히며 아버지를 능가할 전사로 커나간다. 하지만 사악한 야심으로 가득찬 카라 짐(스티븐 랭) 왕에 의해 아버지 코린이 살해 당하고 10여 년의 세월을 커쳐 코난은 누구보다도 강력하고 처절한 용사가 되어 복수를 위해 다시 돌아온다. 한편, 금지된 주술로 죽은 아내를 되살리고 강력한 힘을 얻기 위해 신성한 피를 찾던 카라 짐은 앗시리안의 마지막 혈통인 타마라(레이첼 니콜스)를 뒤쫓고 신전으로 가던 신녀 타마라를 구해낸 코난은 카라 짐이 타마라를 노리고 있음을 알고 피의 복수를 시작하며 숨막히는 대결을 펼치는데..
The House of Gentle Souls
A young actress in a country town is almost smashed under the burden of the wear and tear of life. She has problems with her parents, she is not happy with her love affairs, she faces hypocrisy and cynicism in the society all the way. She copes with all the hardships with dignity, she is devoted to her work, she manages to preserve her mentality. But the most difficult thing is in store: she has to experience the true faith in what she is doing - the faith of the fire-dancers, who walk barefooted on glowing embers.
The Unknown Soldier's Patent Leather Shoes
Black Uncle
A middle-aged Bulgarian is watching the change of the guard in front of the Buckingham Palace. For no apparent reason, while looking, in his mind he gets back to his childhood in the little Bulgarian village, he grew up in. Different rites, different traditions and still he finds something in common. He recalls the people he knew, he feared or admired. He ponders over that life of no brilliance, where people plough, harvest, marry and die, celebrate or grieve. Miracle are also worked, conceived in a unlimited child's imagination. It is the child's perception of the world that helps us to give a meaning to the major questions of human existence.