Stanley Law

참여 작품

패왕화 스페셜 포스
여경으로 이루어진 홍콩 최정예 팀 ‘패왕화’는 총통이라 불리는 테러범을 잡기 위해 프로젝트에 투입되었다가 대장 방만 살아남고, 그 틈을 타 총통은 도망치고 만다. 그로부터 20년이 지난 후 메이시의 절친이었던 소방은 패왕화의 교관으로 일한다. 한편 홍콩 경찰은 패왕화를 부활시키기 위해 전직 경찰을 포함한 여성들을 모집한다. 지원자 중 총통에게 죽음을 당한 요원 메이시의 딸 아화를 비롯해 아켓, 괴매 등이 한 팀이 되어 훈련을 받는다. 하지만 성적이 저조하고 단합조차 안되어 탈락 위기에 놓이는데... 과연 이 팀은 훈련을 무사히 마치고 패왕화가 될 수 있을까?
The Kid from the Big Apple
Sarah, raised in New York, visits Malaysia for the first time and learns why her grandfather, Gen, and mother, Sophia, have not seen each other since she was born, and why they care so much about their cultural traditions.
Paper Moon
"Papermoon" tells the story of a poor kite maker, Chen Tian Song, who falls in love with Gao Shi Qin, the daughter of a wealthy family who is in line to inherit the family business. Their innocent and young love eventually evolves into an infinite regret and a poignant love story. Many years later, suppressing his feelings of guilt, Tian Song expresses his painful longing for Shi Qin through the making of (WAU) kites, until that fateful meeting with Gao Man Hua…. In search of Gao Shi Qin’s first love, Gao Man Hua travels all the way to Kelantan to learn about the man who has wounded her mother. The appearance of Man Hua evoked apprehension in the quiet and reserved Tian Song, bringing back yesterday’s memories. Tian Song is uneasy about Man Hua’s constant clinging, but at the same time, he finds himself attracted to her because she carries an uncanny resemblance to her mother, Gao Shi Qin, his teenage sweetheart.