Kirill Poluhin

Kirill Poluhin

출생 : 1968-05-03, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)

프로필 사진

Kirill Poluhin

참여 작품

Папаша в бегах
An unprecedented epidemic of rabies is breaking out in the taiga. Infected wolves become more and more ferocious, and even the slightest bite brings certain death. At the same time, a desperate father decides to forcibly isolate his son in one of the hunting lodges in order to save him from addiction. Soon, he and several local residents will have to fight not only with a rabid pack, but also with the most dangerous predator of the forest.
Snow, Sister and Wolverine
He works as a policeman and is engaged in raids on drug dealers. She is a preacher in a secret religious community. One day, he accidentally dials the wrong number and falls in love with the voice he hears. Thus begins this strange connection between two solitudes.
Lisa is a mother of two children who survived a divorce. And it seems that everything is starting to return to its usual course, but then she receives a strange warning.
Viktor is a brilliant businessman. His brain calculates financial schemes no worse than any computer, and his intuition is better than a lie detector "reads" each person. The price for such success is problems in the family. But who doesn't? One day, Viktor accidentally learns that the whole world, seemingly created by his hands, is someone’s long-thought-out plan, and he himself is not the master of life, but just a puppet, which is already pretty tired of the invisible puppeteer. Viktor starts the game ahead of the curve: to to live on and save his loved ones, he needs to find his "programmer" until he finally wiped him off the face of the Earth. Expensive villas with exquisite interiors, airports, abandoned bunkers, deceptively comfortable houses or high-tech business centers - everywhere there is a place to hide another clue for Victor.
A Fairy Tale for the Old
One morning, the criminal authority Dad convenes three "sons" and tells the latest news. Everyone remembers how three years ago, the keeper of the regional communal Mule ran away, taking the money. Also, everyone remembers how he was found, punished and buried. And the news is like this. Yesterday Mulya, alive and well, was seen in three cities at once: St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov. Dad sends "sons" to these cities to scout out what's what. For each of them, the journey will not be the easiest.
Welcome to the Family
Leonid Ivanovich - The Godfather. In this world, he loves only two things: to be the Godfather and his daughter Mira. In order not to anger the boss, Mira is bypassed by everyone. Except for Sasha, who knew nothing about the family, and just fell in love at first sight. Now he has a difficult task - not to lose his hand and heart before the wedding.
Шугалей 3
Maxim Shugaley
Artem Chagin, one of the countless "conquerors" of Moscow, receives news of the death of his father, who left them with his mother when Artem was still a child. The death of his father does not touch Artem, but wanting to solve material issues by selling the house left by his father, he goes to his small homeland in the city of Sovetsk. There, he unexpectedly meets his father's new family - his wife and six-year-old son, who are backed by a strong Uzbek Diaspora. Trying to solve the problem with the sale of the house, Chagin calls on a local bandit, an old friend of his father, to fight the Diaspora. The conflict is growing like a snowball, turning into a violent confrontation. At the center of all this is Artem, who has lost control of what is happening, and an unhappy widow who just wants to bury her husband.
Шугалей 2
레전드 스트라이커
20세기 소련의 축구 영웅 ‘에두아르드 스트렐초프’, 그의 파란만장했던 일대기! 시골 변두리에 살던 축구 천재 스트렐초프는 소련을 멜버른 올림픽 우승으로 이끌며 온 국민이 사랑하는 최고의 기대주가 된다. 그러나 자유분방한 그를 비판하는 사회주의 세력에 의해 그의 경력은 위기에 처하고, 벼랑 끝의 순간 그는 챔피언의 가치를 스스로 증명해야 한다.
This story is not a figment of the scriptwriters’ imagination; these are real living facts. New Russian action movie Shugaley is a story about the war that is going on today. The film is based on real events taking place in Libya today. Two Russian social scientists, Maxim Shugaley and Samir Seifan, are invited to the conflict-torn country to carry out a public opinion research. In the course of their work, they come over the information, that would be damaging to the puppet government if made public. Russians are kidnapped and tortured in a private prison for more than a year. The situation cannot be resolved peacefully, so the Russian side is preparing a rescue operation. Premiere date - end of april 2020
The Port
Kira is a teenager who is left disabled after a car accident. Her father is a boxing coach and he refuses to accept her situation. He believes that it could be overcome with a special training simulator to rehabilitate her. During this difficult period, Kira meets Andrey. With falling in love her life is changed in an unexpected way. They both face new and daunting challenges, and only the irrepressible desire to live and love can lead them to overcome the mistakes of their youth.
러시아 정보기관 장교 ‘베크’는 비밀 작전 수행을 위해 불미스러운 사건으로 불명예 전역 후 유고슬라비아에 흩어진 ‘안드레이’와 그의 팀원들은 모은다. 각자의 이유로 모인 8명의 최정예 팀은 민간인 대량학살과 전쟁을 막는 특급 비밀 임무를 수행한다. 그들은 누구도 모르게 거대 테러리스트에 대항하여 단 하루만에 슬라티나 공항을 접수하는 미션을 성공할 수 있을까?
더 팩토리: 최후의 협상
러시아의 음침하고 허름한 공장. 하루 일해 하루 먹고 사는 공장 노동자들에게 공장을 폐쇄한다는 청천벽력과도 같은 소식이 전해지자 이들은 악덕 고용주 칼루긴을 납치해 몸값을 챙겨 살 궁리를 하게 되는데…
고골: 악령과의 전쟁
19세기 초, 우크라이나 디칸카 마을에서는 악령에 의한 미스터리 살인이 계속 되고있다. 발작 증세를 통해 환영을 보는 수사관 고골은 유명 수사관 구로가 남겨둔 메모를 통해 악령의 힘이 세지는 축제날에 살인이 일어난다는 것을 알아낸다. 고골은 축제날에 일어날 살인을 막으려 하지만 실패하고, 예고된 피해자 중 한 명이 여자친구 ‘리사’라는 사실을 알게 된다. 자신의 힘으로는 살인을 막을 수 없다고 생각한 고골은 악령 사냥꾼 코마 부르트를 만나 악령의 살인을 해결하기 위해 사악한 영혼 ‘VIY’를 부르는데...
스페이스 워커
Unit commander
미국과 소련은 급속한 냉전 시대 속에서 우주의 열망을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 두 나라 모두 2인 유인 우주선 발사에 총력을 기울였고, 소련의 노련한 비행사인 알렉세이에게 이 중대한 임무가 주어지게 된다. 약 2년 동안의 훈련을 거쳐 드디어 1965년 3월 소련이 먼저 우주선 발사에 성공하게 된다. 발사 성공에 모두의 기쁨도 잠시, 우주선의 이상으로 곧 착륙할 위기에 놓인 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 어쩔 수 없는 불시착을 시도하고 항공우주센터에서 포착할 수 없는 눈으로 뒤 덮인 어디론가 착륙하게 된다. 인류 최초의 2인 유인 우주선의 주인공이었던 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 이 위기를 벗어날 수 있을 것인가?
Big Village Lights
Fedya is 20 years old. He works as a projectionist in a provincial cinema called "Rodina" (Motherland), and tries in vain to pull in spectators. When the local authorities decide to transform the "Rodina" into a shop, there is only one way out: to make a successful film and thus rescue the cinema! But what is required to get a good box office? Of course, a star! Desperate times demand desperate measures, so the children kidnap a celebrity from a passing train. And this is not just any star, but Dmitri Diuzhev! Well, maybe he does not exactly burn with the desire to be filmed here, but it doesn't matter as long as they have enough ropes, gags and sleeping tablets. Then here is a desperate producer who has just been demobbed, a philosophizing wedding photographer and the karate-practicing actress Zhenya, with whom Fedya is secretly in love.
A Simple Story
Soldier Zobov
최전선의 전투력이 무너진 러시아군은 최후의 수단으로 특수 부대를 창설하기로 한다. 목숨을 건 지옥 훈련 끝에 탄생한 러시아군 최정예 특수 부대. 지원병력의 부족으로 러시아군의 전멸 직전 상황에 몰리자 전쟁의 판도를 뒤집기 위해 특수 부대는 단독 진격을 시작한다!
He Was a Friend of Him
After failing to commit his first murder, an aspiring serial killer decides that the most rational way to get started is to kill a friend who totally trusts you. This is how a lonely mentally unstable guy meets a naive next-door boy.
Russian Temper
Year 2013. Ukraine. Navy officer Maxim Fadeev comes from St. Petersburg to the Crimea, after receiving a telegram about the death of his grandfather.
디마는 800여 세대가 사는 오랜 아파트에서 가족과 함께 살고 있다. 비좁은 아파트에 늘 궁색한 그의 삶은 답답하기만 하다. 자신의 오랜 아파트가 심각한 위험에 처해있음을 알게 되고, 시급한 보수와 대피를 요청하기 위해 행정기관들을 찾는다. 하지만 부패와 무관심에 찌든 시장과 관료들은 디마의 요청에 귀 기울이지 않는다. 가족과 이웃의 생존을 위해, 디마는 홀로 부패한 관료사회에 전쟁을 선포한다. 2012년 칸영화제 비평가주간에서 선보인 (2013)로 눈길을 끈 유리 비코프의 신작 은 현대 러시아 사회의 병폐에 날카로운 메스를 들이대는 감독의 일관된 관심사를 보여준다‘. 러시아적인’ 감수성과 입체적인 캐릭터, 사회비판적 태도를 완성도 높게 결합해내는 감독의 역량은 현대 러시아 영화작가들의 흐름을 대변하고 있다. 고전적인 히어로의 토포스를 독특하게 체화하고 있는 디마 역의 아르툠 비스트로프는 올해 로카르노영화제 남우주연상을 수상했다.
더 메이저
그 날 경찰인 세르게이 소보로프는 그의 아내가 아이를 출산할 병원을 향해 가고 있었다. 행복한 기분에 너무 빠르게 운전하던 그는 길가의 소년을 보지 못했고, 그 소년은 세르게이의 차에 치여 죽게되었다. 이제 그에건 오직 두가지의 선택이 남았다. 감옥에 가거나 자신의 범죄를 은폐하거나...
Angels of War
Former employee
Artem Semenov is a criminal investigation opera who is “married” to his work and, as a result, has problems directly in his family. Artem has close friends Nazarov and Petrovich, with whom he ate more than a pound of salt, on which he can rely on everything.
Big home of Shamanov family has everything - except love and understanding under the roof...
His name is Vladimir Streltsov. He is an employee of the special forces of the secret service. After a complex operation to introduce him into a criminal gang, he is sent on vacation. Sagittarius has not been to his native land for many years - on a distant island, where the old village of Strelnya is located. And when he returned, it turned out that the fellow countrymen were in danger! And besides him there is no one to help them out!
Our Beat
The main characters are ordinary 30-year-old men who live in an ordinary Russian village, where it is always bad to work, where there is always no money, where they drive moonshine, for which they pay with food or firewood. They did not study at institutes, do not speak foreign languages, do not understand politics and consider the words “Internet” and “glamor” as curses. For such words, they can give in the face. They see life mainly on the TV screen. Yes and that - black and white.
시베리아 횡단열차 : 대탈주
제 2차 세계 대전 직후, ‘세상의 끝’이라 불리는 소련 외곽의 마을에 부임해 온 전쟁 영웅 이그낫은 독일인 아이를 키우는 러시아 엄마, 가족을 잃고 숲에서 숨어 살아온 독일 소녀를 만나게 된다. 소련군이 독일인들을 잡아가려 하자, 이그낫과 마을사람들은 숲속에 버려진 기차를 이용해 목숨을 건 대탈주를 감행한다.
Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.
Alien Girl
1990s. Gangster Kiev. A team of four men is assigned to deliver a girl from Prague, nicknamed "Alien", the sister of a recently arrested criminal called Babai, whose testimony could damage some important people.
We Are from the Future 2
Two young Russian historians are going to Ukraine to take part in the reconstruction of the Lvov-Sandomierz operation in July 1944. On sight they fall into conflict with Ukrainian nationalists, and some magical twist of fate, move into the middle of real warfare from more than 60 years. Miraculously avoiding death at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists, caught in the middle of fighting between the Red Army and the Nazis.
Love supervised
Lost her job and becoming an unwitting witness to the betrayal of her own fiancé, the heroine of the film falls into the deftly placed networks of an experienced seducer.
The Priest
Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.
Anna - an ordinary woman 35 years old. She works in a small office, she is divorced, single mother with a son. Repeated attempts to arrange a personal life and find a good father to the boy came to nothing. One day, returning home, the main character accidentally witnesses a politician's assassination.
Sonia, a girl from St Petersburg, decides to seek a better life in western Europe. She first gets a job at a car dealer in Germany. But she is suddenly kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. She will be dragged from country to country and resistance will only bring her misery and humiliation.
Ilya lives in Moscow; Nina lives in St. Petersburg. Ilya has a beautiful wife and a daughter; Nina's husband is an artist, and they have a young son. Nina occasionally travels to Moscow to see her partners in the publishing industry. Ilya sometimes comes to St. Petersburg on business. But more often they are in the train between St. Petersburg and Moscow just to see each other. Because they have an affair.
Lisa and the Magic Layout