Tomoo Shimogawara

참여 작품

One Day at Summer's End
Art Direction
A Yasuzō Masumura film about a love affair starring Ayako Wakao. The literal title is The Two Who Got Wet.
The House of Wooden Blocks
Art Direction
On his return from school, young Ichiro finds his father in bed with his adopted sister, Namie. Enraged, he decides to outdo his father in terms of immoral behaviour.
The Sex Check
Art Direction
Ken Ogata plays Shiro Miyagi, a sprinter with Olympic aspirations whose dreams were shattered by WWII. A broken man, he leads the dissolute life of a gigolo until a chance meeting with a fiery young athlete named Hiroko (Michiyo Yasuda). Realizing that she has talent as a sprinter, Miyagi sees a second chance at Olympic glory in becoming her coach. Following Miyagi’s unconventional, military-style training, Hiroko sets a record for the 100-meter dash, but her greatest hurdle proves to be a “sex check” which all professional athletes must pass.
The Great Villains
Art Direction
Psychological action drama about the activities of a corrupt lawyer.
When the Cookie Crumbles
Art Direction
Japanese film directed by Tadashi Imai.
Two Wives
Art Direction
After a random encounter at a bar, two couples collide. Two men, two women, embroiled in a love-and-hate drama that threatens to engulf them. The sexual anxiety between the interwoven couples tautens right up to the nearly unbearable tension of the climax...
Shroud of Snow
Art Direction
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
붉은 천사
Art Direction
사쿠라는 2차대전 말기의 중국에 있는 야전병원에서 간호사로 근무하며, 군의관을 도와 수많은 절단 수술을 돕는다. 광기 가득한 지옥과 같은 곳에서 손발이 잘려 시체처럼 내팽겨진 부상자들에게 그녀는 연민을 느끼고, 군의관과도 사랑에 빠진다. 절망에 빠진 병사들에게 몸을 허락하지만, 진정한 사랑을 갈망하는 여자의 본능을 그린 이색작으로 프랑스에서도 높은 평가를 받은 작품이다.
나카노 스파이 학교
Art Direction
스파이 육성을 위해 만들어진 나카노 학교에는 이름과 호적, 가족이나 연인도 지워버린 채 밤낮으로 치열한 훈련을 계속하는 젊은이들이 있다. 스파이 후보생 지로는 졸업 시험인 영국군의 암호 코드 탈취에 성공하지만 약혼녀 유키코가 영국 군대의 스파이라는 사실이 밝혀지며 선택의 기로에 선다.
군대 야쿠자
Art Direction
A young intellectual conscientious objector is forced to serve with the Japanese army in Manchuria. He joins with a dim-witted former gangster in an effort to desert by stealing a train.
Art Direction
A man operates a small real estate business near Osaka. A man from Tokyo asks for help in buying a large tract of land in order, he says, to build an automobile factory. But by accident the realtor learns that the Tokaido Railway Line is going to be built directly across the land just acquired.
Art Direction
변호사의 아내 소노코는 미술학교에서 만난 묘령의 여인 미츠코와 사랑에 빠진다. 소노코가 미츠코에게 누드모델이 되어줄 것을 부탁하고, 둘은 서로의 육체를 탐미한다. 여기에 미츠코의 애인과 소노코의 남편이 가세해 묘한 사랑의 이야기가 이어진다. 다니자키 준이치로의 원작을 바탕으로 당시 일본영화계에서 금기시 되었던 여성간의 동성애를 요염하지만 깔끔하게 묘사한 마스무라 야스조의 대표작이다.
Flight from Ashiya
Art Direction
Featuring an all-star cast and on-location shooting in Japan, where the story is set, three US Air Force rescue pilots must overcome their personal problems and differences to embark upon a dangerous mission to save raft-bound Japanese survivors from a murderous storm-tossed sea. As they head for their location, the film flashes back to chronicle the pasts of each pilot to make clear their mixed feelings about their upcoming assignment.
Fools at Work
Art Direction
A comedy directed by Yasuzo Masumura starring Yunosuke Ito.
Stolen Pleasure
Art Direction
Based on the original novel by Tokuda Shusei, adapted by frequent Masumura scribe (and renowned director in his own right) Kaneto Shindo, this downbeat melodrama features a battle of women for the affections and commitment of the same man, a handsome car salesman. Masuko (Ayako Wakao) is the number one hostess at a cabaret, living with her lover, ... but finds out that he has a wife. When Masuko’s niece arrives the competition further ratchets up. (Also occasionally known in English as “Inflamation”)
고하야가와가의 가을
Art Direction
젊은 시절부터 도락가이자 활달한 성격의 양조장 주인 고하야가와 만베이는 죽기 몇 달전부터 수년 전 아내를 죽음으로 몰았던 옛 애인과의 관계로 새로 시작한다. 남편이 데릴사위로 들어와 집안의 양조장을 물려받기로 되어 있는 둘째 딸 후미코는 아버지의 연애 사건을 알고 화를 내고, 막내딸 노리코와 과부가 된 며느리 아키코는 결혼 제의를 받고 고심한다.
검은 10인의 여자
Art Direction
아내가 있으면서도 9명의 여자와 사귀고 있는 TV프로듀서 가제 마츠키치. 그 때문에 여자들 사이에서는 싸움이 끊이지 않는데, 결국 여자들의 공모에 의해 가제는 사살당한다. 그러나 이는 가제와 그의 아내가 꾸민 연극이었는데...
Nocturne of a Woman
Art Direction
A woman has to give up her dream of becoming an actress when her family goes into debt, but she catches the eye of a businessman while working at a nightclub. He sets her up with her own nightclub, but with expectations attached.
Art Direction
Set in 1926 when Japanese tradition was much stronger, this drama looks at the inner workings of a small family, especially the relationship between a sister and brother.
Art Direction
때는 메이지 시대, 노가쿠(能樂) 극단의 키타하치는 스스로가 재주가 뛰어나다 생각하여 오만한 행동을 일삼는다. 키타하치는 스승의 재주를 모욕하고, 스승은 그로 인해 우물에 몸을 던진다. 극단으로부터 파문당한 키타하치는 참회와 방랑의 세월을 보내던 중 운명의 여인을 만나게 된다. 그 여인은 바로 키타하치로 인해 자살한 스승의 딸이다.
Art Direction
고마주로의 유랑극단이 가부키 공연을 한다는 소식에 동네 사람들은 기대에 부푼다. 그런데 사실 고마주로는 이곳에 사는 고야와 사랑했던 사이로, 그를 삼촌으로 알고 자란 기요시라는 아들까지 두었다. 한편, 고마주로를 흠모하던 여배우 스미코는 그의 비밀을 알게 되자 질투심에 휩싸인다.
Musume no boken
Production Design
The Lowest Man
Art Direction
A young offender who is already guilty of many crimes is sentenced again for rape. Upon his release from prison, a year later, the victim waits to kill him.
거인과 완구
Art Direction
밝게 웃는 얼굴과 건강함이 매력인 시마 교코. 엉뚱한 사건을 계기로 제과회사의 마스코트로 선택된 교코는 곧 스타덤에 오른다. 거대한 현대 소비사회에 희롱당하고 부딪치면서도 강한 의지를 관철하는 남녀를 그린 마스무라 야스조의 초기 대표작.
Advance Patrol
Art Direction
In 1905, Japan was seriously threatened in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan determined a decisive attack on Russia to end the war. A reconnaissance troop was organized to penetrate into the supreme headquarter of Russia in Tieling Mountain of China to find out the enemy's situation...
Hole in One
Art Direction
A female reporter is fired for writing about police corruption; to make money while hiding from the press, she posts a bounty upon herself.
Punishment Room
Art Direction
Shimada is a student of U College. When the college's baseball team wins the day, he and his friend Ito drug two girls they met at the game.
A 16-Year-Old Girl's Jazz Festival
Art Direction
Japanese musical.
Where Chimneys Are Seen
Art Direction
Gosho’s most celebrated film both in Japan and the West, Where Chimneys Are Seen is perhaps the most compelling example of his concern for, and insights into, the everyday lives of lower-middle-class people. Based on Rinzo Shiina’s novel of the absurd, the film depicts the lives of two couples against the backdrop of Tokyo’s growing industrialization during the 1950s.
Farewell to Spring
Art Direction
Bittersweet shomin-geki drama by Keigo Kimura
Red Peony of Night
Art Direction
A romantic melodrama about the shifting relationship between Ryosuke and Miki as their precarious employment and social circumstances shift around them.
Golden Beast
Art Direction
One Sunday morning, Toshio Esaki, a young dentist, wakes up in his clinic. It seems that he was drunk and spent the night in the clinic instead of going home. When he goes into the laboratory to get a drink of water, he finds a woman wearing a green striped Western-style dress lying there.
무네카타 자매들
Art Direction
세츠코는 남편 미무라 때문에 불행한 결혼 생활을 이어가고 있다. 엔지니어 출신의 남편이 직업도 얻지 않고 매일 술만 마시는 까닭에 괴로운 것이다. 그럴 때마다 세츠코의 마음속에는 오래 전 헤어질 수밖에 없었던 히로시가 떠오른다. 사랑하는 사이였지만 프랑스 유학 때문에 헤어질 수밖에 없었던 것. 하지만 히로시가 돌아오면서 새로운 국면을 맞이한다.
Mr. Shosuke Ohara
Art Direction
Saheita, the final heir of a once rich and respectable family, can't refuse the many villagers that come to him for favours and money, even though he is on the brink of bankruptcy. Around town he is better known by his nickname Mr. Shosuke Ohara.
Invitation to Happiness
Production Design
Kôfuku eno shôtai - Invitation to happiness
The Age of Beginnings
Art Direction
A newly hired daily newspaper writer covering the society beat receives an assignment to cover Tokyo at night by walking and observing it. He gets into the right frame of mind by dressing the part as a vagrant with not a penny to his name. He gets into trouble ending up at the police station slammer overnight. He has no material to write about and, with his assignment unfulfilled, faces a cross editor.