Set in post-colonial India, Qissa tells the story of Umber Singh, a Sikh who is forced to flee his village due to ethnic cleansing at the time of partition in 1947. Umber decides to fight fate and builds a new home for his family. When Umber marries his youngest child Kanwar to Neeli, a girl of lower caste, the family is faced with the truth of their identities; as individual ambitions and destinies collide in a struggle with eternity.
A photographer at the Gateway of India (Mumbai) is drawn by the sudden urge to photograph a stranger. She doesn't speak his language. They are worlds apart.
2006년, 뭄베이. 빈민가 출신의 18살 고아 자말은 거액의 상금이 걸려있는 ‘누가 백만장자가 되고 싶은가’라는 최고 인기 퀴즈쇼에 참가한다. 처음 모두에게 무시당하던 자말은 예상을 깨고 최종 라운드에 오르게 되고, 정규 교육도 제대로 받지 못한 그의 부정행위를 의심한 경찰은 자말을 사기죄로 체포한다. 하지만, 결국 자말이 살아온 모든 순간이 정답을 맞출 수 있는 실마리였다는 것과, 그가 퀴즈쇼에 출연한 진짜 목적이 밝혀지게 되는데…
Abhay Joshi, a young, bright Special Police Officer (SPO) conducts a police raid on a dingy hotel in the suburbs of Mumbai. Though the police arrest few prostitutes along with their customers in the disgusting small rooms of the hotel, Abhay seems disappointed. He had information about a graver crime. Just then, he hears a muffled scream. He spots a thin boy escaping from beneath the hotel. Few minor girls run behind him. By the time police reaches the secret door, the boy and the girls disappear into the narrow lanes. .