Lisa Golm

Lisa Golm

출생 : 1891-04-10,

사망 : 1964-01-06

프로필 사진

Lisa Golm

참여 작품

The Man in the Bottle
Mrs. Gumley
A luckless couple stumbles upon fortune when a genie materializes from a bottle in their antique shop. The genie grants them four wishes but warns them, prophetically, to be careful what you wish for.
맨 온 어 스트링
U.S. spies catch a Moscow-born U.S. citizen (Ernest Borgnine) helping spies, and they force him to counterspy.
Monkey on My Back
Barney's Mother
The painfully true story of welterweight boxing champion Barney Ross is detailed in Monkey on My Back. Cameron Mitchell stars as Ross, whose meteoric ring career is interrupted when he joins the Marines at the outset of WWII. A highly decorated hero, Ross contracts malaria oversees and is given morphine to assuage the pain. By the time he returns to the states, Ross is a confirmed drug addict. Before he can rise to the top again, he must hit rock bottom and his descent into the hell of narcotics dependency is graphically illustrated (so much so that the film was almost denied a Production Code seal). Though a cured Barney Ross served as technical advisor for Monkey on My Back, he ended up suing the producers for defamation of character -- and lost.
Ride The High Iron
Mrs. Danielchik
A recent war veteran accepts a job in public relations, but he becomes increasingly unhappy with his career choice. Originally filmed for TV but released theatrically.
사랑하는 시바여 돌아오라
Mrs. Coffman
롤러의 임신으로 하는 수 없이 결혼하여 20년 동안 불편하게 살아가고 있는 중년 부부 독과 롤러. 롤러는 유산으로 인해 아기를 잃고 시바라는 개에게 온갖 애정을 쏟았는데 시바가 몇 달 전에 사라졌다. 독은 롤러때문에 중도에 의대를 포기하여 의사가 되지 못했다고 생각하고 항상 술에 쩔어 있다. 어느 날 대학생 마리가 그들의 집에 세들어오고 롤러는 마리에게 귀찮을 정도로 수다를 떠는데 특히 도망간 개 시바가 곧 돌아올 것이라고 말하곤 한다. 독은 20년만에 처음으로 마리에게 이성의 감정을 느끼는데 마리에게는 두 명의 구혼자들이 있다. 남편의 마음을 모르는 롤러는 마리가 자신의 딸인 것처럼 그녀의 장래에 관심을 갖는다. 중년 부부의 불행한 결혼은 마리의 등장으로 더욱 불행해지는데...
My Pal Gus
A single father (Richard Widmark) falls in love with his son's schoolteacher (Joanne Dru). Director Robert Parrish's 1952 drama also stars George Winslow, Audrey Totter, Regis Toomey, Joan Banks and Frank Nelson.
A rich man buys a husband for his dying daughter and she finds out.
The Blue Veil
Elsa (Uncredited)
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
The Hoodlum
Mrs. Lubeck
Vincent Lubeck is a vicious ex-convict. His criminal activities are despised by his family, but he uses and abuses them in the course of his crimes. Eventually his own brother must stand up to him.
Payment on Demand
David gives his wife, Joyce, an unexpected—and unpleasant—surprise when he suddenly demands a divorce. When she then learns that David has taken up with a younger woman, Joyce decides to make the most of this separation by taking a solo trip to the Caribbean. However, just before diving into a vacation fling, she runs into Emily, an old chum whose own divorce has left her embittered. Joyce then debates giving married life one last chance.
East Side, West Side
A vain businessman puts strains on his happy marriage to a rich, beautiful socialite by allowing himself to be seduced by a former girlfriend.
Anna Lucasta
A prostitute is thrown out of her house by her alcoholic father, and her scheming brother-in-law tries to devise a plan to marry her off and make some money in the process.
Elsie - Graham's maid in DC
After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
Shadow of a Woman
Emma, Eric's Sister
Brooke's marital life with Eric takes a downturn when she starts suspecting that her husband is starving his son from a prior marriage to death in order to claim his inheritance.
Without Reservations
Alma (uncredited)
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
Calling Dr. Death
Marion's Mother
Losing his memories of the last few days, neurologist Dr. Steele is told that his wife has been brutally murdered. Steele, aware of his conniving wife's infidelity, believes he may have been the killer and enlists the aid of his pretty nurse Stella to hypnotize him into recovering his lost memories.
퀴리 부인
Lucille (uncredited)
어린 폴란드 물리학 박사 마리는 잠시 동안 피에르의 연구실에서 일하게 되고 둘은 결혼한다. 베크렐의 영향을 받은 그들은 방사능을 연구하기로 한다. 많은 실험 후 그들은 우랴륨보다 훨씬 강한 방사능성을 내는 물질을 발견하고 그것의 분리작업을 시도한다. 대학교의 임시 연구소에서 수년의 실험후에 그들은 극소량의 새로운 원소를 분리하는데 성공한다. 그러나 그들의 대단한 발견에도 불구하고 남편 피에르는 교통사고로 사망한다. 퀴리부인의 일대기를 다룬 영화로 과학도로서의 그녀의 꿈과 사랑을 다룬 전기영화다.
Background to Danger
German Daughter
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
Above Suspicion
Frau Schultz (Uncredited)
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
Mission to Moscow
Train Passenger Arriving Late (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Journey for Margaret
Frau Weber
An American newspaperman and his wife, end up in London after several retreats in the opening days of WWII. After a shrapnel wound and loss of her baby she returns to America. War weary, he is forced to do a story about war orphans, where he meets Margaret.
여성의 해
Yugoslav Consul's Wife (uncredited)
샘 크레그(스펜서 트레이시)는 뉴욕 스포츠 기자다. 해외통신원 테스 하딩(캐서린 헵번)이 기고한 스포츠 무일함에 대한 논평에 분노를 느낀 샘은 반론기사를 실는다. 이 기사에 다시 테스가 반론기사를 실으면서 두사람은 만나게 되는 날까지 반론에 반론이 계속된다. 마침내 두사람은 만나게 되고 샘은 테스를 야구장으로 데리고 가면서 두사람의 논쟁은 끝나지만.. 두사람은 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 결혼하기에 이른다. 그러나 그들의 행복한 결혼 생활은 그들의 서로 다른 라이프 스타일로 인해 위기에 처하고 일에 중독된 테스를 견디다 못한 샘은 이별을 고하고 시골로 떠난다. 홀로된 테스는 허전함과 외로움에 느낀다. 여성운동가인 엘렌이 아버지와 결혼하게 되면서 엘런으로부터 모든 것을 이루웠지만 늘 외로웠다는 그녀의 말을 듣게 되면서 테스는 결혼에 대하여 진지하게 다시 생각하게 된다. 결국 테스는 샘을 찾아가고.. 생활이 바뀌지 않는한 서로에게 불행할 것이라며 거절하는 샘에게 아내로서 노력하겠으니 다시 시작하자고 하는데..
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
So Ends Our Night
The Pale Woman - Ruth's Roommate
An anti-Nazi on the run and a young Jewish couple race across Europe trying to escape Hitler's ever powerful influence.
An American goes to Germany to find his mother and discovers her in a concentration camp. With the help of an American-born widowed countess he seeks to engineer her escape.
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
Confessions of a Nazi Spy
Mrs. Anna Westphal (uncredited)
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.