Georges Caristan

참여 작품

Director of Photography
When King Demba War sides with the Muslims, the Ceddo kidnap his daughter, Princess Dior Yacine, to protest their forcible conversion to Islam.
Director of Photography
It is the dawn of Senegal's independence from France, but as the citizens celebrate in the streets we soon become aware that only the faces have changed. White money still controls the government. One official, Aboucader Beye, known by the title "El Hadji," takes advantage of some of that money to marry his third wife, to the sorrow and chagrin of his first two wives and the resentment of his nationalist daughter. But he discovers on his wedding night that he has been struck with a "xala," a curse of impotence. El Hadji goes to comic lengths to find the cause and remove the xala, resulting in a scathing satirical ending.
군신 에미타이
Director of Photography
2차 세계대전이 한창인 1940년대, 프랑스의 식민지 세네갈은 강제징용과 공물헌납에 시달리고 있었다. 까사망스 지방의 디올라족에게도 쌀 50톤을 바치라는 명령이 내려온다. 그러나 식량조차 부족한 이들에게 공납할 쌀이 있을 턱이 없다. 군인들이 마을에 들이닥치자, 지도자 지메코는 사람들을 모아 당당히 맞선다. 아프리카시네마의 선구자인 우스만 셈벤의 숨은 걸작으로, 억압받는 아프리카 민중들의 실상과 저항을 그려낸 영화. 프랑스에 대한 비판적 묘사 때문에, 자국에서조차 5년이나 공개되지 못했다.
Director of Photography
A young unemployed man fends off accusations of laziness and makes a home for his pregnant girlfriend who has been rejected by her family.
Director of Photography
The pregnancy of a young girl scandalizes her community.