Arthur 'Weegee' Fellig

출생 : 1899-06-12, Galicia, Austria-Hungary


Arthur Fellig known by his pseudonym Weegee, was a photographer and photojournalist, known for his stark black and white street photography in New York City.

참여 작품

The Real Weegee
This video documents the career of Arthur Fellig, whose sensationalistic photographs helped to define tabloid and legitimate news photography. Going by the nickname of "Weegee," he gained notoriety with his experiments in manipulating photographs. Over his long career, Fellig immortalized on film dozens of politicians, gangsters, and movie stars.
The 'Imp'probable Mr. Wee Gee
Mr. Wee Gee
Famed crime photographer Arthur Fellig, nicknamed Mr. Wee Gee, stars as himself in this pseudo-documentary that begins when he falls in love with a store window dummy and tracks "her" to London, England, then meets up with a beautiful ghost in a haunted house and finally winds up in Paris, where he meets other beautiful women and ends up being chased onto the Eiffel Tower.
Set in Sammy's, Weegee throws a Cocktail Party, for the release of his book Weegee's People.
Set in Sammy's, Weegee throws a Cocktail Party, for the release of his book Weegee's People.
The Idiot Box
Weegee,... liked to tinker with mirrors and kaleidoscopes and elastic lenses
닥터 스트레인지러브
Special Effects
미 공군의 잭 리퍼 장군은 공산주의자들이 미국인의 신성한 혈통을 오염시킬 음모를 꾸미고 있다는 망상에 사로잡혀 핵폭격기를 출격시킨다. 미국 대통령은 절대절명의 위기를 해결 하기 위해 자문회를 소집하는데, 그 자리에서 소련 대사는 만일 소련이 핵공격을 당한다면 지구상의 모든 동식물이 파멸되는 운명의 날이 다가오게 될 것이라고 경고한다. 전 나치주의자였던 천재 과학자 스트레인지러브 박사는 핵무기에 지구의 운명이 달려있다는 사실이 너무 명백하므로 핵무기로 상황을 대응할 수 없다는 결론을 내린다. 과연 폭격기는 제 시간에 제거될 수 있을 것인가? 아니면 잭 리퍼 장군이 전세계를 파멸시키는데 성공 할 것인가?
My Bare Lady
Beauty Contest Judge (uncredited)
Tina is horrified when she crashes her bicycle into a pond and is rescued from drowning and taken to a nudist camp by her rescuer to recover, but naturist bliss and true love await.
Man in wax museum
Sammy, a zookeeper, prepares to go on a vacation with his friend. He starts to tell his friend about what a good time he had on his last vacation, visiting alligator farms and nudist camps, which are shown in flashbacks.
Animation Mona Lisa
In a battery of photographs created with the use of mirrors, distorting lenses of his own manufacture and easel tricks, Weegee transformed the Mona Lisa into a work of modern art.
Weegee's Coney Island
Director of Photography
1954. USA. Directed by Weegee. Part of Weegee’s New York. “Weegee (Arthur Fellig) filmed, Amos Vogel edited. The preciousness of the avant-garde shown at Cinema 16 was interrupted by this breath of fresh air. Weegee’s panorama of the crowd may be the greatest single shot in cinedom.” – Ken Jacobs
Weegee's Coney Island
1954. USA. Directed by Weegee. Part of Weegee’s New York. “Weegee (Arthur Fellig) filmed, Amos Vogel edited. The preciousness of the avant-garde shown at Cinema 16 was interrupted by this breath of fresh air. Weegee’s panorama of the crowd may be the greatest single shot in cinedom.” – Ken Jacobs
Timekeeper (uncredited)
스토커라 불리우는 권투선수 빌 톰슨은 아직도 이길 수 있다고 주장하고 나선다. 그의 아름다운 아내 역시 그의 주장을 옹호한다. 그러나 그의 메니져 티니는 그가 질 수 밖에 없닥고 말한다. 그는 리틀 보이라 불리우는 겜블러에게 이미 대전료를 받아 챙긴 상태. 빌에게는 한마디 상의도 없이 말이다. 그가 맞붙을 상대는 타이거 넬슨. 그의 승산은 희미하기만 한데.
Weegee's New York
The best known, "Weegee's New York" (1948), presents a surprisingly lyrical view of the city without a hint of crime or murder. Already this film gives evidence, here very restrained, of Weegee's interest in technical tricks: blur, speeded up or slowed-down film, a lens that makes the city's streets curve as if cars are driving over a rainbow. - The New York Times
Weegee's New York
The best known, "Weegee's New York" (1948), presents a surprisingly lyrical view of the city without a hint of crime or murder. Already this film gives evidence, here very restrained, of Weegee's interest in technical tricks: blur, speeded up or slowed-down film, a lens that makes the city's streets curve as if cars are driving over a rainbow. - The New York Times
네이키드 시티
Photographer (Uncredited)
뉴욕 경찰청의 노련한 형사 댄 멀둔은 미모의 젊은 여성이 의문스럽게 살해된 사건의 조사에 나선다. 그보다 나이가 젊은 형사 지미 홀로란과 파트너로 나선 멀둔은 두 명의 용의자를 찾아낸다. 하나는 방탕한 부잣집 아들 프랭크 나일즈, 다른 하나는 무식하고 힘만 센 가자라는 인물. 두 사람은 특별한 동기 없이 단순한 스릴을 위해 여자를 죽인 것이다. 다큐멘터리적인 수법을 채택해 관객들에게 마치 실제의 범죄현장에 입회한 듯한 인상을 주어서 높은 평가를 받았던 작품이다.