Kristoffer Brugada

Kristoffer Brugada

프로필 사진

Kristoffer Brugada

참여 작품

총탄으로 빚은 꿈
필리핀 민다나오섬 루마드족 원주민 아이들이 정부와 반군 사이의 끊임없는 무력 충돌이 낳은 군 통치를 피해 탈출한다. 긴장이 고조되면서 아이들은 학업을 이어 나가기 위해 이리저리 옮겨 다닌다.
An Elegy to Forgetting
The film documents a filmmaker’s experience with his father’s death due to Alzheimer’s disease. Taken from a personal perspective, the filmmaker gives a first-hand look at how his family dealt with his father’s worsening Alzheimer’s disease and eventual death, leading him to realizations about memory, familial relationships, and his own mortality. The film delves into the importance of memories in the human experience – how the ability to remember makes us feel alive, how its power can hold us, and how memory gives us what we need to feel and be human.
A 73-year-old woman is physically and emotionally exhausted from caring for her ailing husband who is already in the last stage of his Alzheimer's Disease. He lives in a constant state of confusion and anxiety, occasionally haunted by visions of both faceless and familiar strangers. The wife's frustration and loneliness grows daily as she comes to terms with both her husband's deteriorating state and her own mortality.
A 73-year-old woman is physically and emotionally exhausted from caring for her ailing husband who is already in the last stage of his Alzheimer's Disease. He lives in a constant state of confusion and anxiety, occasionally haunted by visions of both faceless and familiar strangers. The wife's frustration and loneliness grows daily as she comes to terms with both her husband's deteriorating state and her own mortality.
The long-standing conflict between the military forces and the rebel group Abu Sayaff has severely ravaged the poor town of Patikul in Sulu. Residents have become so accustomed to the armed clashes, that reports of kidnappings and recruitment of young Tausugs to join the rebel groups already became normal news to them. However, Amman, a 33 year old coffee farmer in Sitio Kan-Ague, continues to believe that there is still hope for their town. Amman believes that educating his children would change their present situation.