Saul Bellow

Saul Bellow

출생 : 1915-06-10, Lachine, Quebec, Canada

사망 : 2005-04-05


Saul Bellow (born Solomon Bellows; 10 June 1915 – 5 April 2005) was a Canadian-born American writer. For his literary work, Bellow was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts. He is the only writer to win the National Book Award for Fiction three times and he received the National Book Foundation's lifetime Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters in 1990. In the words of the Swedish Nobel Committee, his writing exhibited "the mixture of rich picaresque novel and subtle analysis of our culture, of entertaining adventure, drastic and tragic episodes in quick succession interspersed with philosophic conversation, all developed by a commentator with a witty tongue and penetrating insight into the outer and inner complications that drive us to act, or prevent us from acting, and that can be called the dilemma of our age." His best-known works include The Adventures of Augie March, Henderson the Rain King, Herzog, Mr. Sammler's Planet, Seize the Day, Humboldt's Gift and Ravelstein. Bellow was regarded as an important author of 20th century American literature. Bellow said that of all his characters, Eugene Henderson, of Henderson the Rain King, was the one most like himself. Bellow grew up as an immigrant from Quebec. As Christopher Hitchens describes it, Bellow's fiction and principal characters reflect his own yearning for transcendence, a battle "to overcome not just ghetto conditions but also ghetto psychoses." Bellow's protagonists, in one shape or another, all wrestle with what Albert Corde, the dean in The Dean's December, called "the big-scale insanities of the 20th century." This transcendence of the "unutterably dismal" (a phrase from Dangling Man) is achieved, if it can be achieved at all, through a "ferocious assimilation of learning" (Hitchens) and an emphasis on nobility. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

프로필 사진

Saul Bellow

참여 작품

Seize the Day
Tommy Wilhelm (Robin Williams) is a salesman. An honest, hard-working guy who has lost his job, his girlfriend, and left part of his sanity behind as he heads to New York to pick up the pieces of his life. He's always been able to sell, but caught in a downward spiral, he must, in addition, face the father who never really understood him, while trying to balance his newly precarious existence.
Saul Bellow - Contemporary Interviews
뚱뚱한 사람을 만나면 뚱뚱해지고 중국인 옆에 가면 중국말을 하는 인간 카멜레온 젤리그에 관한 의사 다큐멘터리. 우디 앨런의 어떤 영화에서든 주인공은 항상 삶에 대한 불안감과 두려움으로 가득차 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그 극단적 캐릭터가 바로 이 영화의 주인공 레오나르 젤리그이다. 미디어를 통해서는 많은 사람들의 바램 - 변신이라는 - 을 실현시켜 주는 영웅이 되지만 실제로는 자신의 정체성을 부인하고 딴 사람이 되어야 안심이 되고 사랑 받을 수 있다고 생각하는 소심한 실패자인 것이다. 이 기발하면서도 내면적 깊이가 있는 컨셉을 가지고 우디 앨런은 테크놀로지 실험에 도전한다. 소울 벨로우나 수잔 손탁이 젤리그에 대한 기억을 진지하게 회상하거나, 젤리그 주변사람들에 대한 인터뷰가 간간히 들어가는가 하면, 방대한 뉴스 릴과 우디 앨런을 편집으로 합성하여 재즈 시대에서 파시즘 초기 시대까지의 유명인들과 함께 대화하는 것처럼 만들어 놓고서 다큐멘타리를 패러디한다. 재즈 음악과 어울려 화면은 재치와 속도감을 가지고 지나가지만 그 당시의 혼란과 불안감에 대한 고찰이 숨어있다. 그러나 결국 젤리그는 유도라 플레처와의 사랑에 안주해 버린다. 미국의 중산층의 가치를 받아들이면서 유순하고 평범한 미국인으로 전락해버린 것이다.