Joana Pais de Brito

Joana Pais de Brito

출생 : 1983-11-15, Lisbon, Portugal

프로필 사진

Joana Pais de Brito
Joana Pais de Brito

참여 작품

파티마의 기적
1917년, 제1차 세계대전이 한창이던 어느 날 포르투갈의 작은 마을 파티마에 한 줄기 빛이 비춘다. 10살 소녀 루치아와 그녀의 어린 사촌동생들은 그 빛 가운데 믿기 힘든 놀라운 광경을 목격한다. “누구세요? 어디서 오셨어요?” “천국에서 왔단다” “저희에게 오신 이유가 뭔가요?” 그들의 물음에, 그녀는 매달 13일 자신을 찾아오라 이야기하고 매일 빠짐없이 기도를 할 것을 당부하는데… 파티마 성모 발현 103주년 기념 작품. 믿음에 관한 가장 강력하고 위대한 감동 실화가 찾아온다!
Crooked Lines
An unexpected meeting on Twitter, introduces young actress Luísa to António, a writer and journalist, who hides his identity using Rasputine as his profile name. This virtual relationship becomes the centre of their lives and one day, they finally decide to meet. But, on his way, António has an accident…
공장에는 아무것도 없다
이윤을 넘어 오직 인간만이 창출 가능한 가치에 대해 논하는 올해의 주목해야 할 포르투갈 영화. 야음을 틈타 기계들이 반출되자 공장 노동자들은 일자리를 잃을까 봐 노심초사한다. 노사 간에 충돌이 일어나고 공장은 반쯤 비게 된다. 하지만 이와 동시에 새로운 비전도 보이기 시작한다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
Mother Knows Best
The family of Ana Luisa meets at home to celebrate her father's birthday. As the guests sit around the table they will share memories of the past, in which all have a common denominator: the late Josefa, Ana Luisa's mother. Hearing the stories, Ana Luisa realizes the impact that his late mother had on their life choices and imagines what would have happened if she had followed other paths, taken other options and said what was unsaid. At the same time, an event of unknown origin causes a change in space and time, enabling people all over the world the access to parallel universes. Ana Luisa will thus have the opportunity to change the past...
Maria Cabrita
Far beyond the mountains of this and the next world lies Haunting Hamlet, a place the sun prefers to shun and where day and night merge into one. Here times move so slowly it almost stands still and most of the villagers have time to kill. But among them is a boy who has no time to spare. His name is... Adolfo.
Nymph III
In this short comedy, Luis Vaz de Camoes, the greatest Portuguese renaissance poet, struggles creatively while engaging in a hedonistic, coprophagic, and drug addled lifestyle. The film follows the poet, and his lover Dinamene, as he writes his masterpiece, the epic poem "Os Lusiadas." He travels from the cacophony of the Indic jungles, surrounded by allegorical elephants and rhyming macaques, to the frontier of Heaven and Hell, where he is confronted by his fantasy: fame and immortality.
Almas Penadas
Zé Manel is the Manager of "Almas Penadas", probably the worst band in the world. A movie of his delusion of becoming famous.