David Ngo

참여 작품

더 스쿨
의사인 '에이미'는 병원에서 아이들이 하나 둘씩 죽어가는 것을 경험한다. 같은 병원에 입원해 있는 에이미의 아들 '데이빗' 또한 2년째 혼수 상태. 에이미는 자신이 근무하고 있는 병원이 한때는 학교였고, 당시 큰 화재 사건으로 많은 아이들이 죽었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 에이미는 데이빗의 영혼이 같은 공간, 다른 차원에 존재하는 '학교' 어딘가에 갇혀 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데...!
쌍둥이 언니를 찾으려는 주인공과 쌍둥이에 관한 연구가 진행되던 팀의 사투를 그린 스릴러 영화
Confused about her sexuality, Teresa asks a few strangers on the internet some of her most pressing questions about herself -- to find out that she's not alone in her experiences.
Assistant Camera
Confused about her sexuality, Teresa asks a few strangers on the internet some of her most pressing questions about herself -- to find out that she's not alone in her experiences.
Confused about her sexuality, Teresa asks a few strangers on the internet some of her most pressing questions about herself -- to find out that she's not alone in her experiences.
Confused about her sexuality, Teresa asks a few strangers on the internet some of her most pressing questions about herself -- to find out that she's not alone in her experiences.
One Eyed Girl
After the death of his girlfriend, Travis, a thirty-something psychiatrist, struggles to keep it together. On the brink of a nervous breakdown he stumbles across a strange church run by a charismatic leader, Pastor Jay. In search of answers Travis is led deeper and deeper into the underworld of religious fanaticism, home to a Doomsday cult and a teenage girl named Grace.
Devil Inside
Eva, a young virologist, is researching a contagious cancer that has wiped out nearly 90% of the Tasmanian Devil population. But when her husband is bitten by a stray dog, she suspects the virus has mutated to cross species and is causing violent outbursts in the hosts. Infection soon spreads through the locals and Eva must choose between saving the man she loves or the rest of humanity.