Toby Meakins

Toby Meakins

프로필 사진

Toby Meakins

참여 작품

추즈 오어 다이
주인 없는 상금의 유혹에 솔깃해진 두 친구. 정체 모를 80년대 비디오게임을 재작동시킨 뒤, 차원이 다른 공포로 얼룩진 비현실적인 세계로 들어선다.
추즈 오어 다이
주인 없는 상금의 유혹에 솔깃해진 두 친구. 정체 모를 80년대 비디오게임을 재작동시킨 뒤, 차원이 다른 공포로 얼룩진 비현실적인 세계로 들어선다.
Floor 9.5
After a long shift at work, a girl is trapped into a scary dimension from which there seems to be no escape.
A young man falls in love with a ghost you can only see when you don't Breathe.
A young man falls in love with a ghost you can only see when you don't Breathe.
A Collector repairs a vintage cine camera unlocking the hidden terror of LOT254.
A Collector repairs a vintage cine camera unlocking the hidden terror of LOT254.
Fables of Forgotten Things
A mysterious drifter and his young friend must save a frightened, forgetful old lady from a memory eating ghost.
Fables of Forgotten Things
A mysterious drifter and his young friend must save a frightened, forgetful old lady from a memory eating ghost.
The Magic Mile
Healing and boundless possibility come together in this original short film from the UK. When a deaf girl chances on an abandoned wheelchair, she discovers the incredible secret of 'the magic mile.' Finding herself in a strange and unfamiliar world, she picks up on the trail of the wheelchair's owner who reveals that even miracles have their limits.
The Magic Mile
Healing and boundless possibility come together in this original short film from the UK. When a deaf girl chances on an abandoned wheelchair, she discovers the incredible secret of 'the magic mile.' Finding herself in a strange and unfamiliar world, she picks up on the trail of the wheelchair's owner who reveals that even miracles have their limits.
A Fairytale of Forgotten Things
Have you ever stumbled across something you've long since forgotten about - what if somebody put it there for you to find?
A Fairytale of Forgotten Things
Have you ever stumbled across something you've long since forgotten about - what if somebody put it there for you to find?
A Fairytale of Forgotten Things
Have you ever stumbled across something you've long since forgotten about - what if somebody put it there for you to find?