Julie Buck

출생 : 1974-12-09, Walnut Creek, California, USA


Julie Buck is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker, photographer and collagist.

참여 작품

Double Exposed
Filmmaker Julie Buck explores her grandfather’s collection of Super 8 footage; the revelations behind the captured moments of joy reveal dark truths.
월터 교수의 마지막 강의
뉴욕 콜롬비아 대학원에서 철학을 공부 중인 소피는 철학이 사람들의 삶에 아무런 도움이 되지 않는다고 느낀다. 사고다운 사고가 불가능한 시대에 더 없이 가벼워져만 가는 사람들. 그들 틈에서 소통하지 못하는 소피는 삶에 대한 회의감이 깊어져만 가고, 그녀가 그나마 위안을 받을 수 있는 이는 월터 교수가 유일하다. 30년 넘게 교단에서 철학을 가르쳐온 월터 교수는, 얼마 남지 않은 남은 인생의 시간을 본인을 위해 쓰고자 은퇴를 결심한다. 마지막 강연을 마치던 날 여느 때와 다름없이 아내를 위한 꽃을 포장해 집으로 돌아가던 그는, 돌이킬 수 없는 사건과 마주하게 되는데…
필드 오브 로스트 슈즈
Unit Production Manager
버지니아주 군사학교에서 전쟁의 포화를 피해 있던 소년병들이 직접 전투에 나서며 어른들의 끔찍한 싸움에 뛰어 들어야 하는 운명에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 링컨 대통령에게 새로 임명 받은 율리시스 S 그랜트 장군은, 남부의 곡창지대인 섀넌도우 계곡으로 대군을 이끌고 전진한다. 큰 어려움에 직면한 버지니아 주 군사학교의 교장은 결국 어린 생도들을 죽음의 전쟁터로 보내게 되는데.. 그들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인가!
필드 오브 로스트 슈즈
Line Producer
버지니아주 군사학교에서 전쟁의 포화를 피해 있던 소년병들이 직접 전투에 나서며 어른들의 끔찍한 싸움에 뛰어 들어야 하는 운명에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 링컨 대통령에게 새로 임명 받은 율리시스 S 그랜트 장군은, 남부의 곡창지대인 섀넌도우 계곡으로 대군을 이끌고 전진한다. 큰 어려움에 직면한 버지니아 주 군사학교의 교장은 결국 어린 생도들을 죽음의 전쟁터로 보내게 되는데.. 그들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인가!
차일드 오브 갓
Line Producer
A dispossessed, violent man's life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes and with few other ties, he descends to the level of a cave dweller and falls deeper into crime and degradation.
Druid Peak
A troubled teen is sent to live with his estranged father, a park ranger. During his time there, he develops an unusual affinity with and passion for the wolves in a local pack.
Malevolent forces within the walls of an old restaurant torment a cleaning woman who is trying to earn enough money to pay for her son's operation.
Girls on Film
Girls on Film is about 70 unknown movie stars. Despite appearing in countless films, they were never actually meant to be seen by the movie-going public. In fact, these women are so enigmatic that in most cases we do not even know their names. This film is a tribute to these forgotten women. Officially known as color-timing control strips, these anonymous female film studio workers were affectionately dubbed "china girls" by the industry. The images in this show were meant only for use by the processing lab to match color tones in the associated film. Initially heavily scratched and faded, each images has been enlarged, restored and edited until these unknown and formerly unseen women resemble publicity snapshots of well-known film stars.
Girls on Film
Girls on Film is about 70 unknown movie stars. Despite appearing in countless films, they were never actually meant to be seen by the movie-going public. In fact, these women are so enigmatic that in most cases we do not even know their names. This film is a tribute to these forgotten women. Officially known as color-timing control strips, these anonymous female film studio workers were affectionately dubbed "china girls" by the industry. The images in this show were meant only for use by the processing lab to match color tones in the associated film. Initially heavily scratched and faded, each images has been enlarged, restored and edited until these unknown and formerly unseen women resemble publicity snapshots of well-known film stars.
Girls on Film
Girls on Film is about 70 unknown movie stars. Despite appearing in countless films, they were never actually meant to be seen by the movie-going public. In fact, these women are so enigmatic that in most cases we do not even know their names. This film is a tribute to these forgotten women. Officially known as color-timing control strips, these anonymous female film studio workers were affectionately dubbed "china girls" by the industry. The images in this show were meant only for use by the processing lab to match color tones in the associated film. Initially heavily scratched and faded, each images has been enlarged, restored and edited until these unknown and formerly unseen women resemble publicity snapshots of well-known film stars.