Agathe Moro

참여 작품

Key Hair Stylist
산부인과 의사 까뜨린느는 사업가 베르나르와 결혼한 지20년이 되었다. 그녀는 최근 점점 혼란스러움을 느낀다. 그녀는 남편에 대해 배신감을 느끼고, 하나의 생각을 떠올리게 된다. 아주 우연히 그녀는 호스테스바에 가게 되는데, 그 곳에서 마를렌이라는 귀여운 호스테스를 만난다. 까뜨린느는 이 아가씨에게 보수를 주고 자기 남편을 유혹할 것을 제안한다. 마를렌느는 나탈리라고 이름을 바꾸고 외모도 다시 고쳐서 베르나르와 만난다. 그녀는 까뜨린느에게 베르나르와 호텔에서 있었던 모든 일을 자세하게 이야기해 준다. 조금씩 조금씩 두 여인 사이에는 모호한 관계가 형성되는데...
Jet Lag
At Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, a beautician on her way to a new job in Mexico accidentally meets a cook who is on his way back from America. Labor strikes, bad weather, and pure luck cause the two of them to share a room overnight at the airport Hilton hotel. Will their initial mutual indifference and downright hostility turn into a one night stand or perhaps something more?
육체의 학교
Fashion executive Dominique's obsession for Quentin, a young bisexual hustler, fills her desire for physical love but leaves her taxed emotionally. Twists and turns in the relationship, along with the man's violent and abusive nature, force Dominique to reconcile the conflicts created by her passion. In this quest, Dominique is aided, and sometimes hindered, by friends, clients, and Quentin's former and current acquaintances.
My Favorite Season
Hair Department Head
Elderly woman Berthe leaves her house to live with her daughter Emilie. Emilie and her brother Antoine had a falling out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will resurface and impact both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.
Waiting for the Moon
Fictionalized portrait of one of history's great literary couples: Stein & Toklas. Summer 1930s France, Alice tends to ailing Gertrude; they visit Fernande Olivier, Guillaume Apollinaire, others; and Hemingway pops in.