Wendy J.N. Lee

참여 작품

페미니스트: 닫힌 문을 열고
여성운동이 활발하던 70년대 미국. 한 사진작가가 당대 여성들의 꾸밈없는 표정을 렌즈에 담았다. 현재 그들은 어떤 모습일까? 페미니즘이 뒤바꾼 그들의 삶을 돌아본다.
Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey
PAD YATRA: A Green Odyssey is the adventure of 700 people trekking across the Himalayas with a call to save the planet's "3rd pole," a glacial region now devastated by the climate chaos associated with global warming. Battling the most treacherous terrain on the planet, the trekkers spread their message of ecological compassion through human's most basic means -by walking on foot, village to village, and showing by example. Surviving harrowing injuries, illness, and starvation, they emerge with nearly half a ton of plastic litter strapped to their backs, triggering an historic green revolution across the rooftop of the world.