The magical epos of Friesland's biggest hero.
A married factory worker confronts his feelings as they bubble to the surface, two boxers fight for more than just keeps, a countryside coming out doesn't quite go to plan, while at the beach a boy makes an unreal discovery. Come and explore a thoroughly Dutch view on life and love.
The 5 short films are: Brick [Steen] (2013); South of Heaven [Ten Zuiden van de Hemel] (2019); Lukas by the Sea [Lukas aan Zee] (2016); Dante vs. Mohammed Ali (2018); Beautiful Alexander [Mooie Alexander] (2019).
아프가니스탄에서 네덜란드 육군이 재건 및 전투 임무를 수행 중인 가운데, 급조 폭발물 사고로 수많은 사상자가 발생한다. 그 와중에 포츠마 상병이 쏜 총에 사망한 남성이 무장 군인이 아닌 소년으로 밝혀지자 징계 명령이 내려진다. 병장의 사격 허가 명령 여부를 놓고 진실 공방전이 시작되면서 분대 내에도 갈등이 생기는데... 2008년 아프간, 가장 치열했던 34시간이 돌아온다!
Jeffrey lives in a small Dutch town with his father and his girlfriend. He is about to become a dad. Working in the local brick factory, he gets to supervise newbee Kevin. When Kevin tries to become intimate with him, Jeffrey knocks him to the ground. Yet he can't seem to get Kevin out of his head and starts to question everything that he was once so sure of.
Sjoerd Lelkema
Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke meerderheid van stemmen, dat de Elfstedentocht doorgaat. Tussen de duizenden die een startbewijs veroveren bevinden zich soldaat Henk Buma (Cas Janssen), boerenzoon Sjoerd Lelkama (Lourens van den Akker), arbeider Kees Ferwerda (Chris Zegers) en verpleegkundige Annemiek (Chava voor in 't Holt). Alle vier hebben zo hun reden om deze tocht der tochten te rijden. Door de dramatische en heroïsche gebeurtenissen zal deze Elfstedentocht, ook voor Henk, Sjoerd, Kees en Annemiek, als een van de meest legendarische de geschiedenis ingaan.
The Dankert brothers are confronted by a client suspected of killing elderly patients in a hospital. It soon becomes apparent that there is another nurse walking around who is acting extremely suspicious. The Dankerts go on a hunt for exculpatory evidence and encounter surprising cases that pose a huge dilemma for them. How far does a lawyer go in professional secrecy before gnawing in his own private life? A conflict between the two brothers is inevitable.