Anne Nichols

참여 작품

A one night stand turns into a living nightmare when a married woman becomes the target of an obsessive and murderous stalker.
Give Me a Sailor
Theatre Play
Jim and Walter are two brother sailors in the United States Navy. Walter tells Jim as soon as they get home he is going to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Nancy Larkin to marry him. But Jim is also in love with Nancy so he begs Nancy's ugly duckling sister, Letty to help break Walter and Nancy up. Letty agrees only under one condition, he help her to win Walter!
Just Married
Theatre Play
After many outrageous moments, a young girl marries her former acquaintance, not with her fiancee.
Abie's Irish Rose
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.
Abie's Irish Rose
Theatre Play
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.
Her Gilded Cage
Theatre Play
A romance about a dancer seeking love and fame from Paris cabarets to New York society.
In the Hot Lands
Nell's Mother
Nell, an independent and somewhat obstinate girl, receives an invitation to attend a dance. She asks her mother for money to buy a new dress. Her mother, a hard working woman, who has to toil from morn to night, feels that her request involves an unnecessary extravagance and she denies it. Nell answers her sharply and leaves in a sullen mood. While working in the hot, broiling sun, the mother is overcome with the heat.
Return of Ta-Wa-Wa
Rose Leigh
After graduating from an Indian school where he has acquired an education and schooling in the ways of the white man. Ta-wa-wa, a young Indian, returns to his native territory and far western home. On the way to the tribe's encampment he stops at Vail's ranch, meets Kawista, his boyhood sweetheart, who greets him cordially and with a frank admiration for his gentlemanly appearance. While they are exchanging greetings the postman enters and hands a letter to Mr. Vail from Col. Leigh, an Englishman, stating that he will visit the ranch with Lord Wyndham, an English lord who expresses a desire to see a real Indian powwow.
A Woman in the Case
Willis Johnson
The West Texas Borax Company is practically insolvent. John Graham, the president, has been unable to find the white mineral in sufficient quantities to satisfy the eastern stockholders, and a letter from his partner arrives which brings the disagreeable news that their backers are about to back out, unless, in the language of Missouri, they "are shown" something. Graham is in a quandary, and appeals to his stenographer for advice. That young woman has had so little to do in, the office that she is overcome with surprise and confusion. The postman enters and hands Graham a letter and a package. Listlessly the president opens them, but his manner changes and he leaps to his feet with a whoop of joy. There is a chance of saving the company.
A Postal Substitute
Mrs. Benson
When our picture opens, Joe Flynn, a rider in the service of the government, has been shot from ambush by a masked man and is dying. Grouped at his bedside are his son Jack, a sturdy young man, the local doctor and the county sheriff. The old man dies and a week later we see Jack delivering the mail. The sheriff has inserted the description of the murderer in the Yuma Gulch Herald, and the country is being scoured to find him. Jack has a long and perilous ride between the two points of his route and is frequently beset with danger. Steve Benson, a desperado, who has killed old man Flynn, is living unhappily with his wife in hourly fear of having his crime discovered.