In the Summer of 1963, Flint, Michigan is home to the Watsons, a close knit family. When 15 year-old Byron’s antics go over the top, his parents realize enough is enough and they decide the family needs a dose of Grandma Sands' no nonsense approach in Birmingham, Alabama. So the Watsons load up their 1948 Plymouth Brown Bomber and head South. When they finally make it to Birmingham, they meet Grandma Sands and her friend, Mr. Robert and discover that life is very different there than in Flint. During that historic summer, the Watsons find themselves caught up in something far bigger than Byron’s antics; something that will change their lives and country forever.
Executive Producer
우주비행사가 꿈인 13살 지미는 어느 날 우주로켓 센터에서 개최하는 여름 우주캠프에 선발되었다. 우주왕복선에 탑승할 수 있는 기회가 주어지는 우주캠프에서 그와 함께 선발된 다른 다섯 명의 특출난 경쟁자들. 지미를 포함한 여섯 명의 십대들의 경쟁이 점점 더 열기를 더해갈 무렵, 우주정거장에 위험한 사고가 발생하게 되는데...대니 글로버, 미라 소르비로 같은 낯익은 헐리우드 스타들이 함께 하는 워너브라더스의 어린이 우주 모험극.
(2013년 제4회 국립과천과학관 국제SF영상축제)
Executive Producer
When leading marriage counselor Annie Morgan is offered an opportunity to host a relationship talk show, she jumps at the chance. But fearful that being single might ruin her big break, she conspires with an old college friend and recent widower to pose as a married couple with kids.