Thomas Hezel

출생 : 1961-05-23, Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany

참여 작품

Rosamunde Pilcher: Ungezügelt ins Glück
Love in Paradise Island
Kelsey Donovan searches for her father, Jake, whom she hasn't seen in over twenty years. When he finds her in a picturesque small town in New Zealand, they can't get close. Kelsey's father works as a professional treasure hunter in New Zealand and also organizes diving courses for tourists with Dillon Ward. Kelsey doesn't like her father treating the handsome Dillon like he's his son. When Jake is nearly killed in a diving accident, father and daughter finally seem to bond. When Kelsey and Dillon begin to grow fond of each other, Jake isn't thrilled.
Emilie Richards - Das Paradies am Ende der Welt
Julia Whitman and her daughter Jody flee their husband and father’s violence to a doomsday paradise. Julia meets Matthey Haley in New Zealand and falls in love despite her inner resistance. However, the shadows of the past will not let you forget. Julia's ex-husband, Charles, who follows in the footsteps of his wife and daughter, shows up on the island.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Sommer der Liebe
Colonel Mortimer's son Gregory, his pride and joy, returns to the ancestral Cornish estate by the sea for the summer after loosing that year's only Horse Guards officer promotion to his neighbor-buddy Eric. By ancestral tradition, that means another delay too for his long-planned marriage with neighbor's daughter Rebecca, who already doubts if the are actually in love. Mortimer's new housekeeper Elisabeth proves irresistible for father (platonically) and son, but is held back by a family secret concerning her late mother Catherine. Eric also has a confession to make.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Über den Wolken
에너미 앳 더 게이트
Script Supervisor
2차 세계대전 당시 독일과 소련이 대치했던 스탈린그라드 전장. 독일군의 강력한 공격으로 소련군이 궁지에 몰린 상황에서 폐허가 된 전쟁터를 헤매던 소련 선전장교 다닐로프(조셉 파인즈)는 우연히 명사수 바실리(주드 로)의 뛰어난 저격솜씨를 목격한다. 저하된 소련군의 사기를 되살리기 위해 영웅이 필요하다고 판단한 다닐로프는 바실리를 전문적인 저격수로 만들고 전장에 뿌려지는 전단을 통해 전설적인 영웅으로 부상시킨다. 바실리의 뛰어난 솜씨로 나치 장교들이 하나하나 죽어가자 독일군은 역시 저격수인 코니그 소령(에드 해리스)을 내세워 바실리를 없애려 한다. 바실리는 코니그와의 숨막히는 전쟁에 빠져드는 동시에 타냐(레이첼 와이즈)라는 소련 여군 병사를 사이에 두고 다닐로프와 묘한 연적관계에 놓이는데...
The Ogre
Script Supervisor
Frenchman Abel Tiffauges is a naive man who lives a simple life working as a mechanic. Falsely accused of being a child abuser, he is recruited as a soldier when World War II begins, but is captured soon and taken to the heart of Nazi Germany.