A young woman arrives in New York City determined to become a great theatrical star, but discovers that her goal may not be as easily attainable as she had hoped.
Advertising executive Marshall Briggs finds his work in conflict with his love-life with fashion model Janice Blake.
When the South loses the war, Confederate veteran O'Meara goes West, joins the Sioux, takes a wife and refuses to be an American but he must choose a side when the Sioux go to war against the U.S. Army.
When the owner of a stagecoach station is killed, a gunman takes his place.
Sound Designer
젊은 소설가 톰 개럿은 신문사 편집장의 딸인 수전과 약혼을 앞두고 있다. 톰은 새로운 소설을 집필하려고 결혼을 연기한다. 수전의 아버지인 오스틴 스펜서는 평소 파행적으로 법을 집행하고 용의자를 유죄 처리하던 검사를 미워한다. 어느 날 한 여인이 의문의 변사체로 발견되고, 스펜서는 톰에게 위험한 제안을 한다. 그 제안은 톰이 범인으로 가장하여 재판을 받은 후 진실을 폭로하여 세상을 발칵 뒤집어놓자는 것. 톰은 잠시 주저하지만 이내 범인의 인상착의를 토대로 톰은 범인으로 위장하기 위해서 새로운 차를 구입하고 옷을 입는다, 그가 탔다던 자동차와 비슷한 차를 구입하여 밤거리를 돌아다닌다. 그리고 한 여인을 차에 태우고 범행을 가장한다. 경찰은 곧바로 그를 구속 수사하고 검찰은 그를 유력한 용의자로 지목한다. 그와 함께 사건을 꾸미던 신문사 편집장은 이 모든 것을 사진으로 남긴다. 후일 진실을 폭로하기 위한 증거인 것이다. 재미난 것은 이 사진은 필름이 아니라 폴라로이드라는 사실이다. 즉 원본이 없는 세상에서 하나뿐인 증거물인 것인데...
A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
In 1915, an American adventurer joins the supporters of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa.
An American with a shady past joins with a morally-bankrupt Irishman to find treasure buried by Arabs in a deserted mosque in the Sahara. The situation becomes complicated when they are surrounded by Bedouin bandits.
Two scuba divers find a shipwreck which may contain undiscovered treasure, however, their attempt to salvage it is threatened by scavengers.
전쟁이 끝난 후 리투아니아인 포로 수용소에 갇혀있던 카린은 수용소를 나가기 위해 스트롬볼리의 젊은 안토니오니와의 결혼에 동의한다. 카린은 남편과 함께 스트롬볼리에 가지만 그곳의 험한 생활에 적응할 수가 없게 된다. 황폐한 환경과 주민들의 적개심은 그녀가 이전보다 더 어려운 상황의 포로가 되었음을 느끼게 하고 이 섬을 탈출하게끔 만든다.
Bookkeeper Sam Wilson learns from his boss, Malcolm Jarvis, that he is losing his job because the company is closing down. Jarvis then makes a strange proposition, saying he intends to commit suicide but wants Sam to make it look like a murder, in order for his wife and son to inherit Jarvis's life insurance. Sam declines, but when he goes to see Jarvis and finds his dead body, he reluctantly goes along with the scheme.
Crooked ranch foreman Thatcher sends his two henchmen, Parnell and Clint, out to murder his boss, wealthy Peter Arnold who has just arrived to retire on his ranch, bringing in tow his daughter, tomboy Jessie, who despises western life and can't wait to run off back to San Francisco. Stagecoach line owner Dave Collins and his sidekick Chito show up just in time to deter the attackers. Collins isn't done yet, though, as a gold shipment sent on one of his stages is stolen by Parnell and Clint, one of whom is recognized by Jessie, attempting to escape back to the west coast. Collins has his hands full trying to retrieve the stolen gold, and dealing with Jessie, who's fallen head-over-heels in love with him.
An imaginative boy who frequently makes things up witnesses a murder, but can't get his parents or the police to believe him. The only people taking him seriously are the killers - who live upstairs, know that he saw what they did, and are out to permanently silence him.
A group of Arizona ranchers, trying to learn the identities of the Salt River Gang and prevent any further rustling, marks the currency that rancher Frank Abbott turns over to the gang to get his cattle back. Unfortunately drifters Dick McBride and Chito Rafferty are accused of being in the gang when they are found with the money, which they have actually won at the casino of saloon owner Brad Carew, a member of the gang. Dick and Chito break out of jail and hunt down the fleeing Carew in hopes of finding out who the true leader of the gang is.
A young boy threatens to follow in his outlaw brother's footsteps.
Honest government agent Dave Taylor sets out to find the men responsible for stealing food supplies from an Indian reservation.
Down-and-out cowhand Jim Garry is asked by his old friend Tate Riling to help mediate a cattle dispute. When Garry arrives, however, it soon becomes clear that Riling has not been entirely forthright. Garry uncovers Riling's plot to dupe local rancher John Lufton out of a fortune. When Lufton's firecracker of a daughter, Amy, gets involved, Garry must choose between his old loyalties and what he knows to be right.
A widowed farmer takes an indentured servant as his new wife, but the arrival of a passing stranger threatens their burgeoning relationship.
When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.
Sound Mix Technician
A disgraced veteran wanders the West alone until he decides to help a battered woman.
A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ tries unsuccessfully to stop them. Arnold presents it at the recorders office. It appears authentic and he starts evicting ranchers from their land. But Russ knows something is wrong as one of Arnold's men was a man he fought with during the attack.
Sound Designer
A private detective foils the plans of villains attempting to take over Panamanian oilfields when he hides a valuable map in plain sight.
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
Sound Designer
Steve Morgan kills a man in a holdup and hitches a ride to Los Angeles with Fergie. At a gas station, they pick up two women. Encountering a roadblock, Morgan takes over and persuades the party to spend the night at an unoccupied beach house. The police close in as one by one, the others learn that Morgan is a killer.
Bat Masterson cleans up Liberal, Kansas.
2차 세계대전 말기 미국에서 나치 첩자 한 명이 징역형을 언도받는다. 아버지의 활동에는 전혀 관여하지 않았던 그 첩자의 딸인 엘리샤는 방탕한 생활을 보내고 있다. 어느날 데블린이라고 자신을 밝힌 정부 기관원이 그녀에게 접근해 정부의 극비 임무를 수행해 줄 것을 부탁한다. 그녀는 그 부탁을 받아들이고 두 사람은 함께 리오로 떠난다. 그런데 두 사람은 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 데블린은 그녀가 플레이걸이었다는 사실이 마음에 걸려 그녀와 일정한 거리를 유지한다. 엘리샤의 임무는 아버지의 옛 동료인 세바스찬에게 접근하는 것이다. 세비스찬은 브라질로 피신해 있는 유명한 나치들에게 자신의 집을 은신처로 제공하고 있다. 그녀는 세바스천과 접촉하는 데 성공해 곧 그의 집을 정기적으로 드나들 수 있게 된다. 세바스천은 그녀를 사랑하게 되고 결국 청혼을 한다. 그녀는 데블린이 세바스천과의 결혼에 반대하길 원했으나 그러지 않자 그 청혼을 받아들인다. 이때 그녀는 데블린으로부터 세바스천이 항상 휴대하고 다니는 지하 포도주 저장실의 열쇠를 손에 넣으라는 지령을 받게되는데...
London, 1761. St. Mary's of Bethlehem, a sinister madhouse, is visited by wealthy people who enjoy watching the patients confined there as if they were caged animals. Nell Bowen, one of the visitors, is horrified by the deplorable living conditions of the unfortunate inhabitants of this godforsaken place, better known as Bedlam.
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
A society sleuth sets out on the trail of a society matron's lost jewels.
어린 시절 충격으로 목소리를 잃은 헬렌은 워렌 가문에서 일하고 있다. 마을에서는 불구 여성만 골라가며 살해하는 연쇄살인사건이 일어난다. 한편, 이 마을에 새로 온 의사 패리는 헬렌을 보스턴으로 데려가 그녀가 목소리를 다시 찾을 수 있도록 도와주고 싶어 한다. 또 한 차례의 살인사건이 발생한 날, 워렌 부인은 헬렌에게 당장 떠나라고 경고하고, 헬렌은 패리와 함께 떠나기로 마음먹는데 그 순간 또 한 사람이 워렌 가에서 살해당하고 만다. 워렌 가에서 일하는 또 한 명의 여성 블랑쉬가 살해된 것. 블랑쉬는 한때 형 알버트와 연인관계였으며 현재는 이복동생 스티븐과 사귀는 사이다. 헬렌은 블랑쉬 살해현장에서 마주친 스티븐이 범인이라 생각하고 그를 가둔다. 그리고 결국 드러나는 범인의 실체... 마을에 또 다시 살인사건이 일어난다. 연쇄살인범은 장애가 있는 젊은 여성만 골라 살해한다. 한편, 젊고 아름답지만 말을 하지 못하는 헬렌은 병든 워렌 부인을 위해 일하고 있다. 워렌 부인은 다음 피해자는 헬렌일 거라 걱정하며 헬렌에게 멀리 떠나라 한다. 그러나 곧 저택에서 사건이 발생한다. 에셀 리나 화이트의 소설을 각색한 작품으로, 심리묘사가 뛰어난 스릴러. 으스스한 분위기가 가득한 한정된 공간 안에서 심리적인 압박은 극에 달한다. 이후에도 여러 번 영화화되었다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산 - 월드시네마 XII)
Sound Recordist
A World War II veteran hunts down the Nazi collaborators who killed his wife.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
While on vacation, the Falcon is arrested for kidnapping after striking up a friendship with a girl who's nurse has been recently murdered.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
19세기 스코틀랜드의 어느 마을, 유명한 교수이자 의사인 맥팔레인 박사의 조수로 일하게 된 의학생 페티스는 해부학에 쓰일 시체를 가져다주는 그레이(보리스 칼로프)라는 괴상한 마부를 알게 된다. 무슨 영문인지 맥팔레인 박사는 그레이에게 뭔가 약점이 잡힌 듯한 모습이고 정체 모를 그레이는 맥팔레인 박사의 인생에서 악마같은 존재로 어슬렁거리고 있다. 또한 그가 가져오는 시체들도 정부에서 받아오는 노숙자의 시체가 아니라 무덤을 도굴하여 가져온다는 사실을 알게 된다. 불길한 예감에 페티스는 박사의 곁을 떠나려고 하나 인간의 도덕적 양심과 의학의 발달이 가져다주는 기여 사이에서 혼동을 느끼며 결국 맥팔레인 박사와 그레이 사이에서 머물게 된다. 그들의 행동을 감시하듯 지켜보는 늙은 하인 조셉(벨라 루고시), 그리고 젊고 착한 청년 페티스의 장래를 걱정하는 박사의 부인, 거기에 박사에게 꼭 수술을 받아서 하반신 마비가 된 딸을 걷게 만들려는 마시 부인 등 주변인물들과의 복잡한 관계가 얽히게 되면서 상황은 뭔가 불길한 결말을 향해서 달리게 되고 결국 무시무시한 비극이 일어나게 되는데...
Five defense workers on their way to the munitions factory tell their stories: a refugee from the French Resistance, a frustrated race car driver, a prison warden, a former Miss America, and an intellectual who dropped out of society and saw the country as a bum.
A woman in search of her missing sister uncovers a Satanic cult in New York's Greenwich Village and finds that they could have something to do with her sibling's random disappearance.
독일 점령기 프랑스. 소심하고 겁 많은 중년의 초등학교 교사 앨버트 로리는 동료인 루이스 마틴을 남몰래 사랑한다. 루이스는 나치 정권의 열렬한 지지자인 철도 기술자 조지 램버트와 약혼한 사이다. 로리는 겁이 많아 보이지만, 사실 레지스탕스의 일원이다. 어느 날 테러가 발생하고, 독일 당국은 로리를 포함한 일군의 인질들을 잡아들여, 진범을 잡지 못하면 이들을 총살하려 한다. 아들에 대한 맹렬하고 이기적인 집착으로 루이스를 매우 질투하는 로리 부인은 루이스의 남동생 폴을 의심하고, 램버트에게 고발한다. 이로 인해 폴은 살해당하고, 램버트는 자살을 선택한다. 결국 이 모든 죽음의 혐의는 앨버트에게 돌아가고, 독일 경찰은 그에게 거부할 수 없는 제안을 한다.
귀족 가문에서 자란 조지 앰버슨은 오만하고 자부심이 강한 청년이며, 유진은 자동차 업계에서 성공하여 딸 루시와 함께 살고 있는 홀아비다. 조지의 어머니 이사벨은 남편이 죽자 옛 연인 유진과 다시 사랑에 빠진다.
Sound Recordist
When a gold digger starts to get a little old to ply her trade, she teaches a younger woman all her tricks.
Sound Engineer
Eleanor and her parents are hunting big game, acompanied by her wimpish fiance.
Sound Engineer
An internationally-notorious criminal scientist returns to the US to sell his latest invention, a disintegrating gas, to a foreign power. When he arrives, however, he is spotted by a young Coast Guard man, whom he kills - and thus earns the enmity of the entire US Coast Guard, but especially the murdered Guardsman's older brother who, together with his reporter-girlfriend and her comical photographer, vigorously sets to tracking him down and interfering with his plans to develop the city-melting gas in quantity. A Republic Serial in 12 Chapters.
Sound Engineer
A crooked real estate manipulator sells worthless land on mortgage to flood refugees, then tries to profit by reselling the land to the state, committing murder in the process, as the Three Mesquiteers work to bring him and his gang to justice.
Gene and Frog arrive with a herd of horses for Gene'e brother, a diamond prospector whose work has attracted the interest of a bunch of badguys.
Sound Engineer
Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely get away with their lives when they escape a tower of Atlantis raised to the surface for the sole purpose of dominating or destroying the Earth (Which one depends on the compliance of the upper world dwellers.)
Sound Engineer
When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.
Sound Engineer
A disparate group of people meet as passengers on a superspeed train crossing the U.S. Aboard are a seductive blackmailer and the stage director he intends to frame, a woman chasing her husband who is running away with the blackmail victim, and the stage director's feisty leading lady.
A nosy reporter (Nugent) befriends the dumb Coughlin and pushes the Governor to commute his sentence. Now, Coughlin can ride his family's pride and joy in the Kentucky Derby. BUT, the mean old Warden cancels all paroles--and the idiot decides to escape (even though he's only got 10 more months to serve). So, the reporter has a hunch and goes to see if he can find Coughlin--and the Warden deputizes him!! At this point you might wonder if the boy will make good and win the big race
Sound Recordist
In 1930s Texas, following the murder of his father, Tom Morgan joins the Texas Rangers to avenge his father's death and to follow in his path as a proponent of Indian rights. His task as a Ranger is to stop the evil Zaroff and his gang, who are smuggling the elements for a powerful explosive from a mine on Indian land.
Sound Engineer
Ken Williams is determined to discover the identity of the mysterious Rattler, who preys upon railroads and transportation companies like that owned by Jane Corwin. The Rattler is especially difficult to catch because of his skill at disguising himself as other people.
Sound Engineer
Clyde Beatty, an animal trainer and circus star, leads a search for his missing girlfriend and her father who were on an expedition looking for a lost tropical island. Using a dirigible as his mode of transportation, Beatty and his band head off in search of the missing explorers only to crash their airship on the same island their friends are located. Battling wild animals and a gang of greedy men searching for gold, Beatty and his party must rescue his girlfriend and father all the while trying to escape their jungle island. Feature version of the same-title serial of the same year, with refilmed sequences substantially altering the plot and characters of the original chapterplay.
Sound Engineer
12 part movie serial where Clyde Beatty encounters obstacles and adventure on his way to rescue his damsel in distress.
Sound Recordist
Hank Davis, foreman on a huge dam project, enlists the aid of his two flyer friends when a sinister figure known as The Black Ace leads his Mystery Squadron of masked pilots in an attempt to destroy the dam.
Sound Recordist
In this Western, comprised of 12 chapters from a serial, Kit leads a group carrying a large gold shipment across the wild West. When the Mystery Riders attack and steal the gold, Kit is the only survivor. He later joins forces with the cavalry to retrieve it.