John Saint Ryan

John Saint Ryan

출생 : , Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK

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John Saint Ryan

참여 작품

Mancunian Man: The Legendary Life Of Cliff Twemlow
Go back to the 1980s and discover the extraordinary true story of Cliff Twemlow! You’ve never heard of him… but polymath Twemlow was a nightclub bouncer, novelist, composer, singer, screenwriter, producer and actor who was the most prolific indie filmmaker in the UK for a decade! Witness how this 20th-century Renaissance man created his own innovative micro-film industry in Manchester. Shooting his feature films on clunky early pioneering video technology, G.B.H. (1983) was even branded a Video Nasty! A warmly hilarious portrait that will take you back to an era where literally anything could happen. And did!
Out of the Wild
Tom Essex
The story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drink away. Living on his last dollar with nowhere to go, he ends up working the last place an old cowboy wants to be: A dude ranch. It is here he meets the owner, Jessie King, a no-nonsense rancher with a deep love for horses. McBride's self-discovery begins when she introduces him to a new way of training a troubled mustang, a horse whose past and temperament mirror his own.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service
Mister Max
In the thirteenth film in the series, in March 1917, Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible Bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort.
The Heidi Chronicles
Heidi Holland is a woman on the long and often bumpy road of self-discovery from the 1960s to 1990s. The movie follows her path from high-school egghead, to feminist supporter, to intellectual art dealer/mother, and chronicles her ups and downs and revelations.
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale
Miles Standish
Squanto is a high-born Indian warrior from a tribe on the Atlantic coast of North America which devotes its life to hunting and rivalry with a neighboring tribe. Everything changes forever after a ship arrives from England, prospecting the region's commercial potential for the rich Sir George, who uses all his wealth and influence only for ever greater profit. When it returns, several Indians find themselves captives on board, including Squanto. The arrogant Christians consider themselves utterly superior to the 'heathen savages' and treat them as brutally as they do beasts. Squanto fights a bear in a circus, not understanding how men can be so cruel to that creature either, and manages a spectacular escape, but where must he go? He finds shelter and help in a rural monastery, where it takes his protector some effort to prevent the others considering the unknown as diabolical. In time sir George's men come looking for him most brutally...
아메리칸 사이보그
Cyborg (as John Ryan)
제3차 대전의 끔찍한 핵 파괴로 지구가 폐허화 된지도 17년 생존자들은 인간을 위해 일하도록 개발했던 컴퓨터의 반란으로 컴퓨터가 지배하는 세상에서 강제 수용되어 자연 소멸을 기다릴 수밖에 없는 포로의 신세가 되버렸다. 그러나 인간의 존엄성을 지키고, 컴퓨터의 지배에서 벗어나려는 인간의 두뇌들은 지하에 집결해서, 반컴퓨터 활동을 하고 있었다. 그런 활동의 하나가 핵은 물론 컴퓨터의 오염을 받지않은 새로운 인간의 발육이다. 지하연구소의 책임자 벅클리 박사(Dr. Buckley: 잭 위더커 분)는 오염되지않은 숫처녀 메리(Mary: 니콜 핸슨 분)의 난자를 이용해서 그런 생명을 출산시켜, 미국보다는 깨끗한 유럽으로 옮기기로 한다. 그러나 정확하고 철저한 컴퓨터의 감시를 뚫고 시험관 속에 담은 태아를 유럽으로 옮기는 일은 여간 어려운 것이 아니었다. 사이보그의 끈질긴 추적에도 불구하고, 도중에 만난 오스틴(Austin: 죠 라라 분)의 도움으로 항구를 향한 36시간의 어려움 많은 길을 항구를 향해 달려간다. 수많은 고비를 함께 넘기는 사이에 메리도 오스틴도 서로를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나 사이보그와의 치열한 격투 끝에, 오스틴은 자신도 사이보그의 하나라는 것을 알게 되고, 그 사실은 메리에게 커다란 배신감을 안겨주는데....
Ralph Straker (as John Ryan)
테러리스트에서 CIA요원으로 변신한 알렉사의 두 번째 활약상.
The Eye of Satan
Camille Muhamed
Since the beginning of time man has always had an inherent fear of darkness, haunted by the belief that hidden in the black chambers of night, dark and powerful satanic forces are watching and waiting to strike some poor unsuspecting soul. Now the belief becomes reality in the form of Kane, soldier of Satan. He is here to prepare for his masters return. Kane must also recover the Eye of Satan taken from a ritual chamber somewhere in Africa. The jewel posses strange demonic powers. Kane always travels in the company of a black panther. Harry Bronstien underworld gang lord, manages to locate the jewel and persuades Kane to eliminate the opposition in return for the information. Kane accepts the offer. Bronstien is soon to realise the power of Kane.
Delta Force 3: The Killing Game
Sergei (as John Ryan)
A terrorist places an atom bomb somewhere in an American metropolis. The president of the U.S. has no other choice; he has to call Delta Force.
Angel Voices
Nightclub Manager
It is the summer of 1963: the year of the Beatles and wild dances like the Hully Gully. Tommy Bray's choirboys set off on their annual trip to Blackpool, but Tommy Bray fears that his beloved choir may not survive the temptations of the time.
Into the Darkness
Jeff Conti
A bevy of beautiful models arrives on a tropical island for a photo shoot, but soon they are being killed off one by one.
Into the Darkness
A bevy of beautiful models arrives on a tropical island for a photo shoot, but soon they are being killed off one by one.
Big Nick Rafferty
Superstar bouncer Steve Donovan is pulled back into the world of gang violence when he accepts the role of door protector at an upmarket club in Manchester.