John Bardon

출생 : 1939-08-25, Brentford, Middlesex, England, UK

사망 : 2014-09-12

프로필 사진

John Bardon

참여 작품

우리는 파키스탄인
파키스탄인임을 자랑스럽게 여기는 스낵바 주인 조지 칸의 자녀들에게 인생은 타협의 연속이다. 자녀들에게 '겐지스'로 통하는 조지에게 있어 인생은 가족들에게 전통적인 파키스탄의 가치관을 전수시키기 위한 치열한 전투나 다름없다. 그러나 1970년대 영국 살포드에서 이런 사고방식이 통할 리가 없다. 조지의 아내 엘라는 영국인이고 아들들도 자신만의 생각이 확고하다. 미나는 사리를 입기보다는 공차기를 좋아하고,살림은 사실은 예술학교에 다니면서 공학을 전공하는 척 아버지를 속인다. 타리크는 바람둥이로 동네에 소문이 자자하고, 사지트는 아직 할례도 받지 않았다. 이미 한 명을 강제로 중매결혼 시킨 조지는 다른 두 아들도 큰 정육점을 운영하는 샤씨의 딸들과 결혼시키려는 계획을 세운다. 아이들의 아버지의 독제에 반항하기 시작하면서, 엘라는 남편에 대한 사람과 아이들의 정당한 권리 중 하나를 선택해야 하는 기로에 서게 되는데...
Giving Tongue
Jessie Fielding is a young MP who is trying to get an anti-hunting bill through the two Houses of Parliament, which is a little surprising as she hunted as a teenager with friend Barb Gale. Matters are complicated when she rekindles her friendship with Barb, who still works for a hunt. The plot thickens further when it becomes aparent that the House of Lords is likely break with convention and block the bill, an event which the Prime Minister hopes to use for his own ends.
Bosun Patrick Forget
Eco-terrorists attack a ship carrying toxic waste.
Further Up Pompeii!
Villainus Brutus
This one-off was shown on ITV in 1991, and by different writers, then the original Talbot Rothwell & Sid Colin. In my opinion a brilliant come-back for Howerd, with a new cast, and funny script. This could have seen a good return as a series on ITV, although Howerds own death in 1992 limited this. The cast in this one-off feature some regulars from other sitcoms from the 1970's including Roy Evans who now stars in Eastenders. The set was more like a theatre than a TV set, no reality at all which, was actually quite a good move. In summing up they successfully bought a true classic back to life with Further Up Pompeii. It's well worth watching at least 2.
Thin Air
Set in a commercial radio station in an enterprise zone called ‘Riverside’, Thin Air involved property development on a massive scale, the disruption and forced exodus of a local community, the stripping away of local authority powers, left-wing activism, designer drugs, media hacks.
84번가의 연인
Labour Party Canvasser
가난한 작가인 헬레인 헨프는 대단한 독서광으로 읽고 싶은 고전들을 싸게 사보기 위해 영국 런던 84번지에 있는 중고책방에 편지로 책을 주문한다. 이를 계기로 서점 직원 프랭크 도엘과 평생을 정신적 교류를 나누는 정신적 연인이 되어 편지로만 희노애락을 함께 한다. 때론 귀한 책 한 권에 함께 감동하고 때론 분노하면서 사소한 주변 얘기도 곁들며 가며 인생을 논할수 있었던 건 프랭크, 헬레인 두 사람다 따뜻한 인간애와 문학과 예술을 사랑하는 정신적 여유에 유모가 풍부한 점에서 비슷하기 때문이다. 프랭크가 죽기까지 영국엔 한 번도 가보지 못했던 헬레인 프랭크가 죽고 난 후 어느날 문득 그토록 동경했던 그 서점에 가서 감상에 젖는데...
Station Master
An uncompromising British school headmaster finds himself beset by one thing going wrong after another.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Lord of Tyre / Fisherman of Pentapolis / Storm Sailor
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Fords on Water
Man in Hotel Bar
Influential, cult classic, UK buddy road movie about two friends, one white and one black, who bond over their desire to escape from boredom and unemployment in Thatcher's Britain.
Friend or Foe
Two evacuated children in wartime rural England find two German airmen hiding out in the woods. An adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's 1977 novel from writer/director John Krish .
Murphy's Stroke
The horse Gay Future is at the centre of an Irish betting syndicate in 1974 which saw trainer Antony Collins present a poor performing horse at his stables. The betting stakes were subsequently raised, before the real horse was entered in the race.
Dinner at The Sporting Club
John Thaw plays Vinny Mathews a small time boxing promoter who struggles with his conscience as to whether or not to provide a fighter for a Sporting Club promotion, a fighter he knows is unfit against an opponent who is way out of his league. However Mathews needs sponsorship and this would be the ideal opportunity to mix with the "frilly shirted" sportsmen who enjoy their lavish lifestyle as fighters slug it out as the steak is served!
Law & Order
Del Rogers
Four-part drama serial about the British juicidal system, dealing with an investigation presented from the perspectives of the police force, the criminal, the solicitor and the prison system.