Allie Grant

Allie Grant

출생 : 1994-02-14, Tupelo - Mississippi - USA


Allie Grant (born February 14, 1994, height 5' 2½" (1,59 m)) is an American film and television actress. She is best known for her role as Isabelle Hodes on the Showtime television series Weeds appearing in the series from 2005 to 2009. She currently co-stars as Lisa Shay on the ABC sitcom Suburgatory. Grant was born in Tupelo, Mississippi to Angie Grant and her husband, Bob. When she was three years old, she went to the Model and Talent Expo in Dallas, Texas. She got many callbacks and was invited to New York. From 2005 to 2007, she guest starred on the Disney Channel series, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and That's So Raven. In 2005, she was cast in Weeds. Although she originally began as a recurring character, Grant's role was promoted and by season three she became a regular part of the cast. Her role as Isabelle Hodes, the lesbian daughter of Celia and Dean Hodes, earned her a SAG nomination as a part of the Weeds cast. Grant has also appeared in the films Fanboys (2009), The Runaways (2010) and Struck by Lightning (2012).Grant was the valedictorian of her 2011 high school graduating class. She attended Harvard University's Summer Program before shooting Suburgatory in 2011. She currently resides in Los Angeles.

프로필 사진

Allie Grant

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