John Wengraf
출생 : 1897-04-23, Vienna, Austria-Hungary, now Austria
사망 : 1974-05-04
Emigrating to England in 1933 as the Nazis began their rise to power, Wengraf appeared unbilled in a couple of films there, as well as in some of the first BBC live-television shows ever presented but his career began to languish. In late 1941, however, he had the good fortune of appearing on Broadway with Helen Hayes in "Candle in the Wind" and decided to stay. The following year he headed west and settled permanently in the Los Angeles area. A dark, cold-eyed, thin-lipped player with a precise, meticulous air about him, he found himself invariably playing the very characters he detested. Some of his more nefarious nasties surfaced in such films as the Humphrey Bogart classic Sahara (1943/I), as well as The Boy from Stalingrad (1943), U-Boat Prisoner (1944) and Till We Meet Again (1944). In postwar years, he was often spotted portraying ethnic professionals (scientists, doctors, professors, foreign royalty). Some of the more quality pictures he enhanced were Tomorrow Is Forever (1946); Count Von Papen in 5 Fingers (1952); and Ronchin in the Ethel Merman musical Call Me Madam (1953). Although Wengraf never made it to the very top of the Hollywood character ranks, he remained a throughly strong and reliable player. In the 1950s and 1960s he transferred his talents to TV, appearing on a number of dramatic showcases and on such popular programs as "The Untouchables" (1959), "Hawaiian Eye" (1959), "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." (1964) and "The Time Tunnel" (1966). His last few films included minor roles in the war-themed Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), Hitler (1962) and Ship of Fools (1965). He retired in 1966, and died in Santa Barbara, California, at age 77, on May 4, 1974.
Passengers on a ship traveling from Mexico to Europe in the 1930s represent society at large in that era. The crew is German, including the ship's Dr. Schumann, who falls in love with one of the passengers, La Condesa. A young American woman, Jenny, is traveling with the man she loves, David. Jenny is fascinated and puzzled by just who some of the other passengers are.
Hans Eckhart
어빙 월레스(Irving Wallace) 원작의 스파이 스릴러물로 노벨상 시상식을 둘러싼 음모에 주인공이 휘말려들어 겪는 모험을 그린 작품이다. 히치콕 영화의 아류같은 구성을 가지고 있지만, 의외로 탄탄한 구성을 가진 작품으로 에드워드 G. 로빈슨의 1인 2역을 비롯하여 연기진들의 조화도 좋고, 액션과 수수께끼와 로맨스에 유머까지 곁들여져서 제법 볼만한 작품으로 만들어졌다. 아기자기한 스토리와 뉴만 특유의 능청스러운 연기에 노벨상이라는 색다른 배경으로 재미가 있는 영화다.
Dr. Morell
Richard Basehart stars as one of the most influential and one of the most reviled men in history in this probing psychological study of a man who nearly gained dominance over the entire western world--at the cost of millions of lives--Hitler.
Karl Wieck
뉘른베르크 전범재판은 2차세계대전에서 승리한 연합국이 주체가 되어 패전국 독일이 제3제국의 이름으로 저지른 반인도적 행위에 대해 개인적 책임을 추궁한 역사적 사건이다. 2차대전을 일으킨 독일이 연합군의 힘에 밀려 참패하자 연합군은 전범들을 재판하게 된다. 이영화에서 다루는 피고는 전쟁당시 재판관들이다. 미국측 재판관 헤이우드는 독일군 고위층 부부가 살던 대 저택에 머물게 되는데 이집의 전 여주인을 알게 된다. 그리고 전쟁후 남편이 독일군이었다는 이유로 미국인에 살해당한 이 부인을 만나면서부터 독일군들이 인도주의적 정신보다는 나라에 대한 충성심을 더 강요받았다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 재판이 진행되는 동안 시종일관 침묵으로 일관하던 피고 언스트 야닝은 나중에야 자신과 동료들의 부정 부패를 고발하고 그것을 알고도 침묵했던 자신이 가장 사악한 사람이라며 자신의 잘못을 고백한다. 헤이우드는 전쟁이라는 상황과 비인도적인 판결을 내릴 수밖에 없었던 독일 재판관들의 입장을 고뇌하다 사형대신 종신형을 선고하는데...
Dr. Kessler
A pair of lovers plot to kill the woman's rich husband.
Dr. Erich Heinrich
A group of twelve international scientists are the first to land on the moon. In their exploration of the surface, they run into all kinds of trouble, including threatening messages from alien life forms residing on the moon. Just a short nine years before the historic moon landing, this film's understanding of the science of space exploration is fantastically simplistic, but this well-made science fiction film holds interest with a strong cast and intriguingly strange events, photographed with great style by John Alton. Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, and Robert Montgomery Jr. portray the intrepid scientists.
John Merriman
After a vampire leaves his native Balkans, he murders a Czech artist, assumes his identity, and moves in with the dead man's American cousins.
Dr. Carl Metz
When men on a photo safari stumble into a misanthropic doctor’s remote camp with a wounded comrade, the doctor's restless wife supplements her usual pursuit (voodoo, especially as a way to off her husband) with a new one: seduction. As men lose their hearts (sometimes literally) to the alluring voodoo priestess, she embarks on a killing spree that turns the jungle blood red.
Mr. Louis Horvat
After the American Civil War, former Union Major John Garth marries pretty settler Valerie but tragedy strikes and the two spouses end up in court where they give two different conflicting accounts of their marriage.
1810년 나폴레옹이 스페인을 점령하자 반군 세력이 형성된다. 반국 지도자 미구엘은 프랑스군에게 가족을 잃은 처녀 주안나를 구하면서 둘은 연인 사이가 된다. 스페인군이 보유한 대형포를 프랑스군에게 뺏기지 않으려고 수천 명의 반군들은 이동하려 한다. 영국 해군 장교 안소니가 이 일에 개입되면서 세 남녀는 얽히게 되는데...
Dr. Krauss
Arthur Turner's bored housewife Mildred seeks psychiatric help from Dr. Alan Coles who also has his own emotional problems to solve.
Prof. Zimmelman
In present-day U.S., Dr. Michael Parker, a prominent surgeon, unexpectedly runs into his German-born wife whom he thought was dead. Victor, an artist and his "dead" wife's now boyfriend, berates Dr. Parker for "killing" her. The bulk of the story flashes back to Austria during World War II as we learn how Dr. Parker met and married his wife, and the one mistake that may have cost him his family.
Dr. Tabor
An Italian daredevil turns Grand Prix driver and works his way up to Le Mans with his ballerina lover.
Nicholas Cadiz
A discharged army Captain returns home to New Orleans to take revenge on the men who murdered his father.
Dr. Zeitman
A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.
Sach is the exact double of a famous French scientist who has invented a powerful rocket fuel. Enemy agents, mistaking Sach for the scientist, attempt to kidnap him and get the formula for the fuel.
Commodore Renard
Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Col. Schuman (uncredited)
A privately-financed scientist and his colleagues hire an ex-Navy officer to conduct an Alaskan submarine expedition in order to prevent a Red Chinese anti-American plot that may lead to World War III. Mixes deviously plotted schoolboy fiction with submarine spectacle and cold war heroics.
German Doctor (uncredited)
In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.
A fugitive from the police helps a beautiful farmer run her struggling banana plantation.
Count Franz Von Papen
During WWII, the valet to the British Ambassador to Ankara sells British secrets to the Germans while trying to romance a refugee Polish countess.
Posing as a wealthy Parisian, Mercadet fleeces friends and casual acquaintances alike. He is forced into this life of crime to keep up appearances, so that his daughter Julie can land herself a rich husband.
Prosecuting Attorney
롤스는 남쪽 해엽에서 한 선박의 선장이며, 네덜란드 해운업계 왕인 반슈리벤과는 그가 사랑하는 여인 안젤리크에 대한 라이벌 관계에 있다. 반슈리벤이 롤스의 애인인 안제리크를 몰래 데려갔기에 롤스는 반슈리벤에게 오랜 원한을 갖고 있다. 복수심에 불타는 롤스, 상식을 벗어난 클라이막스에 앞서 값진 보석들을 둘러싼 일들이 계속 일어난다. 최후의 포상은 선박에 의해 운반된 황금이다.
German Doctor
John Hoyt plays a high-ranking Nazi being prosecuted by an army tribunal in the aftermath of World War II. Sentenced to death, the general appeals to the American investigating Major (Ray Milland), claiming mitigating circumstances, and providing the names of witnesses who will clear his name. This sends the Major in a search through the ruins of post-war Germany to determine the degree of the general's guilt.
Peter Goltzen
A former OSS agent is assigned to rescue two atomic scientists from the dastardly Russians and spirit them away from behind the Iron Curtain.
'Shiv' Triano
미국 재무부 소속인 오브라이언과 제나로 요원은 정교한 기술로 만들어진 위조지폐의 정체를 추적 중이다. 두 사람은 잠입 수사를 진행하기로 결정하고 힘들게 갱 조직의 일원이 된다. 그러나 이들은 곧 정체가 탄로 나 목숨을 잃을 위기에 처한다. (2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 다크 시티: 필름 누아르 특별전)
Joseph - Gray & Isabel's Butler
1930년대 유럽, 그 풍요와 야망의 시대를 배경으로 꿋꿋이 자신만의 길을 개척하는 한 젊은이의 구도적 여정을 그린다
Dr. Ludwig
엘리자베스와 존은 전쟁으로 인해 헤어지게 되고, 전쟁이 끝난 후, 만삭인 엘리자베스는 남편의 전사소식을 듣게 된다. 이후 엘리자베스는 회사 사장인 래리의 도움으로 홀로 아이를 낳아 기르다가 래리의 끈질긴 구애로 재혼을 하고 행복한 가정을 꾸리고 살아가게 된다. 그러던 어느날, 죽은 줄 알았던 존이 20년만에 에릭이라는 새로운 신분으로 돌아오게 된다. 에릭(존)은 온 몸에 입은 화상을 입은 자신을 알아보지 못하는 엘리자베스에게 자신의 진짜 신분을 드러내야 할지 고민하게 되는데..
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Rudolph Kruger
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Gunther Rudehoff, Gestapo Agent
Bruce Bennett plays merchant seaman Archie Gibbs, who manages to survive when his ship is torpedoed by a German submarine. Disguising himself in the uniform of a dead Nazi spy, Gibbs is picked up by the Nazi U-boat. He manages to convince the German sailors that he's the spy, and in this guise he tries to rescue a group of captured Allied scientists.
In Nazi Germany in 1936 seven men escape from a concentration camp. The camp commander puts up seven crosses and, as the Gestapo returns each escapee he is put to death on a cross. The seventh cross is still empty as George Heisler seeks freedom in Holland.
Major von Falken
조건 하사관(험프리 보가트 역)은 본부와 연락이 끊긴 채 낡은 탱크와 와코, 그리고 지미 병사를 이끌고 사하라 사막을 떠돈다. 본부로 향하던 이들 일행은 사막 한 가운데서 역시 낙오된 채 지원군의 도착만 기다리고 있던 일련의 병사들을 만나게 된다. 영국군 군의관, 할리데이 병장은 모든 지휘권을 군 하사관에게 맡기고 한 대 남은 탱크를 타고 본부를 찾아 떠난다. 이들 일행은 매번 우물을 찾아 나서지만 뜨거운 사하라 사막의 태양 아래 모든 우물은 고갈된 상태였다. 그러는 가운데 우연히 탱크를 발견한 독일군 전투기 조종사가 이들을 향해 사격을 가하고 사상자가 발생한다. 반격을 가한 총탄에 맞아 쓰러진 독일군을 포로로잡고 이들은 다시 우물을 찾아 나서고 마침내 몇 방울씩 떨어지고 있는 우물을 찾고 안도의 한숨을 내쉰다. 한편 독일군과 이탈리아 연합군 역시 우물을 찾아 사하라 사막을 헤매던 중 마침내 군 하사관이 이끄는 부대가 머물고 있는 우물까지 공격해 온다. 군하사관은 자신의 부하인 와코를 본부로 보내고 모두 남아 독일군에 맞서 싸울 것을 다짐하지만 9명으로 100여명의 적과 맞서 싸우기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 끈질긴 싸움 끝에 결국 독일군은 갈증을 이기지 못하고 몇 안되는 이들 일행에 항복을 한다. 하지만 이미 할리데이 군의관, 프렌치, 윌리엄스, 마이크, 지미 등 대부분의 동료가 전사한 상태였다. 군하사관은 치열했던 전투지 사하라 사막을 둘러보며 이들의 죽음이 결코 헛된 것이 아니었음을 깨닫는데...
Polish Ambassador Grzybowski (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Herr Kesselman
Lucky Jordan is a gangster living in New York City and when he's drafted into the army, he tries to escape duty by using an old con woman named Annie to convince the draft board he's needed at home. When that fails, Jordan is sent to boot camp, but he doesn't stay there long. He takes a beautiful USO worker hostage and flees back to New York. There, he learns that a rival gangster is plotting against America.
German Captain
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
Commander Deutschland
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
KL Physician (uncredited)
Czechoslovakia, March 1939, on the eve of World War II. As the German invaders occupy Prague, inventor Axel Bomasch manages to flee and reach England; but those who need to put his knowledge at the service of the Nazi war machine, in order to carry out their evil plans of destruction, will stop at nothing to capture him.
From a series of propaganda films made to raise awareness of the risks of idle gossip providing vital information to enemy spies and collaborators. This Ealing Studios production features well-known 1940s actor John Mills, playing a sailor whose girlfriend thoughtlessly blunders away vital wartime secrets. The consequences prove disastrous when his boat next leaves to cross the English Channel.
German Radio Operator
A young pilot, annoyed at not being selected to take part in a raid on an enemy target, moans to his fiancée, who in turn chatters to a friend at a cocktail bar.