Aaron Hill
출생 : 1983-04-23, Santa Clara - California - USA
Aaron J. Hill (born April 23, 1983) is an American actor most famous for his portrayal of "Beaver" on the television show GRΣΣK.
Born in Santa Clara, California, he began his acting career in 2001 with a single episode role on The Brothers Garcia. He has since been seen in Mad Men, Malcolm in the Middle, Gilmore Girls, Hannah Montana, CSI: Miami, How I Met Your Mother, and is now a regular on ABC Family's series GRΣΣK. He made a cameo as a similar character in Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. He started out doing small time promotional videos for his church in Clovis, California.
대학을 졸업하고 취업의 바다에 뛰어든 청춘들의 이야기를 다룬 코미디영화입니다. 자신이 계획했던 대로 되지 않고 이상한 일만 하게되지만, 그들의 친구, 가족 그리고 동료의 도움으로 취업의 바다에서 고군분투한다.
Carrie is a religious fundamentalist. But her mother decided to come-out-of-the-closet and marry another woman, which they have a daughter together with. Now, she is forced to move into a new house with people she cannot accept. The story takes place over the first two days at the strange house, as Carrie's new parents leave for a business trip and she must now take care of her step sister. As creepy occurrences lead to full blown terror, Carrie must learn to overcome her own fears and believes to save her little sister.
Tommy Owens
죽마고우인 애론과 숀. 두 사람은 화려한 싱글라이프를 즐기며 한 여자에게 얽매이는 것을 거부해왔다. 그러나 숀이 어느날 한 여자를 만나 사랑에 빠지고, 이윽고 장가를 가게 된다. 결혼은 미친짓이라고 생각한 애론은 숀이 정신을 차리고 결혼을 물리도록 지상 최대의 재미를 모두 모은 총각파티를 준비하는데... 그러나 총각파티엔 교도소에서 출소한 숀의 사촌과, 불청객 동창생이 난입하며 처음부터 일이 꼬일 조짐을 보인다. 하지만 애론에게는 아직 비장의 카드가 남아있다. 바로 하룻밤만 보내면 남자의 인생을 바꿔준다는 전설의 콜걸 데스티니! 애론은 그녀를 호출해 숀에게 마지막으로 뜨거운 밤을 선물할 기대에 부풀어있고, 총각 파티는 점점 물이 오른다.
Dan Connor
IT guru Libby gets more than she bargained for when, after losing her job, she reluctantly agrees to help a cop with fostering two abandoned kids.
As a last wish, a recently hospitalized grandmother, Evie, tasks her daughter and granddaughter, Sara, with a list of festive accomplishments to do together before Christmas, hoping that the adventure of the experience will repair their relationship. Along the way, Sara discovers an unlisted Christmas adventure of her own.
Our story takes place in the fertile, San Joaquin Valley. Fueled by gin and sheer determination, Elizabeth James (Ms. Liz) operates her third generation dairy farm outside the region's domineering co-ops. To help keep the place afloat, she's employed five renegade ranch hands. These boys have put a pin in responsibility and opted to stretch out the party as long as possible. Unfortunately, women, booze, and fisticuffs can only lead to one outcome: trouble. With the dairy farm reporting its third straight deficit year, Ms Liz is attracting some unwanted attention. Delbert Furgeson, the owner of the area's largest co-op, is pushing to buy her out. This only incenses the prideful Ms Liz and starts a volatile feud between the two. Sharing the narrative are the ranch hands.
Joe Bryant
Unable to cope with his military father's sudden death in combat, quick-tempered teen, Conor, starts getting into serious trouble. During an intense lacrosse camp, his father's old friend challenges Conor to get his life on track and become a man.
An ex-Navy seal, his girlfriend and their friends head out on a road trip to New Orleans. The group decides to stop at a roadside convenience store owned by Chopper, who tells them the tale of Lockjaw, a fabled god-like creature who is half-man, half-alligator.
This is the story of a fairly successful young black man, just shy of 30 years old, who decided he needs to be less of a workaholic and meet and date women, with marriage and family as a goal.
Frat Guy
샘 윗윅키가 오토봇과 디셉티콘, 두 로봇 진영간의 치열한 싸움에서 우주를 구한 지 2년. 일상으로 돌아간 샘은 여자친구인 미카엘라와 새 친구이자 수호 로봇인 범블비와 떨어져 대학에 진학하게 된다. 그러나 학교생활에 적응하며 평범하게 살고 싶은 샘의 희망과는 달리 운명적으로 또 다시 우주의 사활을 건 전쟁에 말려들게 된다. 샘은 알지 못하지만 오직 그만이 선과 악, 궁극의 힘이 펼치는 전쟁의 향방을 가를 열쇠를 가지고 있던 것이다. 희생 없이는 승리도 없는 법! 마침내 샘은 윗익키 가에 전해 내려온 운명에게서 도망치지 않고 맞서 싸우기로 결심하게 된다. 인류를 위협하는 디셉티콘 군단과 인류를 보호하려는 오토봇 군단의 총력전! 지구의 운명을 건 거대한 전쟁이 다시 시작된다!
Christopher Hunter
Four high school friends plan to ride out their senior year taking easy classes, including a program for housing foreign exchange students and eventually all attending Ohio State. Hurdles befall each of the four: grades, higher aspirations, love. Is it the Foreign Exchange students that learn from their host or the hosts that do more of the learning?