Tōru Ōhira

사망 : 2016-04-12

참여 작품

Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: Olé vs Kakuranger
Emperor Bacchus Wrath (voice)
The team-up between Choriki Sentai Ohranger and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. Its footage was used for the Power Rangers Zeo episodes Rangers of Two Worlds I & II.
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: The Movie
Emperor Baccshund (voice)
Prince Bulldont abducts several children and forces them to act in his deadly realistic film, leaving Ohranger to save the day. Takes place between episodes 8 & 9.
루팡 3세 나폴레옹의 사전을 빼앗아라
Heka (voice)
뉴욕에서 열리는 세계 정상회담. 거기서 왠 노인 학자가 루팡 제국의 보물이 세계 경제를 살릴 수 있다고 떠벌이는 바람에 그만 루팡 3세는 전 세계의 표적이 되고 만다. 한편 루팡은 마르틴베크 재단이 주최하는 마드리드 - 파리 클래식 자동차 경주에 참가하는데…
Kidou Keiji Jiban: Great Explosion at the Monster Factory of Fear
Narrator (voice)
Jiban goes into action to save Yoko and several captured children from Doctor Giba's plot of creating the ultimate lifeform.
Osomatsu-kun: Greetings From The Watermelon Planet-zansu!
Dekapan (voice)
Episode-length Osomatsu-kun film, released as a feature of the Toei Manga Movie Festival. Loosely based on a manga chapter, the film revolves around an alien plot to take over the world.
Space Sheriff Shaider: Pursuit! The Strange Kidnappers!
Narrator (voice)
Pursuit! The Strange Kidnappers! is the second movie of Uchuu Keiji Shaider. This movie takes place between episodes 39 and 40, and was released on December 22, 1984.
Space Sheriff Shaider: The Movie
Narrator (voice)
An alien assassin, Omega, who makes a living by hunting down Space Sheriffs, arrives on Earth. Adapting a helmet, twin shoulder cannons, and other weapons into his fighting style after losing to Gavan and Sharivan, Omega is now targeting Shaider and challenges him to a fight to the death. Space Sheriff Shaider is the film adaptation of the Metal Heroes series of the same name. This movie takes place between episodes 19 & 20 of the TV show.
사이보그 009 초은하전설
Zoa (voice)
야마구치 야스히로의 디자인으로 새롭게 리메이크된 1979년 TV 시리즈 극장판이다. 시리즈를 감독한 아케히 마사유키의 연출. 지구의 에너지 고갈을 해결하기 위한 초에너지를 찾기 위해서 길모어 박사는 9명의 전사들을 다시 불러모은다. 이들은 다시 우주 여행을 떠난다.
Denshi Sentai Denjiman: The Movie
Narrator (voice)
When a mother with an unexpected origin is held hostage by the Vader Clan, the Denziman must come to her rescue.
Battle Fever J: The Movie
Narrator (voice)
Egos kidnaps the children of Information Supervisor Sakaguchi, Yoko and Kenichi. They then blackmail him into stealing the blueprints and completion status of the Battle Fever robo. Tetsuzan Shogun, who joined the Defense Department at the same time as Sakaguchi, is greatly concerned and confronts him. Sakaguchi escapes but vows to make amends. He appears at Egos factory, where they too are building a giant robo, and discloses a false timetable. When Egos orders them killed, Sakaguchi reveals dynamite strapped to his body. He backs away with his children and gets them to safety. He then returns to the factory, and blows himself up to destroy it. Unfortunately, his sacrifice is in vain, as their evil robo is already completed. But Battle Fever’s giant robo is also complete and ready to save the day!
루팡 3세 루팡 VS 복제인간
Stuckey (voice)
"검시보고 사법 해부는 정밀과 엄중을 다한 결과 본 수형자가 루팡 본인이라는 사실은 의심할 바 없는 진실이다. 하지만, 그 사실을 믿으려 하지 않았던 남자가 있었다." 당연히 제니가타 경부는 과거의 경험에서 루팡이 죽을리가 없다며 그가 매장된 묘지를 향해, 유체를 확인한다. 관짝에 들어있던 루팡에게 말뚝을 박아 끝을 내려고 한 그 순간, 시체는 대폭발을 일으키며 어디선가 익숙한 특유의 웃음소리가 들려오는 것이었다. 루팡 3세였다. 루팡은 살아있었던 것이었다. 경악한 제니가타였지만, 사실 루팡 자신도 자신이 죽었다는 소문을 듣고, 그걸 확인하기 위해 온 것이었다. 제니가타를 살짝 놀려먹은(…) 루팡은 그대로 도망친다. 하지만, 루팡이 살아있다는 걸 확인한 제니가타는 "네 녀석의 뼈에 이 손으로 계명을 새겨주마!!" 라고 마음을 다잡으며 루팡 체포를 맹세하며 개전을 알리는 방아쇠를 당겼다.
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book
King Zobi
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.
Narrator (voice)
The Iron Cross Army are sabotaging oil-tankers with the help of their monster, the Sea-Devil, a semi-mechanical anthropomorphic swordfish with an ability to shoot torpedoes from its mouth. Spiderman employs the help of the interpol agent Juzo Mamiya to help him stop the Iron Cross Army.
독수리 오형제 극장판
Doctor Kozaburo Nambu
갑자기 나타난 거대 로봇이 핵연료 기지를 습격하여 국제과학기술청의 핵연료를 빼앗아간다. 이에 평소에는 평범한 청년들이 독수리 5형제로 변신하여 세계정복을 꿈꾸는 악의 조직 알렉터 일당에게 맞선다. 알렉터 일당은 매번 새로운 괴수를 보내어 습격하는데...
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai: The Movie
Ryu obsessively pursues a CRIME agent who steals a powerful new explosive and takes control of a powerful supercar. This is a theatrical presentation of episode 7 of the J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai television series.
비밀전대 고레인저 폭탄 허리케인
Narrator (voice)
The Gorenger head for Matsuyama to prevent the Black Cross from firing a missile to destroy Japan. Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane is a theatrical film based on the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series. It was originally shown on July 22, 1976 (between Episodes 56 and 57 of the TV series) as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri film festival. It was the only Gorenger film that was a completely original work and not a theatrical version of a TV episode.
루팡 3세: 염력진작전
사랑하는 여인 후지코를 위해 보석전시관을 털게 된 루팡은 제니가타 경부 앞에 나타나 자수를 한다. 지겐 다이스케로부터 후지코가 거대조직에 의해 납치감금 되었다는 얘기를 전해들은 루팡은 탈옥을 하게 된다.
Spycatcher J3: SOS Close Shave
TIGER chief (voice)
TULIP (The Undercover Line of International Police) is a New York-based international police force in direct opposition to the criminal organization TIGER (The International Group of Espionage and Revolt). Shunsuke Dan is agent Spycatcher J3 of the TULIP Japan Branch. Spycatcher J3 stands against TIGER's machinations.
The Orphan Brother
Koguma No Moku (voice)
After their father quarrels with local military men, Anju and Zushio are forced to flee, but they are captured and sold into slavery. When their mother dies, they are sold to Sansho the Bailiff, a cruel man who subjects them to hideous torments. While Anju falls into a lake and is transformed into a swan, Zushio escapes and after being adopted to a nobleman grows to a young man. He will then fight to defeat the evil Dayu and free all the slaves.
恋の羊が海いっぱ い
Narrator (voice)