Mandala Tayde

Mandala Tayde

출생 : 1975-04-27, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

프로필 사진

Mandala Tayde

참여 작품

Vater auf der Flucht
Sofia Quenionez
Ein Fall für den Fuchs - Das Amulett der Inkas
Frau Omari
Five girls travel to a remote mansion in the middle of a island, choosing to feed only on water in order to be purified. Seven days. No food, no electricity, no phones. Is the water their only mean of sustenance or a venom poisoning their minds with hate?
Kiss me Kismet
Götz, the owner of an record shop in Berlin, Kreuzberg, is in love with Aylin.But Aylin is espoused to an turkey doctor named Tarkan. Götz and Aylin are fallin in love and they want to get married. Their Plans first get strong restistance from the turkish parents-in-law and also from the mother of Götz named Helena. Götz converting to the Islam and tries to get a true turk to marry Aylin at the end. After serveral problems and twists they get finally married.
A/R Andata + Ritorno
Cameriera Bar Pinotxo
Dante, a pony express in serious debt, meets Nina, a hostess stuck in Torino for the night.
Un posto tranquillo
Santa Maradona
An unemployed young man finds his life turned upside down when he falls in love with a beautiful actress.
Dil Chahta Hai
Sid's Partner
Three inseparable childhood friends are just out of college. Nothing comes between them - until they each fall in love, and their wildly different approaches to relationships creates tension.
The Days of Rage: Cefalonia
Tödliche Wildnis – Sie waren jung und mussten sterben
Six students go to the Baltic island of Nordström with their archeology professor. The island has it all: after the geologist Berger has sunk into the moor with her only cell phone, one after the other blesses the temporal. What's going on here? Everyone suspects everyone ...
Liebe pur
Amore a prima vista
A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.
Heart and Sword
After the death of his father, prince Tristan is living in Cornwall at the court of his uncle, King Marke, who treats him like a son. When the Irish king sends his son Morold over to demand high tax payments, Tristan challenges him to combat. He manages to kill Morold but is very badly injured, and is placed in a boat to be healed by the magic powers of the sea, which takes him across to Ireland.
Fuochi d'artificio
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Deserto di fuoco
A helicopter crashes in the Sahara Desert. The entire crew are killed - only a small infant miraculously survives. Emir Tafud, who has no children of his own, brings the child up as his successor. When Ben is 25 years old he decides to set off in search of his true parents. In Casablanca he meets French crook Jacquot, who takes him with him to Monte Carlo. They both actually manage to find Ben's mother Christine. She tells Ben that his father was a scientist on a secret mission to Africa. Christine wants Ben to stay in Monte Carlo and take over her firm, but Ben has his heart set on living in Belem with his adored Amina. But now Ben gradually unearths a dreadful secret: Christine's second husband François was responsible for the death of his father, who had discovered valuable minerals in the Sahara. After a bitter struggle, Ben finally succeeds in saving his homeland from Western greed.
Il terzo segreto di Fatima