The origin story of the masked vigilante, Nemesis Knight. A new breed of superhero for a changing world. From young feral orphan to deadly crusader, balancing the equilibrium between good and evil. She wears the Mask of Dionysus, given to her as a gift by The God of The Underworld, Hades as she rides her black horse named Zeus, armed with her trusted rifle and sidearm strapped to her leg, ferociously sending criminals to the other side!
The Fitzroy is a live action black comedy set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950s. The world is covered in poisonous gas, and the last place for a traditional seaside holiday is The Fitzroy hotel, an abandoned submarine just off the coast of England. The film centers on Bernard, the hotel's bellboy, cook, maintenance man and general dogsbody, as he faces a constant battle to keep the decaying hotel airtight and afloat. But when he falls in love with a murderous guest, he is thrown into a mad day of lies, backstabbing and chaos. As Bernard struggles to hide her murders from the other guests and suspicious authorities, his world literally begins to sink around him.
I am aged 7, I fear for my life. I run to a convent door. Cry for my Mother and Father. But they are no more... Now I am 21, locked in a swirling mist. Music is the only key that will unlock. My Lonely Me
당신의 미래가 감금된다! 그리즐리 레이크 고교 학생들 사이에서 따돌림을 받고 있는 라일리 존스는 힙스터로 불리는 어린 시절 친구 클랩튼 데이비스에게 애정을 느낀다. 클랩튼은 라일리의 친구이자 자아도취에 빠진 미모의 치어리더 아이온 포스터에게 빠져있다. 그러나 그들의 우정은 아이온과 클랩튼이 가까워지면서 무너진다. 한편 학교에서 신데렐라로 불리는 연쇄살인범에 의해 학생들이 희생되고 모두가 공포에 떨게 된다. 범인이 학교에 불만을 품은 학생일 것이라 생각한 교장은 학년말 댄스파티를 앞두고 대책을 세우는데…