Tony Turner
This true story begins on a weekday morning in a peaceful suburb of Akron, Ohio, the town awakens to discover that Rachel Turner and her son, Evan, have been brutally murdered during the night. A short while later, Danny Turner is found in his car at the bottom of a ravine, after having taken his own life.
Two brothers, who meet once a year at a cabin in Big Bear to hunt white-tailed deer for a week, uncover hidden family secrets and lies when their stepbrother drops by for an evening, changing their lives forever.
Vincent Miller
While staying at an aging manor to research its liquor-smuggling history, Christina and her documentary video team interview their spooky host Vincent—but no one can capture his image or voice on video. After shocking dreams and bloody encounters, the crew members fall under Victor’s hypnotic spell.
Travis Hunter
Filled with warmth, humor, whimsy, and just a touch of magic, A Mermaid for Christmas combines classic Christmas themes with an escapist fantasy element that only a mermaid can provide!
Filled with warmth, humor, whimsy, and just a touch of magic, A Mermaid for Christmas combines classic Christmas themes with an escapist fantasy element that only a mermaid can provide!
Executive Producer
Filled with warmth, humor, whimsy, and just a touch of magic, A Mermaid for Christmas combines classic Christmas themes with an escapist fantasy element that only a mermaid can provide!
Mr. Hendrix
This thriller from directors Dale Fabrigar and André Gordon concerns two couples who decide to marry on the same day - readily anticipating the most joyous event of their young lives. All hell breaks loose, however, when three men - including a minister, a drug addict and a jealous brother - unleash violence on the ceremonies.