브뤼셀의 유명 DJ 챔피언십에 참가하려는 이집트 출신 DJ 스카랍(사미르)의 꿈은 벨기에 대규모 파업으로 인해 비행편이 룩셈부르크로 회항하며 산산조각이 났다. 진짜 모험은 그가 문서를 잃고 난민으로 오해받으며 시작된다. DJ 스카랍의 모험과 정체성을 되찾는 중의 새로운 만남을 보여주는 다채로운 영화.
Follows the life of Native Canadian Saul Indian Horse as he survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s. A talented hockey player, Saul must find his own path as he battles stereotypes and alcoholism.
Based on a true story, a powerful study of the dysfunction and disorder in the police and criminal justice systems that allowed a wily psychopath to murder nearly 50 marginalised women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
찬다는 요하네스버그 근교의 작은 마을에 사는 열두 살 소녀다. 어느 날, 태어난 지 얼마 안 된 막내 동생이 갑자기 죽고, 그 충격 때문인지 엄마마저 병석에 눕는다. 그러자, 술에 찌들어 사는 새아빠는 찬다와 두 동생을 내팽개치고 집을 나가버리고, 찬다네 가족을 대하는 마을 사람들의 태도가 이상해진다. 찬다는 동생의 죽음, 엄마의 병, 마을 사람들의 냉대가 모두 한 가지 이유 때문이라는 것을 알아채고 이를 밝혀내려 하지만, 사람들은 모두 침묵으로 일관한다. 칸영화제 주목할 만한 시선에서 상영되었고, 더반국제영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상하였다.
Twelve-year-old Mindy Ho inexpertly tries Taoist magic to fix her single mother's financial situation and seemingly hopeless romantic prospects.
Ten-year-old Nikki is a precocious child suffering from Rett Syndrome. Unwilling to help her the doctors, instead, want to write her off as a mentally handicapped person.
How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic leaders of the neo-nazi organization NIM. Catherine, a first-year university student who feels alienated from the liberal campus, joins a hate group through the Internet and becomes their voice, only to gradually question their beliefs even as she becomes more deeply involved.
Des is an eleven year old kid who has had a really bad deal in life. Crime and mischief are the main staples of his life and he and his friends cruise around the city and do things like vandalize, steal, light fires, and mug people. He thinks that he is untouchable because he cannot be charged until he is twelve. Cory becomes Des' best friend and they carry on like nothing can stop them; however, Des ends up at an assessment centre for troubled youths and may begin a new life without crime.