Elf (voice)
광활한 북극, 거대한 빙산 아래 1,000년의 역사를 이어온 산타 왕국. 할아버지의 할아버지 때부터 이어져 내려온 산타의 임무는 바로 크리스마스 이브 단 하루 동안 전세계로 20억 개의 선물을 배달하는 것. 하지만 올 겨울, 실수로 한 아이의 선물이 배달되지 못하는 사고가 벌어지고, 산타 가족의 막내 ‘아더’가 이 사실을 알게 된다. ‘크리스마스 아침이 오기 전 마지막 선물을 배달하라!’ 는 미션아래, 눈과 사슴 알러지, 고소공포증까지 가진 ‘허당 산타’ 아더와 은퇴한 지 오래지만 여전히 팔팔한 ‘왕산타’ 할배, 그리고 160만 요정군단 중 최정예 ‘포장의 달인’ 브라이오니의 선물 배달 미션 임파서블이 시작 되는데…
미국 대통령과 영국 총리는 중동에서 전쟁을 일으킬 계획이다. 이 전쟁에 대해 각기 다른 입장을 가진 각료들과 보조관들은 바삐 움직이기 시작한다.
Peter Mannion's speech on immigration, leaking the PM's policy, did not have the effect Tucker desired and now the PM is resigning, leaving the way clear for the Nutters and their leader Tom. Ollie has been promised a job by young Nutter Ben Swain, Tucker's assistant has encouraged Hugh's predecessor Cliff to stand as a stalking horse and Glenn is keen to keep Hugh in the frame whilst his boss is in Australia. Fortunately Tom has a dark secret which is just what Tucker is looking for but will it be enough?
A documentary on the life and career of Norwich's finest broadcaster, Alan Gordon Partridge. In the programme Alan is asked tough questions about his divorce, Toblerone addiction and his autobiography 'Bouncing Back' by formidable interviewer Ray Woollard. The documentary will show rare and previously unseen footage of Alan broadcasting on Radio Norwich, commentating on sport and reading extracts from his book. He also talks candidly about the state of television today, his hatred of London and his three rules for life.
A documentary on the life and career of Norwich's finest broadcaster, Alan Gordon Partridge. In the programme Alan is asked tough questions about his divorce, Toblerone addiction and his autobiography 'Bouncing Back' by formidable interviewer Ray Woollard. The documentary will show rare and previously unseen footage of Alan broadcasting on Radio Norwich, commentating on sport and reading extracts from his book. He also talks candidly about the state of television today, his hatred of London and his three rules for life.
Ingmar Bergman play looking at the cool and brittle relationship between a successful architect (Frank Finlay) and his academic wife (Gemma Jones). Commissioned by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation on behalf of European members participating in ‘The Largest Theatre in the World’. This, the Radio Times explained, was ‘a project which enabled a play to be broadcast simultaneously in several languages across Europe.’ This UK Play For Today version was directed by Alan Bridges, whilst an American version was put out on CBS, directed by Alex Segal