Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung

출생 : 1983-11-05, Privett, United Kingdom


Alexa Chung is a British writer, television presenter, model, and fashion designer. She has authored the books It and it: Über Style, and launched her eponymous fashion brand in May 2017.

프로필 사진

Alexa Chung

참여 작품

패션계 ‘악마’라 불리는 CEO이자 상위 1% 억만장자 ‘리차드 맥크리디’. 그리스 섬을 통째로 빌린 ‘리차드’의 초호화 생일 파티가 열린다. 럭셔리 파티를 위해 가족과 직원들은 모이게 되고, 그의 자서전 작가 ‘닉’도 참석한다. ‘닉’은 오랜 시간 그를 지켜봐 온 주변 사람들을 인터뷰하기 시작하고, 전 세계가 동경하는 화려한 성공 뒤에 그의 ‘진짜’ 모습이 드러나기 시작하는데… 10월, 리얼 FLEX 코미디가 시작된다!
Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas
The holidays take a hit as Kaz juggles the Secret Santa competition, his Aunt Angelique's visit and his nemesis Arcangelo's Christmas plotting.
앱솔루틀리 패벌러스: 더 무비
Alexa Chung
한물간 패션 PR 전문가 에디나 몬순(제니퍼 손더스)은 단짝 친구인 패션 잡지 편집자 팻시 스톤(조안나 럼리)과 런던에서 호화로운 삶을 즐기지만 빈털터리와 다름없는 신세다. 자서전 출판 계약마저 무산돼 좌절해있던 에디나는 패션의 아이콘 케이트 모스가 새로운 PR 담당자를 찾는다는 소식을 듣고는 그녀를 만나러 파티에 간다. 그런데 에디나가 업계 라이벌과 실랑이를 벌이는 동안, 케이트 모스가 템스 강으로 굴러 떨어지고 만다. 경찰이 수색에 나서지만 케이트 모스는 발견되지 않는다. 케이트 모스의 살인자로 몰려 런던에서의 생활이 불가능해진 에디나는 실직자가 된 팻시와 함께 프랑스 남부로 향하고, 그곳에서 세계적인 갑부인 로스차일드 남작 부인을 만난다. 이에 팻시가 남장을 하고 로스차일드 부인과 결혼하면서 꿈꿔왔던 삶을 이어가던 중, 에디나의 신분이 들통나고 마는데…
The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung in New York
Executive Producer
Watch Alexa Chung’s second Vogue documentary in all its glory, as she travels around her adopted fashion capital of New York City. She visits PR guru Brian Phillips, retail darlings Humberto Leon and Carol Lim of Opening Ceremony, comedic fashion blogger Leandra Medine of Man Repeller and many more, to find out just how to succeed as a fashion business.
The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung in New York
Watch Alexa Chung’s second Vogue documentary in all its glory, as she travels around her adopted fashion capital of New York City. She visits PR guru Brian Phillips, retail darlings Humberto Leon and Carol Lim of Opening Ceremony, comedic fashion blogger Leandra Medine of Man Repeller and many more, to find out just how to succeed as a fashion business.
The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung
Executive Producer
Vogue dispatched contributing editor Alexa Chung to investigate the state of fashion today in her series "The Future of Fashion". Alexa Chung talks to everyone from current fashion students to the heads of major design houses, via journalists, buyers and all the workers in between. Watch as Alexa tries to find out what the future holds for this multi-billion pound fashion industry; how the next generation will get fashion careers using all the tools available to them; and what the fashion landscape looks like in terms of sustainability and technology.
The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung
Vogue dispatched contributing editor Alexa Chung to investigate the state of fashion today in her series "The Future of Fashion". Alexa Chung talks to everyone from current fashion students to the heads of major design houses, via journalists, buyers and all the workers in between. Watch as Alexa tries to find out what the future holds for this multi-billion pound fashion industry; how the next generation will get fashion careers using all the tools available to them; and what the fashion landscape looks like in terms of sustainability and technology.