Cesare Gelli
출생 : 1932-11-28, Rome, Lazio, Italy
사망 : 2016-08-27
Padre Speranza
The story of a man who sets out on his motorcycle from Italy on a trip to the Spanish desert to find himself there. But the encounter with the young Maryam changes the plans of the adventure sustainable.
Conte De Blasi
Seguito de Febbre da cavallo!
Don Niccolò Paritelli
procuratore capo Tarquinio Druso
A comedy based on Ancient Rome with Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi and Leslie Nielsen.
Sr. Valentí
Joan Mares obsession for the lovely and luscious Norma Valenti takes epic proportions because he cannot let go of her. After he is injured by some skin heads, he uses his scars to pursue his life as a street musician. He devices a plan to get to Norma and she never catches on to his deceit, except she realizes that as Juan Faneca his performance in bed is exactly what she had experienced with Joan Mares because she concludes they were taught sex by the same prostitute.
regista del film erotico
Three thugs commandeer a couple of cars on a moving train and spread terror among the passengers.
sig. Franzi
Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.
A group of workers from the south of Italy live collectively in Milan, where money isn't everything, it's the only thing, in 1974.
Ferruccio Consagra
The luxurious Livio bets with the lord of the city to seduce a young bride in a month, at the cost of his genitals.
Social satire in three parts. In the first, a young man causes riots on campus and on television. In the second, a big businessman bullies his subordinate during a business trip to New York. In the third part, the priest demands from the bishop a car, a wife, and a new flock.
Dr. Filopanti
Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.
Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.
Antonio Moruzzo is the son of a butcher with a passion for music and beautiful girls. The father wants him to study but he would rather run around the countryside and sing his songs.
Federico, his girlfriend Laura and her cousin, Caterina, are three young people full of hope, united by a great friendship that seems indissoluble. The three work in a department store but, when Caterina decides to attempt a musical career, given her vocal skills, everything changes. Caterina becomes a successful singer and Federico falls in love with her. Caterina, who however does not want to make her cousin Laura suffer, pretends not to reciprocate the young man by making him put his head in order. Meanwhile, the plots of various secondary characters evolve, in particular the fresh marriage between the security guard Antonio and the secretary of the department stores Adelina.
무산 계급에 속한 한 부자가 경작지, 고속도로, 건설 중인 건물의 풍경으로 황량한 도시 주변부 길을 걸으며 성 프란치스코와 마르크스, 채플린에 이르기까지 갖가지 담론을 들려준다.
Second Maestro
Mademoiselle de Maupin escapes from her uncle's castle, invaded by Hungarian troops, under the guise of a clergyman named Theodore. An army recruiter forces Theodore to enlist in the King's army, and not even the religious robe is an insurance against it. Theodore is assigned to be aide-de-camp to Alcibiade, a man as virile in combat, as he seems troubled for the figure of his aid. D'Albert, an aristocrat, will expose Theodore's true sex, and after a number of confusing, comedy situations, Alcibiade will appease his troubled feelings.
Cesarino (segment "Il vittimista")
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.