After having visions of a member of her support group who killed herself, a woman who also suffers with chronic pain seeks out the widower of the suicide.
닥터 데니스 슬래이먼은 암 전문의이다. 그는 유방암에 혁명적인 치료제로 쓰이는 “Herceptin”이라는 물질의 시약을 개발하는데 도움을 주었다. 그러나 그가 일하는 프로젝트를 지원하는 자금이 차단된다면, 슬래이먼은 그 인생의 가장 중요한 일을 실현시키기 위해서 독지가들에게 의지해야 한다. 그는 새로운 후원자를 등에 업고, 신약개발을 계속 진행하지만, 모든 사람들에게 약효가 있는 것은 아니었고 그는 새로운 난관에 부딪히는데….
The story of professional football players Gale Sayes and Brian Piccolo, and how their friendship on and off the field was affected when Piccolo contracted a fatal disease
Four young grade-school girls witness the murder of one of their classmates during what they thought was just an innocent game. The killer is a strange young boy named Milo Jeeder. Sixteen years later, the four survivors of the event re-unite under happier circumstances in the same town where it happened. They believe that Milo drowned in a river shortly after the murder, but soon learn that the demonic killer Milo has also returned, still a young boy, unchanged even after almost two decades.
When Dorine Douglas' job as proofreader for Constant Consumer magazine is turned into an at-home position during a downsizing, she doesn't know how to cope. But after accidentally killing one of her co-workers, she discovers that murder can quench the loneliness of her home life, as a macabre office place forms in her basement, populated by dead co-workers.
Born with the beauty of the gods, Electra's lust for sexual gratification is exceeded only by her lust for vengeance. Enter a world of forbidden family love, betrayal and murder.