Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Self (archive footage)
(archive footage)
elle même
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Drama based on life and stories of one of the most popular Soviet/Russian writers - Sergei Dovlatov.
Self (archive footage)
A behind-the-scenes and in-depth look at the making of John Huston's The Misfits (1961).
Narrator (voice)
Not just another documentary on the French resistance movement, this film focuses on one particular group of underground fighters in France: those from Eastern Europe. Many were Jews and all had fled their native countries before the war broke out. They were among the most staunch and fearless enemies of fascism, as shown here in personal interviews and memoirs of war-time experiences. But the most famous of these immigrants were 23 who were rounded up among several hundred Parisians in 1943, tried for their activities, and executed -- all were immigrants under the leadership of the Armenian poet Manouchian. After their execution, Paris was papered with posters decrying these 23 martyrs as "foreign communists."
Maupassant's mother
The life and times of the famous French writer Guy de Maupassant.
Mme Louise Baron
Edouard Binet, an aimless Frenchman, has been travelling in North Africa for many years, and is sailing to Belgium. En route, he meets Sylvie Baron. He introduces her to Nemrod Lobetoum, a rich Egyptian carrying valuable jewelry, and Sylvie and Nemrod become friends. Their friendship escalates to love, which makes Edouard jealous. Days later, Edouard arrives at a rooming house owned by Mme. Louise Baron, Sylvie's mother, wearing blood-stained clothes. It appears that Nemrod was killed on a train after he arrived in France, but Edouard denies any knowledge of what happened. Sylvie suspects that Edouard is responsible for Nemrod's death, but by now her mother has become Edouard's ally.
Louise Martin
A middle-aged disabled man unknowingly begins a lonely hearts correspondence with his own unmarried sister, who takes care of him. As he writes more and more to her, he begins to fall in love, and she, knowing that it is her brother who is writing, discovers a new, tender side to him. But trouble looms when he asks to meet her in person.
In the summer of 1939, 13-year-old Marie goes with her parents to visit her grandparents in a small town near Avignon. Marie discovers her femininity and falls for a young Jewish doctor, but he prefers Eva, Marie's mother.
Judith Therpauve
When her old resistance buddies come to her looking for someone to helm a financially troubled liberal newspaper, Judith (Simone Signoret) is at first reluctant, but for this old hero of the French anti-Nazi resistance, challenges are hard to ignore. She takes on the job, mortgaging her house to keep the paper solvent. When things take a turn for the worse, because of concerted opposition by conservative forces, she is forced to sell the paper, and she regards this as a personal failure.
Narrator (voice)
크리스 마커는 시대의 목격자였을 뿐만 아니라 활발한 영화적 실천가였다. 가능한 모든 형식의 영화를 포함한 사진집, 전시 등 그의 광범위한 활동을 돌아보는 것은 마커의 개인적인 정치와 예술 성향뿐만 아니라 세계사를 짚어 보는 일이다. 프랑스를 넘어 세계 역사에 영향을 끼친 68 혁명을 다룬 붉은 대기는 그의 영화 중 가장 정치적이고 전투적인 영화로 당시 세상의 해결책처럼 등장한 ‘새로운 좌파’의 탄생을 사적 에세이 형태로 보여준다. 특정 이념은 과거에 남아 있지만 당시 폭발하기 시작한 세계를 기록한 다큐멘터리, 이미지의 힘은 사상보다 더 위대함을 보여주는 작품이다.
Madame Rosa
Madame Rosa lives in a sixth-floor walkup in the Pigalle; she's a retired prostitute, Jewish and an Auschwitz survivor, a foster mom to children of other prostitutes. Momo is the oldest and her favorite, an Algerian lad whom she raises as a Muslim. He asks about his parents; she answers evasively. As she ages and takes fewer children, Momo must do more for her; as money is tight, he tries to earn pennies on the street with a puppet. He's a beautiful man-child, and Madame Rosa makes him promise never to sell himself or become a pimp. A film editor, Nadine, befriends him, and his father appears as well. Madame Rosa reaches her last days in fear of hospitals, and Momo must act.
Thérèse Ganay
오를레앙 경찰의 페로 반장은 투철한 사명감의 소유자로 여자보다 권총을 더 사랑한다. 그런데 페로는 우연히 만난 매력적인 실비아에게 한 눈에 반한다. 얼마 뒤, 실비아가 페로의 상관 가네의 정부임이 밝혀지고, 반신불수인 아내의 동의 아래 실비아와의 관계를 이어오던 가네는 실비아와 페로 사이를 알고는 우발적으로 그녀를 죽이고 만다. 가네는 아내의 충고 대로 증거를 은폐하고, 살인 혐의는 페로에게 돌아간다. 1970년대 프랑스 누아르의 독보적인 존재였던 알랭 코르노의 대표작. 뛰어난 각본과 연기, 유연한 전개로 흥행뿐만 아니라 비평에서도 높은 평가를 받았다. 실제 부부였던 이브 몽땅과 시몬 시뇨레가 함께 출연하여 인상적인 연기를 펼친다. (시네마테크부산 2010 - 알랭 들롱 & 이브 몽땅 특별전)
Lady Vamos
A disturbed young woman is kept prisoner in a castle by her aunt for her money. The game-keeper, her guardian, tries to rape her but she escapes. In her flight she meets a man also running away, from two killers.
The body of a young woman is discovered near a farm. The judge, Larcher is in charge and thinks that the farmers have something to do with the murder.
Bruno Muel's documentary on the coup in Chile in 1973. Muel, who was part of the famed Medvedkine group, along with Chris Marker and Jean-Luc Godard, among others, captured one of the most powerful portraits of the early days of Dictatorship. Profound solidarity with the socialist cause, Muel and his team showed great courage to mix the official registration of images with those triumphant, clandestine, of the nascent opposition.
la veuve Couderc
1934년 프랑스의 한 농촌을 배경으로한 과부와 탈옥수와의 이룰 수 없는 사랑이야기이다. 과부인 쿠데르 부인(시몬느 시뇨레 분)은 읍내에 나갔다가 돌아오는 길에 마주친 외지인 장을 만나게 되고, 오갈 데 없는 그를 며칠 간 일군으로 고용한다. 쿠데르 부인은 술주정뱅이 남편을 여의고 귀가 먼 시아버지를 모시고 농장을 가꾸는데, 도개교를 사이에 두고 강 건너 살고 있는 시누이 프랑소아즈 내외와는 인연을 끊고 지낸다. 여자 혼자 꾸려나가기 고달픈 농장 일을 군소리 없이 척척 해내는 장을 바라보는 쿠데르 부인의 시선에 점점 애정이 담긴다.
어느 날 저녁 그가 탈옥수란 사실을 듣고도 그에게 사랑의 손길을 내밀고 그들은 하룻밤을 지내게 된다. 마을 사람들의 비난 어린 시선을 아랑곳하지 않고 연인이 된 그들의 사이엔, 젊은 여자 펠리시의 장애가 놓여 있다. 정신이 나간 것 같으면서도 착한 푼수인 펠리시는 어느 남자의 씨인지도 모를 아기를 소중히 키운다. 머리가 희끗하고 중년의 풍만한 몸매의 쿠데르 부인은 젊고 잘생긴 애인 장이 이웃집 젊은 여자 펠리시에게 접근하는 것을 시기한다. 장은 자유롭게 펠리시와 애정행각을 벌이면서도 쿠데르 부인에게 되돌아온다. 쿠데르 부인에게서 남편의 상속인 집과 농장을 뺏으려고 기회만을 노리는 프랑소아즈 내외는 귀가 먼 아버지 앙리를 시켜 경찰서에 장을 신고케 한다. 드디어 장의 신분이 탄로나고 기마 헌병들과 헌병들이 농장을 포위하고 총격전이 벌어지는데... 사랑하는 쿠데르 부인을 안전하게 두고 농장을 뛰쳐나가는 장의 몸에 수십 개의 총알이 박히고 그와 동시에 농장으로 빗나간 총에 맞고 쿠데르 부인 역시 숨을 거둔다.
Self - Interviewee
Artur London was arrested in 1951 in a Stalinist purge, imprisoned and tortured for two years and forced to confess in the Slansky Trial, one of the last Stalinist "show trials" in Eastern Europe. The documentary explores some of the reasons for the controversy aroused by Costa-Gavras' The Confession, which had been accused of being anti-communist, and it highlights the political importance of filmmaking which, by its nature, is a fiction intended for the general public.
Clémence Bouin
재개발이 한창 진행중인 동네에 살고 있는 노부부 줄리앙(장 가방)과 끌레망스(시몬느 시뇨레), 저 두 사람이 과연 사랑을 했을까, 싶을 정도로 두 사람은 서로에게 전혀 관심이 없음은 물론 서로 불신하면서 타인처럼 살고 있다. 젊은 시절 그들은 써커스 단원으로 일하면서 사랑을 했고 결혼까지 하게 되었지만, 세월이 흐른 지금은 일상적인 대화까지 거부하면서 한 지붕 다른 가족이 되어버렸다. 줄리앙은 오직 길에서 주워온 고양이에게만 애정을 쏟는다. 결국 남편을 저주하는 끌레망스가 고양이를 죽이고, 이 사건을 계기로 두 사람의 관계는 파국으로 치닫는다.
Documentary portrait of Henri Langlois, co-founder of the Cinémathèque Française.
Lise (Mme L. / Lise London)
주인공 제라드는 체코슬라바키아의 외무부 차관이다. 요즈음 그는 누군가 자신을 감시하고 미행하고 있다고 느낀다. 그리고 어느 날, 그는 체포되어 독방에 감금당한다. 인민의 최고의 종복이었던 제라드는 수사과정에서 정신적인 고문을 당하면서 자신이 국가 반역에 대한 자백을 강요당한다. 체코슬로바키아의 공산주의자였던 아더 런던의 실화를 바탕으로 하고 있는 반공산주의 영화이지만, 동시에 전체주의에 반기를 들고 있는 작품이다.
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
A man returns to Rouen, after fifteen years in the United States, and feels like a stranger among old friends.
나치 점령기의 프랑스, 레지스탕스 대장인 필립 제르비에는 동료의 배신으로 체포되어 포로 수용소로 보내진다. 가까스로 탈출한 필립은 마르세유에서 펠릭스, 르 비종 등의 동료들과 합류하여 자신을 밀고한 배신자를 처형한다. 레지스탕스 활동을 계속하던 중 필립과 동료 뤽은 런던에서 드골 장군을 만나 훈장을 받는다. 리용에서 펠릭스가 체포되자 프랑스로 돌아온 필립은 동지들과 함께 펠릭스 구출작전을 벌인다. 하지만 철통같은 경비의 감옥에 접근하기는 쉽지 않은데...
Irina Arkadina
Film adaptation of Anton Chekhov's story of life in rural Russia during the latter part of the 19th century.
Lisa Schindler
A mysterious woman in black moves in with married Manhattan thrill-seekers and helps one trick the other.
Cafe Owner
노르망디에 상륙한 연합군을 저지하는 데에 실패한 나치로서, 이제 파리의 함락은 시간문제일 뿐이다. 이에 히틀러는 파리를 불태워 잿더미로 만들어버리라는 명령을 내린다. 이 명령을 받은 파리 점령군 사령관은 고민한다. 그 자신 예술을 사랑하는 사람이었던 그는 군인으로서 명령에 복종할 것인가, 아니면 예술의 도시 파리를 보호함으로써 역사의 죄인이 되지는 말아야 할 것인가를 두고 진퇴양난에 빠진다. 연합군의 입성을 앞두고 치열한 활동을 벌이던 레지스탕스들도 이 소식을 듣고는 파리를 지키기위한 숨막히는 사투를 시작한다. 사령관이 파리의 소각 명령을 차마 내리지 못하고 망설이는 사이에 연합군 선봉이 파리에 입성하고, 점령군 사령부는 레지스탕스들의 공격을 받는다. 사령관은 히틀러의 전화를 미처 받지못하고 항복한다. 이때 놓여진 수화기에서 히틀러의 절규하는 목소리가 들린다. "파리는 불타고 있는가?"
Elsa Fennan
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
Sara Lescault
An angry young man of the theatre, who has written a play that could be a hit, if actress Sara Lescaut agrees to play the lead. Kolinos, however, is determined not to alter one word of his script to make it a more commercial vehicle.
Eliane Darès
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
La Condesa
Passengers on a ship traveling from Mexico to Europe in the 1930s represent society at large in that era. The crew is German, including the ship's Dr. Schumann, who falls in love with one of the passengers, La Condesa. A young American woman, Jenny, is traveling with the man she loves, David. Jenny is fascinated and puzzled by just who some of the other passengers are.
(archive footage)
This insightful documentary features some of the major and most beautiful actresses to grace the silver screen. It shows how the movie industry changed its depiction of sex and actresses' portrayal of sex from the silent movie era to the present. Classic scenes are shown from the silent movie 'True Heart Susie,' starring Lillian Gish, to 'Love Me Tonight' (1932), blending sex and sophistication, starring Jeanette MacDonald (pre-Nelson Eddy), and to Elizabeth Taylor in 'A Place in the Sun' (1951), plus much , much more.
Madame Geneviève
Gerard, a young man from a "good family" dreams of becoming an actor. To do this, he follows everywhere his sister Frédérique who is infatuated with cinéma vérité.
Narrator (English version) (voice)
Candid interviews of ordinary people on the meaning of happiness, an often amorphous and inarticulable notion that evokes more basic and fundamentally egalitarian ideals of self-betterment, prosperity, tolerance, economic opportunity, and freedom.
Thérèse Dutheil
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
Two jerks are enlisted in the Italian army during W.W.1 and by pure luck manage to help win an important battle.
A schoolteacher plagued by alcoholism and his refusal to serve in World War II, Graham Weir inspires contempt in almost everyone around him, including his bitter wife, Anna. When the lovely young Shirley Taylor, one of Weir's students, falls for her unfortunate instructor, he is tempted and flattered but turns down her advances. Taylor's subsequent actions make Weir's life even more complicated.
Jenny de Lacour
Anthology of four love stories that have some historical basis.
Milan is an ex Formula One driver and now he lives with his wife Roberte in a small country town. But Milan is not satisfied, so Roberte encourages a love-story between Milan and Helene, a young woman. Milan can't decide and at last the tragedy comes. Then Milan returns to drive in Formula One.
When a brothel closes because of new laws, four of the prostitutes decide to go into business running a restaurant. They discover they cannot escape their past.
Alice Aisgill
영국의 황량한 공장 지대. 냉혹하고 잇속이 밝은 노동자 조 램튼(로렌스 하비 분)은 백만장자 도날드 울핏이 경영하는 노스 컨트리의 공장에서 일자리를 잡게 된다. 조 램튼은 밤 시간의 무료함을 달래기 위해 극장의 단원이 되고, 그곳에서 수잔이라는 순진한 소녀를 만나게 된다. 그런데 그녀가 자신이 다 니는 공장 사장의 딸이라는 사실을 알게 되고, 조 램튼은 그녀를 유혹해 반드시 성공하고 말겠다는 야심을 불태운다. 램튼은 그러면서도 다른 한편으로 같은 극단원인 프랑스의 유부녀(시몬 시뇨레 분)와 불륜의 관계에 빠 져든다. 램튼은 프랑스의 유부녀를 한낱 노리개 정도로 여기고 있었지만 유부녀는 수잔이 램튼의 아이를 임신했다는 사실을 알고 자살해버리고 만다. 영혼을 담보로 한 램튼의 야망은 성공할 수 있을까?
Elizabeth Proctor
Salem 1692. The young Abigail, seduced and abandoned by John Proctor, accuses John's wife of being a witch in revenge. A series of tragic trials soon befall Salem as fear and suspicion blur the lines of reality.
The tour of the French singer Yves Montand and actress Simone Signoret to the USSR in 1956.
An international anthology about the struggles of female workers around the world.
타락한 군부와 반란군이 대치하고 있으며 죄없는 무고한 사람들을 누명을 씌워 처단하는 일이 빈번한 혼란이 마을에 사는 캐스탄은 다이아몬드를 발견. 벙어리인 딸 마리아와 불란서로 떠나려하는데 술집작부인 지나를 좋아하게 되어 함께 가려한다. 마을의 유일한 신부인 로사라신부는 사실은 속이 검은 악당으로 한몫잡을 기회만을 노리고 있었는데 그러던중 캐스탄이 반란군에 의한 폭발사건의 범인으로 누명을 쓰고체포의 위기에 몰리자 지나와 마리아와 함께 첸코의 배로 마을을 탈출하 하는데 이 낌새를 눈치챈 로사라 신부도 숨어든다. 군부에 의해 대대적인 수색작업이 시작되고 일행은 배를 버리고 정글로 탈출하기 시작하는데.
Nicole Horner
자신의 아내인 크리스티나의 돈으로 구입한 기숙사 학교의 교장 노릇을 하고 있는 미셸 들라살은 아내에게 폭행과 모욕을 일삼는 잔혹하고 인색한 사람이다. 한때 수녀이기도 했던 여리고 착한 여자인 크리스티나는 그런 남편의 구박에 하루도 편할 날이 없다. 그러던 어느 날, 미셸의 정부이자 학교 선생인 니콜 오르네가 크리스티나를 찾아와 미셸을 함께 살해하자고 제안한다. 둘은 학기 중 쉬는 기간을 이용해 니콜의 고향으로 가 이혼하고 싶으니 돈을 돌려달라는 말로 미셸을 유인한다. 격분한 미셸이 달려오고, 두 여자는 독이 든 와인을 마시게 해 쓰러진 미셸을 욕조에 빠뜨려 익사시킨다. 그리고 미셸이 술에 취해 사고로 익사했다고 만들기 위해 학교로 돌아와 시체를 수영장에 던져버린다. 하지만 미셸의 시체는 떠오르지 않고, 크리스티나는 점점 불안과 공포에 시달리게 된다. 결국 크리스티나는 수영장의 물을 다 빼내고 시체를 확인하기로 한다. 그러나 시체는 감쪽같이 사라져 버리고 없다. 그때부터 미셸이 입고 있던 옷이 세탁소에서 배달되는 등 미셸이 살아있다고 믿어질 만한 이상한 사건들이 연속적으로 일어난다.
Thérèse Raquin
남편과 아는 사이인 트럭 운전수와의 운명적인 만남에 의해 조용하게 그러나 점차로 뜨겁게 타오르는 여인의 정열이 이윽고 남편의 사고라는 사건을 불러일으킨다. 전혀 표정이 없는 테레즈의 얼굴에 슬픔의 자국이 선명하게 남겨진다.
무대는 19세기 말의 파리. 교외에서 친구와 뱃놀이를 하던 메리는 카페에서 일하던 목수 망다에 매료되어 르카 일당인 애인 로랑 대신 그와 춤을 춘다. 결국 만다는 질투심에 불타는 롤랑과 술집에서 결투 끝에 그를 살해하고 마리와 함께 시골로 도망친다. 하지만 마리를 차지하려는 두목 르카의 밀고로 망다의 친구 레이몽이 살인 누명을 쓰게 되는데...
Isabelle Leritz
A few years ago, Isabelle Leritz, a famous pianist, suffered a fit of madness, in the middle of a concert. Now recovered, she fell in love with Jacques whom she plans to marry. She does not know that he is having an affair with Caroline, his sister, director of a fashion house.
Une journaliste au journal (uncredited)
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
Denise Vernon
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
Denise Vernon
Manhunt in Paris and as far as Belgium to catch an American gangster escaped from a police van.
Léocadie, la prostitutée
1900년의 빈. 이야기꾼의 해설에 의해 윤무처럼 돌아가는 가지각색 사랑의 모습이 묘사된다. 매춘부 리오카디는 젊은 군인 프란츠를 사랑하고 있다. 그녀는 그를 억지로 유혹하려고 하지만, 프란츠는 가련한 하녀 마리를 속여 순결을 빼앗는다. 하녀의 젊은 주인 알프레드는 바람둥이 소설가로 먼저 그녀를 상대로 연애방법을 시험해 본 후 상류층 유부녀 엠마를 유혹하는데 성공한다.
아르투르 슈니츨러의 희곡을 영화화.
A sailor on leave meets a beautiful girl on the ski slopes of Switzerland.
The life of a weak-willed man is thrust into a downward spiral by the scheming of his manipulative girlfriend and her mother.
Anne-Marie / Marianne
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Dédée, une entraîneuse soutenue par Marco
Dedee is a prostitute, working in Monsieur Rene's night club on Antwerp's harbour. The porter is Marco, her pimp. Dedee is not happy, until she meets Francesco, an italian sailorman. They fall in love and Dedee begins to dream about an escape of her daily dullness.
Michèle Denis
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.
The invincible bandit faces his daughter, courageous and honest, who wants to end his criminal activities. With a young journalist, her fiancé, she discovers his hideout.
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Lily, la cabaretière
A lieutenant, at the head of a commando ready to land in France, finds among his men a maquisard who had tried to kill him in the past.
Diavalo is the popular hero of French serials circa 1912. Diana is an actress who falls in love with Diavalo. Diavalo is forced to wear a series of disguises to elude the police so he can attend a Gala for the President.
Woman (uncredited)
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
In his will, the late Jérôme Armandy has expressed the wish to have all the surviving members of his family summoned to the Château de l'Etang, in Provence. Firmin, Jérôme's servant, asks Claude, a Montmartre artist, to organize the reunion, to find the sum of 17 million francs which is hidden there (as a child he had been told by Armandy where the hiding place was) and to divide the amount between the different heirs. But a series of odd facts occur: Claude is knocked unconscious as he is busy opening the hiding place door; one of the heirs gets killed; and even more astounding, the dead man reappears and... asks his money back!
La danseuse à la taverne
A devoted switchboard operator is the village guardian angel.
Liliane Moraccini
The belated and revolting passion of a famous surgeon for a young orphan whom he once took in. He goes so far as to dishonor her to prevent her marriage to a young man she loves, whom she will however end up marrying. The young girl herself is not without reproach; she has missed a mother's love: in this ordeal, she has no sense of feminine dignity.
Une étudiante (uncredited)
A young sculptor presides over the destinies of a student club where a miserable young girl ends up one evening. The treasurer of the association falls in love with the young girl who returns the favor. The war. The sculptor comes back blind. Out of gratitude, the young girl marries him and restores his confidence in his talent; out of discretion, the treasurer steps aside.
Gypsy (uncredited)
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
A young man comes back to his hometown to be confronted with a bourgeois obnoxious family who has always despised his -now dead - parents because they were music hall artists, "entertainers". But because he's the sole legatee of an uncle's fortune, his relatives become friendly with him.. at least for a while.
A kind and generous village noble, specializing in good works, actually leads a double existence and carries out dishonest activities.
Extra (uncredited)
At the end of the 15th century, two traveling minstrels Gilles and Dominique come to the castle of Baron Hugues. Gilles charms Anne, Hugues' daughter, while Dominique charms both Hugues and Anne's fiance. Gilles and Dominique are not really in love: they were sent by the Devil to test desperate people. But Anne is so pure that Gilles is caught in his own trap... How will they fight against the Devil?
Rosine, who spends her time as a model, has to deal with the advances of a disreputable young man.
Une employée de maison de couture
As her neighbor Rémi Courmont has told her off for making his ears bleed with Ravel's Bolero, a music piece she plays at full volume all the time, Anne-Marie decides to get even with him. She sets up a hoax with the complicity of her friend Catherine, who agrees to post as Remi's mistress to embarrass him. Just then, Niquette, Rémi's real lover, resurfaces.