Diana Cavallioti
출생 : 1986-05-19, Galati, Romania
Diana Cavallioti is a Romanian film and theater actress .She was born on May 19 1986 in Galati, Romania. She graduated from University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 2008. In 2006, she plays first role in the movie Inocenta furata. Other notable roles in Ana, mon amour (2017), Crossing Dates (2008) and Umbre (2014).
A meticulous ambulance driver working in poverty-stricken Bucharest, who takes part in an armed robbery together with three men he barely knows. As the robbery ends in disaster, Bogdan starts a thorough, almost compulsive investigation to dig up the true identities of his accomplices, but the more he discovers, the deeper he sinks into a spiral of fear and paranoia.
Inspired by a true story, the film presents a TV reporter's journalistic investigation into alleged American "flying prisons" in Romania. Through a combination of circumstances, following a mysterious File 631, Dinu (Iosif Paștina) discovers a leak from a NATO base in Romania.
The news event stirs, provokes, tempts various media, top politicians, services, both internal and external, causing both hilarious and absurd dramas in a black comedy.
The journalistic endeavour of the "newly" turned investigative reporter is a tough, not easy, test to preserve his professional dignity, but also his character, noting the duplicity, the moral volatility, the lack of measure of a world that relentlessly continues its course.
Liliana Calomfir
The destiny of the man who led the gendarme team after a LGBT film screening in Bucharest, revealed through an investigation by Liliana Calomfir, a young journalist known for her daring reporting.
Radu, 45, rich and single, manages his business with a strong, unwavering hand and no scruples. His competition is now leading a charge against him on the stock market, which prompts Radu to remember a childhood game of beer bottle caps, a game that required risk-taking, effort and skill. A heart attack and the news that he might need a heart transplant determines him to head to a remote place, where the Danube river meets the sea, a place of simple people and age-old customs.
대학생 아나와 토마는 첫눈에 사랑에 빠지고 뜨거운 격정으로 서로를 탐닉한다. 부모의 반대와 정신적 문제에도 서로에게 더 깊이 들어가고 미친 듯이 중독되는데… 지독한 격정에 빠져든다!
2차 세계 대전이 막바지로 향해 가던 어느날, 헝가리의 데브렌체에 살던 젊은 변호사 ‘손손’은 여자 레지스탕스인 ‘플로렌스’를 만나게 된 후 그녀를 도와 나치에 맞서게 된다. 그러던 중 나치의 유대인 학살 정책의 일환으로 데브렌체에 거주하는 모든 유대인들이 목숨을 잃게 될 위험천만의 상황에 빠지게 되며 그의 손에 시민들의 소중한 목숨이 달리게 되는 상황에 놓이게 되고, 그는 운명적으로 목숨을 건 전투에 참여하게 되는데…
Lovebirds Radu and Mădălina are taking a trip together to her parents'. On the way, they pick up a hitchhiker, who becomes their friend.
A man becomes lured into a fictional game his ex-girlfriend has initiated. Sexually ensnared by her, and now realizing the fragility of the border between the real and the imagined, he begins to unravel. He convinces himself that if he can only write an ending to his life story, he can regain control of his life. But playing with fiction is not an innocent game…
Crina (segment "The Legend of the Air Sellers")
화제의 루마니아 산 옴니버스 영화. 5명의 감독이 제각각 차우세스쿠 정권 말기의 별난 개인사들을 극화했다. 보통 사람들의 시선으로. 역설적 제목에서 암시되듯, 영화를 관류하는 주된 톤은 복고풍적 유머다. 영화는 억압과 고통의 시기에 루마니아 인들을 버티게 해줬던 으뜸 덕목이 그 유머였다는 사실을 확인시켜준다.
3 separate stories take place over two days. The characters' paths intersect, and they affect each-other unintentionally.
A young, and, as yet unsuccessful journalist is assigned to write an article about a teacher at his old school who is suspected of sexual misconduct. He approaches a former fellow-pupil for help. Their meeting has unexpected consequences.
Marinela Branciu
In her efforts to obtain accommodation and thus a residence permit in Austria, Marinela, an overburdened single Romanian mother, relies on her daughter Ilinca as a mediator and translator. The 8-year-old, however, has other plans.