Eteon Assistant
이상한 약물에 의해 강력한 파워를 얻게 된 아나키스트 브릭스턴 로어(이드리스 엘바)는 인류를 천천히, 그리고 영원히 다른 존재로 바꿔버릴 수 있는 생화학무기를 손에 넣고 자신은 진화형 인간이 된다. 그런데 데카드 쇼(제이슨 스타뎀)의 동생이자 M16 요원인 해티 쇼(바네사 커비)가 치명적인 병원균이 들어 있는 실린더를 브릭스턴의 손에서 훔쳐 달아난다. 양국으로부터 해티의 행방을 찾아달라는 명령을 받은 루크(드웨인 존슨)와 데카드는 유전자 조작으로 사실상 파괴 불가능한 존재가 되어버린 브릭스턴을 상대로 힘겨운 싸움도 이겨나가야 하는데...
Born to traditional Punjabi parents and growing up in Wolverhampton, Sathnam Sanghera moves to London after graduating from Cambridge University. Now in his late 20s he is planning to reveal to his family that he will defy expectations of an arranged marriage - but instead learns a painful family secret.
Every parent wants the best for their kids, and Shahzad is no exception. Ever since his wife died, he's been trying to keep his two kids Salma and Hassan on track. Salma is growing up quickly, and Shahzad wants to make sure she's set up with the right guy to settle down with It's a promise he made his wife, and part of what he considers his duty as a dad. But what does Salma want? Unbeknown to Shahzad, she's caught up in a whirlwind romance with charismatic charmer Imi. Salma knows Imi is not what her dad is expecting, but can she find a way to make everyone happy? A hard-hitting drama with a devastating finale, Murdered by My Father is a story about the power and the limits of love in communities where 'honour' means everything.