Reika Mizusawa
The “Amazon Livestock Project,” a mysterious care facility, the Amazon extermination organization 4C (Competitive Creatures Control Center) pursuing Haruka Misuzawa . . . all come together in a tale of symbiosis and competition; the mortal combat between the carnivore and herbivore. And, finally, an end to the troubles and conflicts of the Riders, two beings confronting a fierce fate.
Reika Mizusawa
Awakening is the first of two theatrical compilation movies that preceded the release of "Kamen Rider Amazons: The Last Judgement" feature film. Awakening compiles the events of Season 1, which follows a mysterious Amazon hunter named Jin Takayama, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha; the heavily-sheltered Haruka Mizusawa, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Omega; and the Nozama Pest Control Service, a small group of mercenaries contracted to hunt down the awakening Amazons.
Rakugo Eiga is a film featuring Japan's traditional art, 'rakugo' as its theme. It is a modern adaptation of three rakugo tales presented in three short films.
Emi Murata
Home-design sales representative Tomohiro lives with his wife and their son. As his job involves houses, it is his motto to take great care of the family who live in the house. However, he has been working so hard that he has forgotten to cherish his own family. When he looks after a client who wants to leave her father-in-law in a nursing home, it reminds him of his grandmother whom he loved so much. Father's death, grandmother's struggle with disease, and home care - those were grueling times, but the memories have become invaluable for Tomohiro. He realizes his family is the most precious thing of all. On a day off, he and his family decide to visit his mother who lives alone in their old hometown.
Tataraba Woman (voice)
북쪽의 끝, 에미시족의 마을에 어느 날 갑자기 재앙신이 나타나 마을을 위협한다. 이에 강한 힘을 소유한 에미시족의 후계자인 아시타카는 결투 끝에 포악해진 재앙신을 쓰러트리지만 싸움 도중 오른팔에 저주의 상처를 받고 죽어야 할 운명에 처하게 된다. 결국 재앙신의 탄생 원인을 밝혀 자신의 저주를 없애기 위해 서쪽으로 길을 떠난 아시카타는 여행 중에 지코라는 미스테리한 수도승을 만나 재앙 신이 생겨나게 된 이유가 서쪽 끝에 있는 시시신의 숲과 관련이 깊다는 이야기를 듣게 되고 한시 바삐 서쪽으로 향한다.
Yayoi Itami
돈을 너무 좋아해서 아예 은행원이 된 사키코는 어느 날 은행에 들이닥친 강도들에게 인질로 잡혀 산속으로 끌려간다. 그런데 운 좋게도 차 사고로 은행 강도들이 다 죽고 사키코 혼자만 살아남자 사키코는 은행을 그만 두고 돈 가방을 찾기 위해 새로운 삶에 뛰어든다. 돈을 찾고자 놀라운 끈기와 노력을 보여주는 사키코는 돈 가방이 버려진 산의 특성을 알기 위해 대학 지질학과에 들어가고, 각종 장비를 사고, 숲에서 버티기 위해 암벽 등반과 운전, 수영 등을 배우기까지 하는데...
Angsumalin, the beautiful daughter of a military leader, says good-bye to her friend Vanus, who is going to England to study. She won't promise to marry him, but will give him an answer when he returns. The Japanese invade, and circumstances bring Angsumalin together with Kobori, an idealistic Japanese captain, who is also related to a powerful Japanese general.
"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.