Björn Skifs
출생 : 1947-04-20, Vansbro, Dalarnas län, Sweden
Celebratory TV special for the 100th birthday of Swedish entertainer Povel Ramel with performances by many people who stood on stage with him
Documentary on the Swedish rocktour and concert Badrock.
Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs, but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite they hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina.
A congratulatory celebration of Povel Ramel's 70th birthday featuring a cavalcade of great Swedish performers.
Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.
Nicke Wallin
Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.
고등학교 화학 교사인 코니는 어느 날 갑자기 마약소지 혐의로 체포되어 감옥에 들어간다. 그는 누군가 자기집에 마약을 숨겨놓고 자신에게 혐의를 뒤집어 씌웠다고 토로하지만 아무도 믿어주지 않는다. 우연한 기회에 그는 자기가 일하던 세탁장 벽에 구멍이 뚫려 있어 하수구를 통해 회부로 나갈 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그는 같은 작업장 동료들에게 그 사실을 가르쳐준다. 동료들을 밖으로 탈출해 조폐 공사를 습격할 계획을 세운다. 그러나 코니의 고의적인 방해로 그 계획은 번번이 실패한다.
고등학교 화학 교사인 코니는 어느 날 갑자기 마약소지 혐의로 체포되어 감옥에 들어간다. 그는 누군가 자기집에 마약을 숨겨놓고 자신에게 혐의를 뒤집어 씌웠다고 토로하지만 아무도 믿어주지 않는다. 우연한 기회에 그는 자기가 일하던 세탁장 벽에 구멍이 뚫려 있어 하수구를 통해 회부로 나갈 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그는 같은 작업장 동료들에게 그 사실을 가르쳐준다. 동료들을 밖으로 탈출해 조폐 공사를 습격할 계획을 세운다. 그러나 코니의 고의적인 방해로 그 계획은 번번이 실패한다.
Axel Winkel
It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.
The film describes Olav life from his birth to his death at the Battle of Stiklestad in year 1030. All central place names and people 's actual , but otherwise there happens not fully consistent with the history book. An informal version of the saga of St. Olaf .
This farce cocerns Sweden's King Gustav (Per Oscarsson who plays all the lead roles). The royal monarchs of three major European countries are patiently or not-so-patiently hovering on the sidelines while watching the future King Gustav closely. No single king appears to possess the brains he was born with, so history seems to be made by default, as it were. Gustav does blunder around, but not enough to miss being crowned king. As a result, France, England, and Germany invade Sweden hoping to take by force what they could not gain by incompetence.
Short film commissioned by the Swedish Association of Civil Engineers.
Kloker, a.k.a. professorn
The evil stepmother forbids Snow White to sing. Snow White ends up with a pop band called the Seven Dwarfs.