Nicola Lipman

Nicola Lipman

프로필 사진

Nicola Lipman

참여 작품

Voice of Minister Desouza
Inspired by Nikolai Gogol’s 1836 play The Inspector General, Revisor is part risky satire, part choreographed lip-synch and all urgent warning of unchecked power. When a lowly government employee arrives in town to revise some legal documents, he is mistaken for a high-powered official and spoiled with attention.
Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder In D Minor
Helen Bauer
Jennifer wins the bid on a vintage self-playing piano at an estate auction. The piano was owned by the late Carl Deats and Jennifer discovers that this wealthy philanthropist has a dark history.
마스터즈 오브 호러 시즌 2 에피소드 8 - 계단을 오르는 여자
Nancy Bloom
무명의 작가들에게 첫 번째 책을 출간할 때까지 집세가 면제되는 아파트가 있다. 이 아파트에 새로 입주한 롭은 어느 날 아름답고 발가벗은 채 진흙으로 뒤덮인 발레리를 발견한 다. 그녀는 롭이 항상 꿈꿔왔던 여신일까, 아니면 그를 죽음으로 끌고 갈 사악한 괴물일 까?
Marion Bridge
When three estranged sisters reunite to care for their dying mother, old conflicts and secrets return to the surface.
Bailey's Mistake
"Bailey's Mistake" is the name of a cold, dreary island that a bitter widow finds herself stuck on. Seems Liz Donovan got cut out of her husband's will because he'd secretly spent all his money on a New England island. Kids in tow, Liz discovers spooky secrets while getting to know the eccentric natives.
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
Lorraine Peever
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
Madeleine Is...
A young Quebecois artist named Madeleine, who lives in Vancouver during the hippie counter revolution, is trying to find herself. She meets some interesting characters that help her through her journey.